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the antiquities of the jews-1-第221章

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1。 By what means the nation of the Jews recovered their freedom
when they had been brought into slavery by the Macedonians; and
what struggles; and how great battles; Judas; the general of
their army; ran through; till he was slain as he was fighting for
them; hath been related in the foregoing book; but after he was
dead; all the wicked; and those that transgressed the laws of
their forefathers; sprang up again in Judea; and grew upon them;
and distressed them on every side。 A famine also assisted their
wickedness; and afflicted the country; till not a few; who by
reason of their want of necessaries; and because they were not
able to bear up against the miseries that both the famine and
their enemies brought upon them; deserted their country; and went
to the Macedonians。 And now Bacchides gathered those Jews
together who had apostatized from the accustomed way of living of
their forefathers; and chose to live like their neighbors; and
committed the care of the country to them; who also caught the
friends of Judas; and those of his party; and delivered them up
to Bacchides; who when he had; in the first place; tortured and
tormented them at his pleasure; he; by that means; at length
killed them。 And when this calamity of the Jews was become so
great; as they had never had experience of the like since their
return out of Babylon; those that remained of the companions of
Judas; seeing that the nation was ready to be destroyed after a
miserable manner; came to his brother Jonathan; and desired him
that he would imitate his brother; and that care which he took of
his countrymen; for whose liberty in general he died also; and
that he would not permit the nation to be without a governor;
especially in those destructive circumstances wherein it now was。
And where Jonathan said that he was ready to die for them; and
esteemed no inferior to his brother; he was appointed to be the
general of the Jewish army。

2。 When Bacchides heard this; and was afraid that Jonathan might
be very troublesome to the king and the Macedonians; as Judas had
been before him; he sought how he might slay him by treachery。
But this intention of his was not unknown to Jonathan; nor to his
brother Simon; but when these two were apprized of it; they took
all their companions; and presently fled into that wilderness
which was nearest to the city; and when they were come to a lake
called Asphar; they abode there。 But when Bacchides was sensible
that they were in a low state; and were in that place; he hasted
to fall upon them with all his forces; and pitching his camp
beyond Jordan; he recruited his army。 But when Jonathan knew that
Bacchides Was coming upon him; he sent his brother John; who was
also called Gaddis; to the Nabatean Arabs; that he might lodge
his baggage with them until the battle with Bacchides should be
over; for they were the Jews' friends。 And the sons of Ambri laid
an ambush for John from the city Medaba; and seized upon him; and
upon those that were with him; and plundered all that they had
with them。 They also slew John; and all his companions。 However;
they were sufficiently punished for what they now did by John's
brethren; as we shall relate presently。

3。 But when Bacchides knew that Jonathan had pitched his camp
among the lakes of Jordan; he observed when their sabbath day
came; and then assaulted him; 'as supposing that he would not
fight because of the law for resting on that day': but he
exhorted his companions 'to fight'; and told them that their
lives were at stake; since they were encompassed by the river;
and by their enemies; and had no way to escape; for that their
enemies pressed upon them from before; and the river was behind
them。 So after he had prayed to God to give them the victory; he
joined battle with the enemy; of whom he overthrew many; and as
he saw Bacchides coming up boldly to him; he stretched out his
right hand to smite him; but the other foreseeing and avoiding
the stroke; Jonathan with his companions leaped into the river;
and swam over it; and by that means escaped beyond Jordan while
the enemies did not pass over that river; but Bacchides returned
presently to the citadel at Jerusalem; having lost about two
thousand of his army。 He also fortified many cities of Judea;
whose walls had been demolished; Jericho; and Emmaus; and
Betboron; and Bethel; and Tinma; and Pharatho; and Tecoa; and
Gazara; and built towers in every one of these cities; and
encompassed them with strong walls; that were very large also;
and put garrisons into them; that they might issue out of them;
and do mischief to the Jews。 He also fortified the citadel at
Jerusalem more than all the rest。 Moreover; he took the sons of
the principal Jews as pledges; and hut them up in the citadel;
and in that manner guarded it。

4。 About the same time one came to Jonathan; and to his brother
Simon; and told them that the sons of Ambri were celebrating a
marriage; and bringing the bride from the city Gabatha; who was
the daughter of one of the illustrious men among the Arabians;
and that the damsel was to be conducted with pomp; and splendor;
and much riches: so Jonathan and Simon thinking this appeared to
be the fittest time for them to avenge the death of their
brother; and that they had forces sufficient for receiving
satisfaction from them for his death; they made haste to Medaba;
and lay in wait among the mountains for the coming of their
enemies; and as soon as they saw them conducting the virgin; and
her bridegroom; and such a great company of their friends with
them as was to be expected at this wedding; they sallied out of
their ambush; and slew them all; and took their ornaments; and
all the prey that then followed them; and so returned; and
received this satisfaction for their brother John from the sons
of Ambri; for as well those sons themselves; as their friends;
and wives; and children that followed them; perished; being in
number about four hundred。

5。 However; Simon and Jonathan returned to the lakes of the
river; and abode there。 But Bacchides; when he had secured all
Judea with his garrisons; returned to the king; and then it was
that the affairs of Judea were quiet for two years。 But when the
deserters and the wicked saw that Jonathan and those that were
with him lived in the country very quietly; by reason of the
peace; they sent to king Demetrius; and excited him to send
Bacchides to seize upon Jonathan; which they said was to be done
without any trouble; and in one night's time; and that if they
fell upon them before they were aware; they might slay them all。
So the king sent Bacchides; who; when he was come into Judea;
wrote to all his friends; both Jews and auxiliaries; that they
should seize upon Jonathan; and bring him to him; and when; upon
all their endeavors; they were not able to seize upon Jonathan;
for he was sensible of the snares they laid for him; and very
carefully guarded against them; Bacchides was angry at these
deserters; as having imposed upon him; and upon the king; and
slew fifty of their leaders: whereupon Jonathan; with his
brother; and those that were with him; retired to Bethagla; a
village t
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