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the antiquities of the jews-1-第163章

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soldiers as he knew to be most faithful to him; and bid them slay
the prophets; and now vindicate the laws of their country; which
had been a long time in disesteem。 He also threatened; that if
any one of them escaped; their own lives should go for them。 So
they slew them all with the sword; and burnt the house of Baal;
and by that means purged Samaria of foreign customs 'idolatrous
worship'。 Now this Baal was the god of the Tyrians; and Ahab; in
order to gratify his father…in…law; Ethbaal; who was the king of
Tyre and Sidon; built a temple for him in Samaria; and appointed
him prophets; and worshipped him with all sorts of worship;
although; when this god was demolished; Jehu permitted the
Israelites to worship the golden heifers。 However; because he had
done thus; and taken care to punish the wicked; God foretold by
his prophet that his 。sons should reign over Israel for four
generations。 And in this condition was Jehu at this time。


How Athaliah Reigned Over Jerusalem For Five 'Six' Years When
Jehoiada The High Priest Slew Her And Made Jehoash; The Son Of
Ahaziah; King。

1。 Now when Athaliah; the daughter of Ahab; heard of the death of
her brother Joram; and of her son Ahaziah; and of the royal
family; she endeavored that none of the house of David might be
left alive; but that the whole family might be exterminated; that
no king might arise out of it afterward; and; as she thought; she
had actually done it; but one of Ahaziah's sons was preserved;
who escaped death after the manner following: Ahaziah had a
sister by the same father; whose name was Jehosheba; and she was
married to the high priest Jehoiada。 She went into the king's
palace; and found Jehoash; for that was the little child's name;
who was not above a year old; among those that were slain; but
concealed with his nurse; so she took him with her into a secret
bed…chamber; and shut him up there; and she and her husband
Jehoiada brought him up privately in the temple six years; during
which time Athaliah reigned over Jerusalem and the two tribes。

2。 Now; on the Seventh year; Jehoiada communicated the matter to
certain of the captains of hundreds; five in number; and
persuaded them to be assisting to what attempts he was making
against Athaliah; and to join with him in asserting the kingdom
to the child。 He also received such oaths from them as are proper
to secure those that assist one another from the fear of
discovery; and he was then of good hope that they should depose
Athaliah。 Now those men whom Jehoiada the priest had taken to be
his partners went into all the country; and gathered together the
priests and the Levites; and the heads of the tribes out of it;
and came and brought them to Jerusalem to the high priest。 So he
demanded the security of an oath of them; to keep private
whatsoever he should discover to them; which required both their
silence and their assistance。 So when they had taken the oath;
and had thereby made it safe for him to speak; he produced the
child that he had brought up of the family of David; and said to
them; 〃This is your king; of that house which you know God hath
foretold should reign over you for all time to come。 I exhort you
therefore that one…third part of you guard him in the temple; and
that a fourth part keep watch at all the gates of the temple; and
that the next part of you keep guard at the gate which opens and
leads to the king's palace; and let the rest of the multitude be
unarmed in the temple; and let no armed person go into the
temple; but the priest only。〃 He also gave them this order
besides; 〃That a part of the priests and the Levites should be
about the king himself; and be a guard to him; with their drawn
swords; and to kill that man immediately; whoever he be; that
should be so bold as to enter armed into the temple; and bid them
be afraid of nobody; but persevere in guarding the king。〃 So
these men obeyed what the high priest advised them to; and
declared the reality of their resolution by their actions。
Jehoiada also opened that armory which David had made in the
temple; and distributed to the captains of hundreds; as also to
the priests and Levites; all the spears and quivers; and what
kind of weapons soever it contained; and set them armed in a
circle round about the temple; so as to touch one another's
hands; and by that means excluding those from entering that ought
not to enter。 So they brought the child into the midst of them;
and put on him the royal crown; and Jehoiada anointed him with
the oil; and made him king; and the multitude rejoiced; and made
a noise; and cried; 〃God save the king!〃

3。 When Athaliah unexpectedly heard the tumult and the
acclamations; she was greatly disturbed in her mind; and suddenly
issued out of the royal palace with her own army; and when she
was come to the temple; the。 priests received her; but as for
those that stood round about the temple; as they were ordered by
the high priest to do; they hindered the armed inert that
followed her from going in。 But when Athaliah saw the child
standing upon a pillar; with the royal crown upon his head; she
rent her clothes; and cried out vehemently; and commanded 'her
guards' to kill him that had laid snares for her; and endeavored
to deprive her of the government。 But Jehoiada called for the
captains of hundreds; and commanded them to bring Athaliah to the
valley of Cedron; and slay her there; for he would not have the
temple defiled with the punishments of this pernicious woman; and
he gave order; that if any one came near to help her; he should
be slain also; wherefore those that had the charge of her
slaughter took hold of her; and led her to the gate of the king's
mules; arid slew her there。

4。 Now as soon as what concerned Athaliah was by this stratagem;
after this manner; despatched; Jehoiada called together the
people and the armed men into the temple; and made them take an
oath that they would be obedient to the king; and take care of
his safety; and of the safety of his government; after which he
obliged the king to give security 'upon oath' that he would
worship God; and not transgress the laws of Moses。 They then ran
to the house of Baal; which Athaliah and her husband Jehoram had
built; to the dishonor of the God of their fathers; and to the
honor of Ahab; and demolished it; and slew Mattan; that had his
priesthood。 But Jehoiada intrusted the care and custody of the
temple to the priests and Levites; according to the appointment
of king David; and enjoined them to bring their regular
burnt…offerings twice a day; and to offer incense according to
the law。 He also ordained some of the Levites; with the porters;
to be a guard to the temple; that no one that was defiled might
come there。

5。 And when Jehoiada had set these things in order; he; with the
captains of hundreds; and the rulers; and all the people; took
Jehoash out of the temple into the king's palace; and when he had
set him upon the king's throne; the people shouted for joy; and
betook themselves to feasting; and kept a festival for many days;
but the city was quiet upon the death of Athaliah。 Now Jehoash
was seven years old 
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