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the antiquities of the jews-1-第11章

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perceived。 This they did; that human kind might not utterly fail:
and they bare sons; the son of the elder was named Moab; Which
denotes one derived from his father; the younger bare Ammon;
which name denotes one derived from a kinsman。 The former of whom
was the father of the Moabites; which is even still a great
nation; the latter was the father of the Ammonites; and both of
them are inhabitants of Celesyria。 And such was the departure of
Lot from among the Sodomites。


Concerning Abimelech; And Concerning Ismael The Son Of Abraham;
And Concerning The Arabians; Who Were His Posterity。

1。 Abraham now removed to Gerar of Palestine; leading Sarah along
with him; under the notion of his sister; using the like
dissimulation that he had used before; and this out of fear: for
he was afraid of Abimelech; the king of that country; who did
also himself fall in love with Sarah; and was disposed to corrupt
her; but he was restrained from satisfying his lust by a
dangerous distemper which befell him from God。 Now when his
physicians despaired of curing him; he fell asleep; and saw a
dream; warning him not to abuse the stranger's wife; and when he
recovered; he told his friends that God had inflicted that
disease upon him; by way of punishment; for his injury to the
stranger; and in order to preserve the chastity of his wife; for
that she did not accompany him as his sister; but as his
legitimate wife; and that God had promised to be gracious to him
for the time to come; if this person be once secure of his wife's
chastity。 When he had said this; by the advice of his friends; he
sent for Abraham; and bid him not to be concerned about his wife;
or fear the corruption of her chastity; for that God took care of
him; and that it was by his providence that he received his wife
again; without her suffering any abuse。 And he appealed to God;
and to his wife's conscience; and said that he had not any
inclination at first to enjoy her; if he had known she was his
wife; but since; said he; thou leddest her about as thy sister; I
was guilty of no offense。 He also entreated him to be at peace
with him; and to make God propitious to him; and that if he
thought fit to continue with him; he should have what he wanted
in abundance; but that if he designed to go away; he should be
honorably conducted; and have whatsoever supply he wanted when he
came thither。 Upon his saying this; Abraham told him that his
pretense of kindred to his wife was no lie; because she was his
brother's daughter; and that he did not think himself safe in his
travels abroad; without this sort of dissimulation; and that he
was not the cause of his distemper; but was only solicitous for
his own safety: he said also; that he was ready to stay with him。
Whereupon Abimelech assigned him land and money; and they
coventanted to live together without guile; and took an oath at a
certain well called Beersheba; which may be interpreted; The Well
of the Oath: and so it is named by the people of the country unto
this day。

2。 Now in a little time Abraham had a son by Sarah; as God had
foretold to him; whom he named Isaac; which signifies Laughter。
And indeed they so called him; because Sarah laughed when God
(25) said that she should bear a son; she not expecting such a
thing; as being past the age of child…bearing; for she was ninety
years old; and Abraham a hundred; so that this son was born to
them both in the last year of each of those decimal numbers。 And
they circumcised him upon the eighth day and from that time the
Jews continue the custom of circumcising their sons within that
number of days。 But as for the Arabians; they circumcise after
the thirteenth year; because Ismael; the founder of their nation;
who was born to Abraham of the concubine; was circumcised at that
age; concerning whom I will presently give a particular account;
with great exactness。

3。 As for Sarah; she at first loved Ismael; who was born of her
own handmaid Hagar; with an affection not inferior to that of her
own son; for he was brought up in order to succeed in the
government; but when she herself had borne Isaac; she was not
willing that Ismael should be brought up with him; as being too
old for him; and able to do him injuries when their father should
be dead; she therefore persuaded Abraham to send him and his
mother to some distant country。 Now; at the first; he did not
agree to what Sarah was so zealous for; and thought it an
instance of the greatest barbarity; to send away a young child
(26) and a woman unprovided of necessaries; but at length he
agreed to it; because God was pleased with what Sarah had
determined: so he delivered Ismael to his mother; as not yet able
to go by himself; and commanded her to take a bottle of water;
and a loaf of bread; and so to depart; and to take Necessity for
her guide。 But as soon as her necessary provisions failed; she
found herself in an evil case; and when the water was almost
spent; she laid the young child; who was ready to expire; under a
fig…tree; and went on further; that so he might die while she was
absent。 But a Divine Angel came to her; and told her of a
fountain hard by; and bid her take care; and bring up the child;
because she should be very happy by the preservation of Ismael。
She then took courage; upon the prospect of what was promised
her; and; meeting with some shepherds; by their care she got
clear of the distresses she had been in。

4。 When the lad was grown up; he married a wife; by birth an
Egyptian; from whence the mother was herself derived originally。
Of this wife were born to Ismael twelve sons; Nabaioth; Kedar;
Abdeel; Mabsam; Idumas; Masmaos; Masaos; Chodad; Theman; Jetur;
Naphesus; Cadmas。 These inhabited all the country from Euphrates
to the Red Sea; and called it Nabatene。 They are an Arabian
nation; and name their tribes from these; both because of their
own virtue; and because of the dignity of Abraham their father。


Concerning Isaac The Legitimate Son Of Abraham。

1。 Now Abraham greatly loved Isaac; as being his only begotten
(27) and given to him at the borders of old age; by the favor of
God。 The child also endeared himself to his parents still more;
by the exercise of every virtue; and adhering to his duty to his
parents; and being zealous in the worship of God。 Abraham also
placed his own happiness in this prospect; that; when he should
die; he should leave this his son in a safe and secure condition;
which accordingly he obtained by the will of God: who being
desirous to make an experiment of Abraham's religious disposition
towards himself; appeared to him; and enumerated all the
blessings he had bestowed on him; how he had made him superior to
his enemies; and that his son Isaac; who was the principal part
of his present happiness; was derived from him; and he said that
he required this son of his as a sacrifice and holy oblation。
Accordingly he commanded him to carry him to the mountain Moriah;
and to build an altar; and offer him for a burnt…offering upon it
for that this would best manifest his religious disposition
towards him; if he preferred what was pleasing to God; before the
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