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the antiquities of the jews-1-第214章

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of every one's own virtues。 Do you then esteem Simon as your
father; because he is a man of extraordinary prudence; and be
governed by him in what counsels be gives you。 Take Maccabeus for
the general of your army; because of his courage and strength;
for he will avenge your nation; and will bring vengeance on your
enemies。 Admit among you the righteous and religious; and augment
their power。〃

4。 When Mattathias had thus discoursed to his sons; and had
prayed to God to be their assistant; and to recover to the people
their former constitution; he died a little afterward; and was
buried at Modin; all the people making great lamentation for him。
Whereupon his son Judas took upon him the administration of
public affairs; in the hundred fbrty and sixth year; and thus; by
the ready assistance of his brethren; and of others; Judas cast
their enemies out of the country; and put those of their own
country to death who had transgressed its laws; and purified the
land of all the pollutions that were in it。


How Judas Overthrew The Forces Of Apollonius And Seron And Killed
The Generals Of Their Armies Themselves; And How When; A Little
While Afterwards Lysias And Gorgias Were Beaten He Went Up To
Jerusalem And Purified The Temple。

1。 When Apollonius; the general of the Samaritan forces; heard
this; he took his army; and made haste to go against Judas; who
met him; and joined battle with him; and beat him; and slew many
of his men; and among them Apollonius himself; their general;
whose sword being that which he happened then to wear; he seized
upon; and kept for himself; but he wounded more than he slew; and
took a great deal of prey from the enemy's camp; and went his
way。 But when Seron; who was general of the army of Celesyria;
heard that many had joined themselves to Judas; and that he had
about him an army sufficient for fighting; and for making war; he
determined to make an expedition against him; as thinking it
became him to endeavor to punish those that transgressed the
king's injunctions。 He then got together an army; as large as he
was able; and joined to it the runagate and wicked Jews; and came
against Judas。 He came as far as Bethhoron; a village of Judea;
and there pitched his camp; upon which Judas met him; and when he
intended to give him battle; he saw that his soldiers were
backward to fight; because their number was small; and because
they wanted food; for they were fasting; he encouraged them; and
said to them; that victory and conquest of enemies are not
derived from the multitude in armies; but in the exercise of
piety towards God; and that they had the plainest instances in
their forefathers; who; by their righteousness; exerting
themselves on behalf of their own laws; and their own children;
had frequently conquered many ten thousands; … for innocence is
the strongest army。 By this speech he induced his men to contenm
the multitude of the enemy; and to fall upon Seron。 And upon
joining battle with him; he beat the Syrians; and when their
general fell among the rest; they all ran away with speed; as
thinking that to be their best way of escaping。 So he pursued
them unto the plain; and slew about eight hundred of the enemy;
but the rest escaped to the region which lay near to the sea。

2。 When king Antiochus heard of these things; he was very angry
at what had happened; so he got together all his own army; with
many mercenaries; whom he had hired from the islands; and took
them with him; and prepared to break into Judea about the
beginning of the spring。 But when; upon his mustering his
soldiers; he perceived that his treasures were deficient; and
there was a want of money in them; for all the taxes were not
paid; by reason of the seditions there had been among the nations
he having been so magnanimous and so liberal; that what he had
was not sufficient for him; he therefore resolved first to go
into Persia; and collect the taxes of that country。 Hereupon he
left one whose name was Lysias; who was in great repute with him
governor of the kingdom; as far as the bounds of Egypt; and of
the Lower Asia; and reaching from the river Euphrates; and
committed to him a certain part of his forces; and of his
elephants; and charged him to bring up his son Antiochus with all
possible care; until he came back; and that he should conquer
Judea; and take its inhabitants for slaves; and utterly destroy
Jerusalem; and abolish the whole nation。 And when king Antiochus
had given these things in charge to Lysias; he went into Persia;
and in the hundred and forty…seventh year he passed over
Euphrates; and went to the superior provinces。

3。 Upon this Lysias chose Ptolemy; the son of Dorymenes; and
Nicanor; and Gorgias; very potent men among the king's friends;
and delivered to them forty thousand foot soldiers; and seven
thousand horsemen; and sent them against Judea; who came as far
as the city Emmaus; and pitched their camp in the plain country。
There came also to them auxiliaries out of Syria; and the country
round about; as also many of the runagate Jews。 And besides these
came some merchants to buy those that should be carried captives;
(having bonds with them to bind those that should be made
prisoners;) with that silver and gold which they were to pay for
their price。 And when Judas saw their camp; and how numerous
their enemies were; he persuaded his own soldiers to be of good
courage; and exhorted them to place their hopes of victory in
God; and to make supplication to him; according to the custom of
their country; clothed in sackcloth; and to show what was their
usual habit of supplication in the greatest dangers; and thereby
to prevail with God to grant you the victory over your enemies。
So he set them in their ancient order of battle used by their
forefathers; under their captains of thousands; and other
officers; and dismissed such as were newly married; as well as
those that had newly gained possessions; that they might not
fight in a cowardly manner; out of an inordinate love of life; in
order to enjoy those blessings。 When he had thus disposed his
soldiers; he encouraged them to fight by the following speech;
which he made to them: 〃O my fellow soldiers; no other time
remains more opportune than the present for courage and contempt
of dangers; for if you now fight manfully; you may recover your
liberty; which; as it is a thing of itself agreeable to all men;
so it proves to be to us much more desirable; by its affording us
the liberty of worshipping God。 Since therefore you are in such
circumstances at present; you must either recover that liberty;
and so regain a happy and blessed way of living; which is that
according to our laws; and the customs of our country; or to
submit to the most opprobrious sufferings; nor will any seed of
your nation remain if you be beat in this battle。 Fight therefore
manfully; and suppose that you must die; though you do not fight;
but believe; that besides such glorious rewards as those of the
liberty of your country; of your laws; of your religion; you
shall then obtain everlasting glory。 Prepare yourselves;
therefore; and put yourselves into such an agreeable
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