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the antiquities of the jews-1-第229章

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informed that Jonathan knew what they intended; their counsels
were disordered; and it alarmed them to find that the enemy had
discovered those their intentions; nor did they expect to
overcome them any other way; now they had failed in the snares
they had laid for them; for should they hazard an open battle;
they did not think they should be a match for Jonathan's army; so
they resolved to fly; and having lighted many fires; that when
the enemy saw them they might suppose they were there still; they
retired。 When Jonathan came to give them battle in the morning in
their camp; and found it deserted; and understood they were fled;
he pursued them; yet he could not overtake them; for they had
already passed over the river Eleutherus; and were out of danger。
So when Jonathan was returned thence; he went into Arabia; and
fought against the Nabateans; and drove away a great deal of
their prey; and took 'many' captives; and came to Damascus; and
there sold off what he had taken。 About the same time it was that
Simon his brother went over all Judea and Palestine; as far as
Askelon; and fortified the strong holds; and when he had made
them very strong; both in the edifices erected; and in the
garrisons placed in them; he came to Joppa; and when he had taken
it; he brought a great garrison into it; for he heard that the
people of Joppa were disposed to deliver up the city to
Demetrius's generals。

11。 When Simon and Jonathan had finished these affairs; they
returned to Jerusalem; where Jonathan gathered all the people
together; and took counsel to restore the walls of Jerusalem; and
to rebuild the wall that encompassed the temple; which had been
thrown down; and to make the places adjoining stronger by very
high towers; and besides that; to build another wall in the midst
of the city; in order to exclude the market…place from the
garrison; which was in the citadel; and by that means to hinder
them from any plenty of provisions; and moreover; to make the
fortresses that were in the country much stronger and more
defensible than they were before。 And when these things were
approved of by the multitude; as rightly proposed; Jonathan
himself took care of the building that belonged to the city; and
sent Simon away to make the fortresses in the country more secure
than formerly。 But Demetrius passed over 'Euphrates'; and came
into Mesopotamia; as desirous to retain that country still; as
well as Babylon; and when he should have obtained the dominion of
the upper provinces; to lay a foundation for recovering his
entire kingdom; for those Greeks and Macedonians who dwelt there
frequently sent ambassadors to him; and promised; that if he
would come to them; they would deliver themselves up to him; and
assist him in fighting against Arsaces; (12) the king of the
Parthians。 So he was elevated with these hopes; and came hastily
to them; as having resolved; that if he had once overthrown the
Parthians; and gotten an army of his own; he would make war
against Trypho; and eject him out of Syria; and the people of
that country received him with great alacrity。 So he raised
forces; with which he fought against Arsaces; and lost all his
army; and was himself taken alive; as we have elsewhere related。


How Jonathan Was Slain By Treachery; And How Thereupon The Jews
Made Simon Their General And High Priest: What Courageous Actions
He Also Performed Especially Against Trypho。

1。 Now when Trypho knew what had befallen Demetrius; he was no
longer firm to Antiochus; but contrived by subtlety to kill him;
and then take possession of his kingdom; but the fear that he was
in of Jonathan was an obstacle to this his design; for Jonathan
was a friend to Antiochus; for which cause he resolved first to
take Jonathan out of the way; and then to set about his design
relating to Antiochus; but he judging it best to take him off by
deceit and treachery; came from Antioch to Bethshan; which by the
Greeks is called Scythopolis; at which place Jonathan met him
with forty thousand chosen men; for he thought that he came to
fight him; but when he perceived that Jonathan was ready to
fight; he attempted to gain him by presents and kind treatment;
and gave order to his captains to obey him; and by these means
was desirous to give assurance of his good…will; and to take away
all suspicions out of his mind; that so he might make him
careless and inconsiderate; and might take him when he was
unguarded。 He also advised him to dismiss his army; because there
was no occasion for bringing it with him when there was no war;
but all was in peace。 However; he desired him to retain a few
about him; and go with him to Ptolemais; for that he would
deliver the city up to him; and would bring all the fortresses
that were in the country under his dominion; and he told him that
he came with those very designs。

2。 Yet did not Jonathan suspect any thing at all by this his
management; but believed that Trypho gave him this advice out of
kindness; and with a sincere design。 Accordingly; he dismissed
his army; and retained no more than three thousand of them with
him; and left two thousand in Galilee; and he himself; with one
thousand; came with Trypho to Ptolemais。 But when the people of
Ptolemais had shut their gates; as it had been commanded by
Trypho to do; he took Jonathan alive; and slew all that were with
him。 He also sent soldiers against those two thousand that were
left in Galilee; in order to destroy them; but those men having
heard the report of what had happened to Jonathan; they prevented
the execution; and before those that were sent by Trypho came;
they covered themselves with their armor; and went away out of
the country。 Now when those that were sent against them saw that
they were ready to fight for their lives; they gave them no
disturbance; but returned back to Trypho。

3。 But when the people of Jerusalem heard that Jonathan was
taken; and that the soldiers who were with him were destroyed;
they deplored his sad fate; and there was earnest inquiry made
about him by every body; and a great and just fear fell upon
them; and made them sad; lest; now they were deprived of the
courage and conduct of Jonathan; the nations about them should
bear them ill…will; and as they were before quiet on account of
Jonathan they should now rise up against them; and by making war
with them; should force them into the utmost dangers。 And indeed
what they suspected really befell them; for when those nations
heard of the death of Jonathan; they began to make war with the
Jews as now destitute of a governor and Trypho himself got an
army together; and had intention to go up to Judea; and make war
against its inhabitants。 But when Simon saw that the people of
Jerusalem were terrified at the circumstances they were in; he
desired to make a speech to them; and thereby to render them more
resolute in opposing Trypho when he should come against them。 He
then called the people together into the temple; and thence began
thus to encourage them: 〃O my countrymen; you are not ignorant
that our father; myself; and my brethren; have ventured to hazard
our lives; and that willingly; for
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