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the antiquities of the jews-1-第193章

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gave him an epistle to be carried to Adeus; the governor of
Syria; and Phoenicia; and Samaria; wherein he sent to him to pay
due honor to Nehemiah; and to supply him with what he wanted for
his building。

7。 Now when he was come to Babylon; and had taken with him many
of his countrymen; who voluntarily followed him; he came to
Jerusalem in the twenty and fifth year of the reign of Xerxes。
And when he had shown the epistles to God (13) he gave them to
Adeus; and to the other governors。 He also called together all
the people to Jerusalem; and stood in the midst of the temple;
and made the following speech to them: 〃You know; O Jews; that
God hath kept our fathers; Abraham; and Isaac; and Jacob; in mind
continually; and for the sake of their righteousness hath not
left off the care of you。 Indeed he hath assisted me in gaining
this authority of the king to raise up our wall; and finish what
is wanting of the temple。 I desire you; therefore who well know
the ill…will our neighboring nations bear to us; and that when
once they are made sensible that we are in earnest about
building; they will come upon us; and contrive many ways of
obstructing our works; that you will; in the first place; put
your trust in God; as in him that will assist us against their
hatred; and to intermit building neither night nor day; but to
use all diligence; and to hasten on the work; now we have this
especial opportunity for it。〃 When he had said this; he gave
order that the rulers should measure the wall; and part the work
of it among the people; according to their villages and cities;
as every one's ability should require。 And when he had added this
promise; that he himself; with his servants; would assist them;
he dissolved the assembly。 So the Jews prepared for the work:
that is the name they are called by from the day that they came
up from Babylon; which is taken from the tribe of Judah;。 which
came first to these places; and thence both they and the country
gained that appellation。

8。 But now when the Ammonites; and Moabites; and Samaritans; and
all that inhabited Celesyria; heard that the building went on
apace; they took it heinously; and proceeded to lay snares for
them; and to hinder their intentions。 They also slew many of the
Jews; and sought how they might destroy Nehemiah himself; by
hiring some of the foreigners to kill him。 They also put the Jews
in fear; and disturbed them; and spread abroad rumors; as if many
nations were ready to make an expedition against them; by which
means they were harassed; and had almost left off the building。
But none of these things could deter Nehemiah from being diligent
about the work; he only set a number of men about him as a guard
to his body; and so unweariedly persevered therein; and was
insensible of any trouble; out of his desire to perfect this
work。 And thus did he attentively; and with great forecast; take
care of his own safety; not that he feared death; but of this
persuasion; that if he were dead; the walls for his citizens
would never be raised。 He also gave orders that the builders
should keep their ranks; and have their armor on while they were
building。 Accordingly; the mason had his sword on; as well as he
that brought the materials for building。 He also appointed that
their shields should lie very near them; and he placed trumpeters
at every five hundred feet; and charged them; that if their
enemies appeared; they should give notice of it to the people;
that they might fight in their armor; and their enemies might not
fall upon them naked。 He also went about the compass of the city
by night; being never discouraged; neither about the work itself;
nor about his own diet and sleep; for he made no use of those
things for his pleasure; but out of necessity。 And this trouble
he underwent for two years and four months; (14) for in so long a
time was the wall built; in the twenty…eighth year of the reign
of Xerxes; in the ninth month。 Now when the walls were finished;
Nehemiah and the multitude offered sacrifices to God for the
building of them; and they continued in feasting eight days。
However; when the nations which dwelt in Syria heard that the
building of the wall was finished; they had indignation at it。
But when Nehemiah saw that the city was thin of people; he
exhorted the priests and the Levites that they would leave the
country; and remove themselves to the city; and there continue;
and he built them houses at his own expenses; and he commanded
that part of the people which were employed in cultivating the
land to bring the tithes of their fruits to Jerusalem; that the
priests and Levites having whereof they might live perpetually;
might not leave the Divine worship; who willingly hearkened to
the constitutions of Nehemiah; by which means the city Jerusalem
came to be fuller of people than it was before。 So when Nehemiah
had done many other excellent things; and things worthy of
commendation; in a glorious manner; he came to a great age; and
then died。 He was a man of a good and righteous disposition; and
very ambitious to make his own nation happy; and he hath left the
walls of Jerusalem as an eternal monument for himself。 Now this
was done in the days of Xerxes。


Concerning Esther And Mordecai And Haman; And How In The Reign Of
Artaxerxes The Whole Nation Of The Jews Was In Danger Of

1。 After the death of Xerxes; the kingdom came to be transferred
to his son Cyrus; whom  the Greeks called Artaxerxes。 When this
man had obtained the government over the Persians; the whole
nation of the Jews; (15) with their wives and children; were in
danger of perishing; the occasion whereof we shall declare in a
little time; for it is proper; in the first place; to explain
somewhat relating to this king; and how he came to marry a Jewish
wife; who was herself of the royal family also; and who is
related to have saved our nation; for when Artaxerxes had taken
the kingdom; and had set governors over the hundred twenty and
seven provinces; from India even unto Ethiopia; in the third year
of his reign; he made a costly feast for his friends; and for the
nations of Persia; and for their governors; such a one as was
proper for a king to make; when he had a mind to make a public
demonstration of his riches; and this for a hundred and fourscore
days; after which he made a feast for other nations; and for
their ambassadors; at Shushan; for seven days。 Now this feast was
ordered after the manner following: He caused a tent to be
pitched; which was supported by pillars of gold and silver; with
curtains of linen and purple spread over them; that it might
afford room for many ten thousands to sit down。 The cups with
which the waiters ministered were of gold; and adorned with
precious stones; for pleasure and for sight。 He also gave order
to the servants that they should not force them to drink; by
bringing them wine continually; as is the practice of the
Persians; but to permit every one of the guests to enjoy himself
according to his own inclination。 Moreover; he sent messengers
through the country; and gave order that they should have a
remission of their labors; and sho
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