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the antiquities of the jews-1-第1章

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The Antiquities of the Jews (1)

by Flavius Josephus

Translated by William Whiston


1。 Those who undertake to write histories; do not; I perceive;
take that trouble on one and the same account; but for many
reasons; and those such as are very different one from another。
For some of them apply themselves to this part of learning to
show their skill in composition; and that they may therein
acquire a reputation for speaking finely: others of them there
are; who write histories in order to gratify those that happen to
be concerned in them; and on that account have spared no pains;
but rather gone beyond their own abilities in the performance:
but others there are; who; of necessity and by force; are driven
to write history; because they are concerned in the facts; and so
cannot excuse themselves from committing them to writing; for the
advantage of posterity; nay; there are not a few who are induced
to draw their historical facts out of darkness into light; and to
produce them for the benefit of the public; on account of the
great importance of the facts themselves with which they have
been concerned。 Now of these several reasons for writing history;
I must profess the two last were my own reasons also; for since I
was myself interested in that war which we Jews had with the
Romans; and knew myself its particular actions; and what
conclusion it had; I was forced to give the history of it;
because I saw that others perverted the truth of those actions in
their writings。

2。 Now I have undertaken the present work; as thinking it will
appear to all the Greeks (2) worthy of their study; for it will
contain all our antiquities; and the constitution of our
government; as interpreted out of the Hebrew Scriptures。 And
indeed I did formerly intend; when I wrote of the war; (3) to
explain who the Jews originally were; … what fortunes they had
been subject to; … and by what legislature they had been
instructed in piety; and the exercise of other virtues; … what
wars also they had made in remote ages; till they were
unwillingly engaged in this last with the Romans: but because
this work would take up a great compass; I separated it into a
set treatise by itself; with a beginning of its own; and its own
conclusion; but in process of time; as usually happens to such as
undertake great things; I grew weary and went on slowly; it being
a large subject; and a difficult thing to translate our history
into a foreign; and to us unaccustomed language。 However; some
persons there were who desired to know our history; and so
exhorted me to go on with it; and; above all the rest;
Epaphroditus; (4) a man who is a lover of all kind of learning;
but is principally delighted with the knowledge of history; and
this on account of his having been himself concerned in great
affairs; and many turns of fortune; and having shown a wonderful
rigor of an excellent nature; and an immovable virtuous
resolution in them all。 I yielded to this man's persuasions; who
always excites such as have abilities in what is useful and
acceptable; to join their endeavors with his。 I was also ashamed
myself to permit any laziness of disposition to have a greater
influence upon me; than the delight of taking pains in such
studies as were very useful: I thereupon stirred up myself; and
went on with my work more cheerfully。 Besides the foregoing
motives; I had others which I greatly reflected on; and these
were; that our forefathers were willing to communicate such
things to others; and that some of the Greeks took considerable
pains to know the affairs of our nation。

3。 I found; therefore; that the second of the Ptolemies was a
king who was extraordinarily diligent in what concerned learning;
and the collection of books; that he was also peculiarly
ambitious to procure a translation of our law; and of the
constitution of our government therein contained; into the Greek
tongue。 Now Eleazar the high priest; one not inferior to any
other of that dignity among us; did not envy the forenamed king
the participation of that advantage; which otherwise he would for
certain have denied him; but that he knew the custom of our
nation was; to hinder nothing of what we esteemed ourselves from
being communicated to others。 Accordingly; I thought it became me
both to imitate the generosity of our high priest; and to suppose
there might even now be many lovers of learning like the king;
for he did not obtain all our writings at that time; but those
who were sent to Alexandria as interpreters; gave him only the
books of the law; while there were a vast number of other matters
in our sacred books。 They; indeed; contain in them the history of
five thousand years; in which time happened many strange
accidents; many chances of war; and great actions of the
commanders; and mutations of the form of our government。 Upon the
whole; a man that will peruse this history; may principally learn
from it; that all events succeed well; even to an incredible
degree; and the reward of felicity is proposed by God; but then
it is to those that follow his will; and do not venture to break
his excellent laws: and that so far as men any way apostatize
from the accurate observation of them; what was practical before
becomes impracticable (5) and whatsoever they set about as a good
thing; is converted into an incurable calamity。 And now I exhort
all those that peruse these books; to apply their minds to God;
and to examine the mind of our legislator; whether he hath not
understood his nature in a manner worthy of him; and hath not
ever ascribed to him such operations as become his power; and
hath not preserved his writings from those indecent fables which
others have framed; although; by the great distance of time when
he lived; he might have securely forged such lies; for he lived
two thousand years ago; at which vast distance of ages the poets
themselves have not been so hardy as to fix even the generations
of their gods; much less the actions of their men; or their own
laws。 As I proceed; therefore; I shall accurately describe what
is contained in our records; in the order of time that belongs to
them; for I have already promised so to do throughout this
undertaking; and this without adding any thing to what is therein
contained; or taking away any thing therefrom。

4。 But because almost all our constitution depends on the wisdom
of Moses; our legislator; I cannot avoid saying somewhat
concerning him beforehand; though I shall do it briefly; I mean;
because otherwise those that read my book may wonder how it comes
to pass; that my discourse; which promises an account of laws and
historical facts; contains so much of philosophy。 The reader is
therefore to know; that Moses deemed it exceeding necessary; that
he who would conduct his own life well; and give laws to others;
in the first place should consider the Divine nature; and; upon
the contemplation of God's operations; should thereby imitate the
best of all patterns; so far as it is possible for human nature
to do; and to endeavor to follow after it: neither could the
legislator himself have a right mind without such a
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