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the antiquities of the jews-1-第128章

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and spoiled their dead bodies。 The third was Sheba; the son of
Ilus。 Now this man; when; in the wars against the Philistines;
they pitched their camp at a place called Lehi; and when the
Hebrews were again afraid of their army; and did not stay; he
stood still alone; as an army and a body of men; and some of them
he overthrew; and some who were not able to abide his strength
and force he pursued。 These are the works of the hands; and of
fighting; which these three performed。 Now at the time when the
king was once at Jerusalem; and the army of the Philistines came
upon him to fight him; David went up to the top of the citadel;
as we have already said; to inquire of God concerning the battle;
while the enemy's camp lay in the valley that extends to the city
Bethlehem; which is twenty furlongs distant from Jerusalem。 Now
David said to his companions; 〃We have excellent water in my own
city; especially that which is in the pit near the gate;〃
wondering if any one would bring him some of it to drink; but he
said that he would rather have it than a great deal of money。
When these three men heard what he said; they ran away
immediately; and burst through the midst of their enemy's camp;
and came to Bethlehem; and when they had drawn the water; they
returned again through the enemy's camp to the king; insomuch
that the Philistines were so surprised at their boldness and
alacrity; that they were quiet; and did nothing against them; as
if they despised their small number。 But when the water was
brought to the king; he would not drink it; saying; that it was
brought by the danger and the blood of men; and that it was not
proper on that account to drink it。 But he poured it out to God;
and gave him thanks for the salvation of the men。 Next to these
was Abishai; Joab's brother; for he in one day slew six hundred。
The fifth of these was Benaiah; by lineage a priest; for being
challenged by 'two' eminent men in the country of Moab; he
overcame them by his valor; Moreover; there was a man; by nation
an Egyptian; who was of a vast bulk; and challenged him; yet did
he; when he was unarmed; kill him with his own spear; which he
threw at him; for he caught him by force; and took away his
weapons while he was alive and fighting; and slew him with his
own weapons。 One may also add this to the forementioned actions
of the same man; either as the principal of them in alacrity; or
as resembling the rest。 When God sent a snow; there was a lion
who slipped and fell into a certain pit; and because the pit's
mouth was narrow it was evident he would perish; being enclosed
with the snow; so when he saw no way to get out and save himself;
he roared。 When Benaiah heard the wild beast; he went towards
him; and coming at the noise he made; he went down into the mouth
of the pit and smote him; as he struggled; with a stake that lay
there; and immediately slew him。 The other thirty…three were like
these in valor also。


That When David Had Numbered the People; They Were Punished; and
How the Divine Compassion Restrained That Punishment。

1。 Now king David was desirous to know how many ten thousands
there were of the people; but forgot the commands of Moses; (23)
who told them beforehand; that if the multitude were numbered;
they should pay half a shekel to God for every head。 Accordingly
the king commanded Joab; the captain of his host; to go and
number the whole multitude; but when he said there was no
necessity for such a numeration; he was not persuaded 'to
countermand it'; but he enjoined him to make no delay; but to go
about the numbering of the Hebrews immediately。 So Joab took with
him the heads of the tribes; and the scribes; and went over the
country of the Israelites; and took notice how numerous the
multitude were; and returned to Jerusalem to the king; after nine
months and twenty days; and he gave in to the king the number of
the people; without the tribe of Benjamin; for he had not yet
numbered that tribe; no more than the tribe of Levi; for the king
repented of his having sinned against God。 Now the number of the
rest of the Israelites was nine hundred thousand men; who were
able to bear arms and go to war; but the tribe of Judah; by
itself; was four hundred thousand men。

2。 Now when the prophets had signified to David that God was
angry at him; he began to entreat him; and to desire he would be
merciful to him; and forgive his sin。 But God sent Nathan the
prophet to him; to propose to him the election of three things;
that he might choose which he liked best: Whether he would have
famine come upon the country for seven years; or would have a
war; and be subdued three months by his enemies? or; whether God
should send a pestilence and a distemper upon the Hebrews for
three days? But as he was fallen to a fatal choice of great
miseries; he was in trouble; and sorely confounded; and when the
prophet had said that he must of necessity make his choice; and
had ordered him to answer quickly; that he might declare what he
had chosen to God; the king reasoned with himself; that in case
he should ask for famine; he would appear to do it for others;
and without danger to himself; since he had a great deal of corn
hoarded up; but to the harm of others; that in case he should
choose to be overcome 'by his enemies' for three months; he would
appear to have chosen war; because he had valiant men about him;
and strong holds; and that therefore he feared nothing therefrom:
so he chose that affliction which is common to kings and to their
subjects; and in which the fear was equal on all sides; and said
this beforehand; that it was much better to fall into the hands
of God; than into those of his enemies。

3。 When the prophet had heard this; he declared it to God; who
thereupon sent a pestilence and a mortality upon the Hebrews; nor
did they die after one and the same manner; nor so that it was
easy to know what the distemper was。 Now the miserable disease
was one indeed; but it carried them off by ten thousand causes
and occasions; which those that were afflicted could not
understand; for one died upon the neck of another; and the
terrible malady seized them before they were aware; and brought
them to their end suddenly; some giving up the ghost immediately
with very great pains and bitter grief; and some were worn away
by their distempers; and had nothing remaining to be buried; but
as soon as ever they fell were entirely macerated; some were
choked; and greatly lamented their case; as being also stricken
with a sudden darkness; some there were who; as they were burying
a relation; fell down dead; without finishing the rites of the
funeral。 Now there perished of this disease; which began with the
morning; and lasted till the hour of dinner; seventy thousand。
Nay; the angel stretched out his hand over Jerusalem; as sending
this terrible judgment upon it。 But David had put on sackcloth;
and lay upon the ground; entreating God; and begging that the
distemper might now cease; and that he would be satisfied with
those that had already perished。 And when the king looked up into
the air; and saw the angel carried along thereby into Jerusalem;
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