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the antiquities of the jews-1-第281章

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them; for one apartment was called Caesar's; another Agrippa's。
He also fell in love again; and married another wife; not
suffering his reason to hinder him from living as he pleased。 The
occasion of this his marriage was as follows: There was one
Simon; a citizen of Jerusalem; the son of one Boethus; a citizen
of Alexandria; and a priest of great note there; this man had a
daughter; who was esteemed the most beautiful woman of that time;
and when the people of Jerusalem began to speak much in her
commendation; it happened that Herod was much affected with what
was said of her; and when he saw the damsel; he was smitten with
her beauty; yet did he entirely reject the thoughts of using his
authority to abuse her; as believing; what was the truth; that by
so doing he should be stigmatized for violence and tyranny; so he
thought it best to take the damsel to wife。 And while Simon was
of a dignity too inferior to be allied to him; but still too
considerable to be despised; he governed his inclinations after
the most prudent manner; by augmenting the dignity of the family;
and making them more honorable; so he immediately deprived Jesus;
the son of Phabet; of the high priesthood; and conferred that
dignity on Simon; and so joined in affinity with him 'by marrying
his daughter'。

4。 When this wedding was over; he built another citadel in that
place where he had conquered file Jews when he was driven out of
his government; and Antigonus enjoyed it。 This citadel is distant
from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs。 It was strong by
nature; and fit for such a building。 It is a sort of a moderate
hill; raised to a further height by the hand of man; till it was
of the shape of a woman's breast。 It is encompassed with circular
towers; and hath a strait ascent up to it; which ascent is
composed of steps of polished stones; in number two hundred。
Within it are royal and very rich apartments; of a structure that
provided both for security and for beauty。 About the bottom there
are habitations of such a structure as are well worth seeing;
both on other accounts; and also on account of the water which is
brought thither from a great way off; and at vast expenses; for
the place itself is destitute of water。 The plain that is about
this citadel is full of edifices; not inferior to any city in
largeness; and having the hill above it in the nature of a

5。 And now; when all Herod's designs had succeeded according to
his hopes; he had not the least suspicion that any troubles could
arise in his kingdom; because he kept his people obedient; as
well by the fear they stood in of him; for he was implacable in
the infliction of his punishments; as by the provident care he
had showed towards them; after the most magnanimous manner; when
they were under their distresses。 But still he took care to have
external security for his government as a fortress against his
subjects; for the orations he made to the cities were very fine;
and full of kindness; and he cultivated a seasonable good
understanding with their governors; and bestowed presents on
every one of them; inducing them thereby to be more friendly to
him; and using his magnificent disposition so as his kingdom
might be the better secured to him; and this till all his affairs
were every way more and more augmented。 But then this magnificent
temper of his; and that submissive behavior and liberality which
he exercised towards Caesar; and the most powerful men of Rome;
obliged him to transgress the customs of his nation; and to set
aside many of their laws; and by building cities after an
extravagant manner; and erecting temples; … not in Judea indeed;
for that would not have been borne; it being forbidden for us to
pay any honor to images; or representations of animals; after the
manner of the Greeks; but still he did thus in the country
'properly' out of our bounds; and in the cities thereof (17) The
apology which he made to the Jews for these things was this: That
all was done; not out of his own inclinations; but by the
commands and injunctions of others; in order to please Caesar and
the Romans; as though he had not the Jewish customs so much in
his eye as he had the honor of those Romans; while yet he had
himself entirely in view all the while; and indeed was very
ambitious to leave great monuments of his government to
posterity; whence it was that he was so zealous in building such
fine cities; and spent such vast sums of money upon them。

6。 Now upon his observation of a place near the sea; which was
very proper for containing a city; and was before called Strato's
Tower; he set about getting a plan for a magnificent city there;
and erected many edifices with great diligence all over it; and
this of white stone。 He also adorned it with most sumptuous
palaces and large edifices for containing the people; and what
was the greatest and most laborious work of all; he adorned it
with a haven; that was always free from the waves of the sea。 Its
largeness was not less than the Pyrmum 'at Athens'; and had
towards the city a double station for the ships。 It was of
excellent workmanship; and this was the more remarkable for its
being built in a place that of itself was not suitable to such
noble structures; but was to be brought to perfection by
materials from other places; and at very great expenses。 This
city is situate in Phoenicia; in the passage by sea to Egypt;
between Joppa and Dora; which are lesser maritime cities; and not
fit for havens; on account of the impetuous south winds that beat
upon them; which rolling the sands that come from the sea against
the shores; do not admit of ships lying in their station; but the
merchants are generally there forced to ride at their anchors in
the sea itself。 So Herod endeavored to rectify this
inconvenience; and laid out such a compass towards the land as
might be sufficient for a haven; wherein the great ships might
lie in safety; and this he effected by letting down vast stones
of above fifty feet in length; not less than eighteen in breadth;
and nine in depth; into twenty fathom deep; and as some were
lesser; so were others bigger than those dimensions。 This mole
which he built by the sea…side was two hundred feet wide; the
half of which was opposed to the current of the waves; so as to
keep off those waves which were to break upon them; and so was
called Procymatia; or the first breaker of the waves; but the
other half had upon it a wall; with several towers; the largest
of which was named Drusus; and was a work of very great
excellence; and had its name from Drusus; the son…in…law of
Caesar; who died young。 There were also a great number of arches
where the mariners dwelt。 There was also before them a quay; 'or
landing place;' which ran round the entire haven; and was a most
agreeable walk to such as had a mind to that exercise; but the
entrance or mouth of the port was made on the north quarter; on
which side was the stillest of the winds of all in this place:
and the basis of the whole circuit on the left hand; as you enter
the port; supported a round turret; which was made very strong;
in order to resist the greatest waves; while o
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