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the antiquities of the jews-1-第26章

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yielded ourselves up to suffer whatsoever thou pleasedst; but now
(for we do not plead for mercy to ourselves; though indeed; if we
die; it will be while we are young; and before we have had the
enjoyment of life) have regard to our father; and take pity of
his old age; on whose account it is that we make these
supplications to thee。 We beg thou wilt give us those lives which
this wickedness of ours has rendered obnoxious to thy punishment;
and this for his sake who is not himself wicked; nor does his
being our father make us wicked。 He is a good man; and not worthy
to have such trials of his patience; and now; we are absent; he
is afflicted with care for us。 But if he hear of our deaths; and
what was the cause of it; he will on that account die an immature
death; and the reproachful manner of our ruin will hasten his
end; and will directly kill him; nay; will bring him to a
miserable death; while he will make haste to rid himself out of
the world; and bring himself to a state of insensibility; before
the sad story of our end come abroad into the rest of the world。
Consider these things in this manner; although our wickedness
does now provoke thee with a just desire of punishing that
wickedness; and forgive it for our father's sake; and let thy
commiseration of him weigh more with thee than our wickedness。
Have regard to the old age of our father; who; if we perish; will
be very lonely while he lives; and will soon die himself also。
Grant this boon to the name of fathers; for thereby thou wilt
honor him that begat thee; and will grant it to thyself also; who
enjoyest already that denomination; thou wilt then; by that
denomination; be preserved of God; the Father of all; … by
showing a pious regard to which; in the case of our father; thou
wilt appear to honor him who is styled by the same name; I mean;
if thou wilt have this pity on our father; upon this
consideration; how miserable he will be if he be deprived of his
sons! It is thy part therefore to bestow on us what God has given
us; when it is in thy power to take it away; and so to resemble
him entirely in charity; for it is good to use that power; which
can either give or take away; on the merciful side; and when it
is in thy power to destroy; to forget that thou ever hadst that
power; and to look on thyself as only allowed power for
preservation; and that the more any one extends this power; the
greater reputation does he gain to himself。 Now; by forgiving our
brother what he has unhappily committed; thou wilt preserve us
all; for we cannot think of living if he be put to death; since
we dare not show ourselves alive to our father without our
brother; but here must we partake of one and the same catastrophe
of his life。 And so far we beg of thee; O governor; that if thou
condemnest our brother to die; thou wilt punish us together with
him; as partners of his crime; … for we shall not think it
reasonable to be reserved to kill ourselves for grief of our
brother's death; but so to die rather as equally guilty with him
of this crime。 I will only leave with thee this one
consideration; and then will say no more; viz。 that our brother
committed this fault when he was young; and not yet of confirmed
wisdom in his conduct; and that men naturally forgive such young
persons。 I end here; without adding what more I have to say; that
in case thou condemnest us; that omission may be supposed to have
hurt us; and permitted thee to take the severer side。 But in case
thou settest us free; that this may be ascribed to thy own
goodness; of which thou art inwardly conscious; that thou freest
us from condemnation; and that not by barely preserving us; but
by granting us such a favor as will make us appear more righteous
than we really are; and by representing to thyself more motives
for our deliverance than we are able to produce ourselves。 If;
therefore; thou resolvest to slay him; I desire thou wilt slay me
in his stead; and send him back to his father; or if thou
pleasest to retain him with thee as a slave; I am fitter to labor
for thy advantage in that capacity; and; as thou seest; am better
prepared for either of those sufferings。〃 So Judas; being very
willing to undergo any thing whatever for the deliverance of his
brother; cast himself down at Joseph's feet; and earnestly
labored to assuage and pacify his anger。 All his brethren also
fell down before him; weeping and delivering themselves up to
destruction for the preservation of the life of Benjamin。

10。 But Joseph; as overcome now with his affections; and no
longer able to personate an angry man; commanded all that were
present to depart; that he might make himself known to his
brethren when they were alone; and when the rest were gone out;
he made himself known to his brethren; and said; 〃I commend you
for your virtue; and your kindness to our brother: I find you
better men than I could have expected from what you contrived
about me。 Indeed; I did all this to try your love to your
brother; so I believe you were not wicked by nature in what you
did in my case; but that all has happened according to God's
will; who has hereby procured our enjoyment of what good things
we have; and; if he continue in a favorable disposition; of what
we hope for hereafter。 Since; therefore; I know that our father
is safe and well; beyond expectation; and I see you so well
disposed to your brother; I will no longer remember what guilt
you seem to have had about me; but will leave off to hate you for
that your wickedness; and do rather return you my thanks; that
you have concurred with the intentions of God to bring things to
their present state。 I would have you also rather to forget the
same; since that imprudence of yours is come to such a happy
conclusion; than to be uneasy and blush at those your offenses。
Do not; therefore; let your evil intentions; when you condemned
me; and that bitter remorse which might follow; be a grief to you
now; because those intentions were frustrated。 Go; therefore;
your way; rejoicing in what has happened by the Divine
Providence; and inform your father of it; lest he should be spent
with cares for you; and deprive me of the most agreeable part of
my felicity; I mean; lest he should die before he comes into my
sight; and enjoys the good things that we now have。 Bring;
therefore; with you our father; and your wives and children; and
all your kindred; and remove your habitations hither; for it is
not proper that the persons dearest to me should live remote from
me; now my affairs are so prosperous; especially when they must
endure five more years of famine。〃 When Joseph had said this; he
embraced his brethren; who were in tears and sorrow; but the
generous kindness of their brother seemed to leave among them no
room for fear; lest they should be punished on account of what
they had consulted and acted against him; and they were then
feasting。 Now the king; as soon as he heard that Joseph's
brethren were come to him; was exceeding glad of it; as if it had
been a part of his own good fortune; and gave them wagons full of
corn and gold and silver; to be conveyed to his father。 Now when
they had received more of th
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