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the antiquities of the jews-1-第266章

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deceived him。 He called him his father; and endeavored; by all
the ways possible; that he might have no suspicion of any
treacherous design against him。 He also did other things; in
order to secure his government; which yet occasioned a sedition
in his own family; for being cautious how he made any illustrious
person the high priest of God; (2) he sent for an obscure priest
out of Babylon; whose name was Ananelus; and bestowed the high
priesthood upon him。

5。 However; Alexandra; the daughter of Hyrcanus; and wife of
Alexander; the son of Aristobulus the king; who had also brought
Alexander 'two' children; could not bear this indignity。 Now this
son was one of the greatest comeliness; and was called
Aristobulus; and the daughter; Mariamne; was married to Herod;
and eminent for her beauty also。 This Alexandra was much
disturbed; and took this indignity offered to her son exceeding
ill; that while be was alive; any one else should be sent for to
have the dignity of the high priesthood conferred upon him。
Accordingly; she wrote to Cleopatra (a musician assisting her in
taking care to have her letters carried) to desire her
intercession with Antony; in order to gain the high priesthood
for her son。

6。 But as Antony was slow in granting this request; his friend
Dellius (3) came into Judea upon some affairs; and when he saw
Aristobulus; he stood in admiration at the tallness and
handsomeness of the child; and no less at Mariarune; the king's
wife; and was open in his commendations of Alexandra; as the
mother of most beautiful children。 And when she came to discourse
with him; he persuaded her to get pictures drawn of them both;
and to send them to Antony; for that when he saw them; he would
deny her nothing that she should ask。 Accordingly; Alexandra was
elevated with these words of his; and sent the pictures to
Antony。 Dellius also talked extravagantly; and said that these
children seemed not derived from men; but from some god or other。
His design in doing so was to entice Antony into lewd pleasures
with them; who was ashamed to send for the damsel; as being the
wife of Herod; and avoided it; because of the reproaches he
should have from Cleopatra on that account; but he sent; in the
most decent manner he could; for the young man; but added this
withal; unless he thought it hard upon him so to do。 When this
letter was brought to Herod; he did not think it safe for him to
send one so handsome as was Aristobulus; in the prime of his
life; for he was sixteen years of age; and of so noble a family;
and particularly not to Antony; the principal man among the
Romans; and one that would abuse him in his amours; and besides;
one that openly indulged himself in such pleasures as his power
allowed him without control。 He therefore wrote back to him; that
if this boy should only go out of the country; all would be in a
state of war and uproar; because the Jews were in hopes of a
change in the government; and to have another king over them。

7。 When Herod had thus excused himself to Antony; he resolved
that he would not entirely permit the child or Alexandra to be
treated dishonorably; but his wife Mariamne lay vehemently at him
to restore the high priesthood to her brother; and he judged it
was for his advantage so to do; because if he once had that
dignity; he could not go out of the country。 So he called his
friends together; and told them that Alexandra privately
conspired against his royal authority; and endeavored; by the
means of Cleopatra; so to bring it about; that he might be
deprived of the government; and that by Antony's means this youth
might have the management of public affairs in his stead; and
that this procedure of hers was unjust; since she would at the
same time deprive her daughter of the dignity she now had; and
would bring disturbances upon the kingdom; for which he had taken
a great deal of pains; and had gotten it with extraordinary
hazards; that yet; while he well remembered her wicked practices;
he would not leave off doing what was right himself; but would
even now give the youth the high priesthood; and that he formerly
set up Ananelus; because Aristobulus was then so very young a
child。 Now when he had said this; not at random; but as he
thought with the best discretion he had; in order to deceive the
women; and those friends whom he had taken to consult withal;
Alexandra; out of the great joy she had at this unexpected
promise; and out of fear from the suspicions she lay under; fell
a weeping; and made the following apology for herself; and said;
that as to the 'high' priesthood; she was very much concerned for
the disgrace her son was under; and so did her utmost endeavors
to procure it for him; but that as to the kingdom; she had made
no attempts; and that if it were offered her 'for her son'; she
would not accept it; and that now she would be satisfied with her
son's dignity; while he himself held the civil government; and
she had thereby the security that arose from his peculiar ability
in governing to all the remainder of her family; that she was now
overcome by his benefits; and thankfully accepted of this honor
showed by him to her son; and that she would hereafter be
entirely obedient。 And she desired him to excuse her; if the
nobility of her family; and that freedom of acting which she
thought that allowed her; had made her act too precipitately and
imprudently in this matter。 So when they had spoken thus to one
another; they came to an agreement; and all suspicions; so far as
appeared; were vanished away。


How Herod Upon His Making Aristobulus High Priest Took Care That
He Should Be Murdered In A Little Time; And What Apology He Made
To Antony About Aristobulus; As Also Concerning Joseph And

1。 So king Herod immediately took the high priesthood away from
Ananelus; who; as we said before; was not of this country; but
one of those Jews that had been carried captive beyond Euphrates;
for there were not a few ten thousands of this people that had
been carried captives; and dwelt about Babylonia; whence Ananelus
came。 He was one of the stock of the high priests (4) and had
been of old a particular friend of Herod; and when he was first
made king; he conferred that dignity upon him; and now put him
out of it again; in order to quiet the troubles in his family;
though what he did was plainly unlawful; for at no other time 'of
old' was any one that had once been in that dignity deprived of
it。 It was Antiochus Epiphanes who first brake that law; and
deprived Jesus; and made his brother Onias high priest in his
stead。 Aristobulus was the second that did so; and took that
dignity from his brother 'Hyrcanus'; and this Herod was the
third; who took that high office away 'from Arianflus'; and gave
it to this young man; Aristobulus; in his stead。

2。 And now Herod seemed to have healed the divisions in his
family; yet was he not without suspicion; as is frequently the
case; of people seeming to be reconciled to one another; but
thought that; as Alexandra had already made attempts tending to
innovations; so did he fear that she would go on therein; if she
found a fit opportu
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