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the antiquities of the jews-1-第103章

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who; when he saw him coming all alone; and neither a friend nor a
servant with him; he wondered at it; and desired to learn of him
the cause why there was nobody with him。 To which David answered;
That the king had commanded him to do a certain thing that was to
be kept secret; to which; if he had a mind to know so much; he
had no occasion for any one to accompany him; 〃however; I have
ordered my servants to meet me at such and such a place。〃 So he
desired him to let him have somewhat to eat; and that in case he
would supply him; be would act the part of a friend; and be
assisting to the business he was now about: and when he had
obtained what he desired; he also asked him whether he had any
weapons with him; either sword or spear。 Now there was at Nob a
servant of Saul; by birth a Syrian; whose name was Doeg; one that
kept the king's mules。 The high priest said that he had no such
weapons; but; he added; 〃Here is the sword of Goliath; which;
when thou hadst slain the Philistine; thou didst dedicate to

2。 When David had received the sword; he fled out of the country
of the Hebrews into that of the Philistines; over which Achish
reigned; and when the king's servants knew him; and he was made
known to the king himself; the servants informing him that he was
that David who had killed many ten thousands of the Philistines;
David was afraid lest the king should put him to death; and that
he should experience that danger from him which he had escaped
from Saul; so he pretended to be distracted and mad; so that his
spittle ran out of his mouth; and he did other the like actions
before the king of Gath; which might make him believe that they
proceeded from such a distemper。 Accordingly the king was very
angry at his servants that they had brought him a madman; and he
gave orders that they should eject David immediately 'out of the

3。 So when David had escaped in this manner out of Gath; he came
to the tribe of Judah; and abode in a cave by the city of
Adullam。 Then it was that he sent to his brethren; and informed
them where he was; who then came to him with all their kindred;
and as many others as were either in want or in fear of king
Saul; came and made a body together; and told him they were ready
to obey his orders; they were in all about four hundred。
Whereupon he took courage; now such a force and assistance was
come to him; so he removed thence and came to the king of the
Moabites; and desired him to entertain his parents in his
country; while the issue of his affairs were in such an uncertain
condition。 The king granted him this favor; and paid great
respect to David's parents all the time they were with him。

4。 As for himself; upon the prophet's commanding him to leave the
desert; and to go into the portion of the tribe of Judah; and
abide there; he complied therewith; and coming to the city
Hareth; which was in that tribe; he remained there。 Now when Saul
heard that David had been seen with a multitude about him; he
fell into no small disturbance and trouble; but as he knew that
David was a bold and courageous man; he suspected that somewhat
extraordinary would appear from him; and that openly also; which
would make him weep and put him into distress; so he called
together to him his friends; and his commanders; and the tribe
from which he was himself derived; to the hill where his palace
was; and sitting upon a place called Aroura; his courtiers that
were in dignities; and the guards of his body; being with him; he
spake thus to them: … 〃You that are men of my own tribe; I
conclude that you remember the benefits that I have bestowed upon
you; and that I have made some of you owners of land; and made
you commanders; and bestowed posts of honor upon you; and set
some of you over the common people; and others over the soldiers;
I ask you; therefore; whether you expect greater and more
donations from the son of Jesse? for I know that you are all
inclinable to him; (even my own son Jonathan himself is of that
opinion; and persuades you to be of the same); for I am not
unacquainted with the oaths and the covenants that are between
him and David; and that Jonathan is a counselor and an assistant
to those that conspire against me; and none of you are concerned
about these things; but you keep silence and watch; to see what
will be the upshot of these things。〃 When the king had made this
speech; not one of the rest of those that were present made any
answer; but Doeg the Syrian; who fed his mules; said; that he saw
David when he came to the city Nob to Ahimelech the high priest;
and that he learned future events by his prophesying; that he
received food from him; and the sword of Goliath; and was
conducted by him with security to such as he desired to go to。

5。 Saul therefore sent for the high priest; and for all his
kindred; and said to them; 〃What terrible or ungrateful tiring
hast thou suffered from me; that thou hast received the son of
Jesse; and hast bestowed on him both food and weapons; when he
was contriving to get the kingdom? And further; why didst thou
deliver oracles to him concerning futurities? For thou couldst
not be unacquainted that he was fled away from me; and that he
hated my family。〃 But the high priest did not betake himself to
deny what he had done; but confessed boldly that he had supplied
him with these things; not to gratify David; but Saul himself:
and he said; 〃I did not know that he was thy adversary; but a
servant of thine; who was very faithful to thee; and a captain
over a thousand of thy soldiers; and; what is more than these;
thy son…in…law; and kinsman。 Men do not choose to confer such
favors on their adversaries; but on those who are esteemed to
bear the highest good…will and respect to them。 Nor is this the
first time that I prophesied for him; but I have done it often;
and at other times as well as now。 And when he told me that he
was sent by thee in great haste to do somewhat; if I had
furnished him with nothing that he desired I should have thought
that it was rather in contradiction to thee than to him;
wherefore do not thou entertain any ill opinion of me; nor do
thou have a suspicion of what I then thought an act of humanity;
from what is now told thee of David's attempts against thee; for
I did then to him as to thy friend and son…in…law; and captain of
a thousand; and not as to thine adversary。〃

6。 When the high priest had spoken thus; he did not persuade
Saul; his fear was so prevalent; that he could not give credit to
an apology that was very just。 So he commanded his armed men that
stood about him to kill him; and all his kindred; but as they
durst not touch the high priest; but were more afraid of
disobeying God than the king; he ordered Doeg the Syrian to kill
them。 Accordingly; he took to his assistance such wicked men as
were like himself; and slew Ahimelech and all his family; who
were in all three hundred and eighty…five。 Saul also sent to Nob;
(21) the city of the priests; and slew all that were there;
without sparing either women or children; or any other age; and
burnt it; only there was one son of Ahimelech; whose name was
Abiathar; who escap
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