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like the lily bloom in the tranquil mountain valley;
is so pure; so white; and so lofty;
and it gives off fragrance of joy
and love in springy breezes。
How reluctant I am to
wave goodbye to my past;
which is like sunlight on a stream。
But I know;
yesterday is a fading sunset;
and tomorrow is a faint sunrise。
Only today is there bright enough to love and live。
So I will seize the day and leave no room for ; generous; willing to help others and always a good listener。 It is Sara; Brenda and Aldo that guided me into the world of English movies and literature。 Now I still keep in touch with Aldo but regretfully lost contact with the other two。
This photo was taken on my departure from Zhanjiang before a cafè where we met with each other to have a random chat。 
 Try to be a wolf
 Tuesday; July 3; 2007
How time flies Now I have finished my junior high school and am going to bee a senior one student of the best high school in Guangdong。 When I think of that experience; I still feel that I did have a narrow escape; because the Olympic class entrance exam in Zhanjiang ; maybe I can just go to the ordinary classes。
These days I have been enjoying the precious free time。 It is mainly taken up by English because I want to make a huge progress in it。 Aldo; my oral English teacher; invited me to fly kites with him this Wednesday morning。 I really appreciate his kindness because with his help I can speak English much more fluently。
Yesterday’s talk with Aldo was quite wonderful。 He was patient enough to wait for me when I had difficulty in recalling some expressions。 Not every foreign teacher has such patience as he。 Take Mort for an example; it seems that he doesn’t know how to be a proper teacher; and for the whole class he keeps speaking and speaking。 He owns the ability of being a lecturer but I am not paying him to make a speech。 So having classes with Mort doesn’t help much with my oral English。 Maybe the only thing that profits me is that my listening ability improves a lot because he has a typical accent of central America which is hard to understand。
The entire thing I am doing is to prepare myself for the new challenges。 I will certainly meet in The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University(HSFZ)。 I recall that Zhang Ruiming;the chief of Hai’er Co。; once said a famous motto deeply carved in my mind; which is “The only way to dance with wolves is to bee a wolf at first。” He uses the motto to inspire the staff of Hai’er to overe the difficulty ahead when they pete with other international foreign panies。 I have found some fresh meaning inside his motto。 That is; since students in The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University are all “wolves” (they are so talented and capable); I have to turn into a “wolf”; too (I have to be intellect; too)。 
 Friends forever
 Wednesday; July 4; 2007
I was lost when Natalie asked me whether I could be cold enough to turn my back to all the friends; and the answer was: yes and no。 On one hand; I desperately want a better environment that can give me more opportunity; on the other hand; I really miss my lovely classmates。 
 Sean is a genius in our teachers’ eyes; for he not only is smart at math; physics; and chemistry but also has a broad knowledge of geography; history; and music。 Sean won the first prize in math Olympic petition for junior 3 when he was only a junior 1 student。 He sometimes debates with our history or geography teacher about problems that are not in cluded in our textbooks。 All of our teachers appreciate him very much。 By the way; he has finished learning math; physics; and chemistry of senior high school on his own。
Sean is smart; I am not only talking about his mind but also his appearance (smart can be used to describe boys that are handsome)。 When the news that Sean won three first prizes in math; physics; and chemistry Olympic petition had spread widely; a growing number of girls in ordinary classes began to flock to our class to see who Sean was。 Clare told me she had encountered several girls who asked her to show them who Sean was。
As she pointed Sean out for them; they let out a shout; looking excited。 I burst out laughing; “Then we should warn Sean of love potion” (Mistletoe bunches are used to decorate corridors in some western countries during Christmas and according to British tradition; boys can kiss girls underneath the mistletoe bunches。)
Sean had indeed registered to take part in the entrance exam of The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University on the 13th of May; but somehow he was absent on that day。 He is quite regretful now; I can tell。 
 Gavin may be the strangest figure in our class。 He disregards conventions without being deliberately setting out to draw attention to himself; yet his behavior wins him the love and respect of others; for he adds color to the dull routine of everyday life。
He is another prince of math who has the same level as Sean。 Whenever you have math or chemistry problems; just e to him; and you will surely get a satisfying answer you may not be able to get from the teachers。 Gavin shows great intere
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