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the antiquities of the jews-1-第291章

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delicate fare; and had married them into the most illustrious
families; the one 'Aristobulus' to his sister's daughter; but
Alexander to the daughter of king Archelaus; and; what was the
greatest favor of all; when their crimes were so very bad; and he
had authority to punish them; yet had he not made use of it
against them; but had brought them before Caesar; their common
benefactor; and had not used the severity which; either as a
father who had been impiously abused; or as a king who had been
assaulted treacherously; he might have done; but made them stand
upon a level with him in judgment: that; however; it was
necessary that all this should not be passed over without
punishment; nor himself live in the greatest fears; nay; that it
was not for their own advantage to see the light of the sun after
what they have done; although they should escape at this time;
since they had done the vilest things; and would certainly suffer
the greatest punishments that ever were known among mankind。

2。 These were the accusations which Herod laid with great
vehemency against his sons before Caesar。 Now the young men; both
while he was speaking; and chiefly at his concluding; wept; and
were in confusion。 Now as to themselves; they knew in their own
conscience they were innocent; but because they were accused by
their father; they were sensible; as the truth was; that it was
hard for them to make their apology; since though they were at
liberty to speak their minds freely as the occasion required; and
might with force and earnestness refute the accusation; yet was
it not now decent so to do。 There was therefore a difficulty how
they should be able to speak; and tears; and at length a deep
groan; followed; while they were afraid; that if they said
nothing; they should seem to be in this difficulty from a
consciousness of guilt; … nor had they any defense ready; by
reason of their youth; and the disorder they were under; yet was
not Caesar unapprized; when he looked upon them in the confusion
they were in; that their delay to make their defense did not
arise from any consciousness of great enormities; but from their
unskilfulness and modesty。 They were also commiserated by those
that were there in particular; and they moved their father's
affections in earnest till he had much ado to conceal them。

3。 But when they saw there was a kind disposition arisen both in
him and in Caesar; and that every one of the rest did either shed
tears; or at least did all grieve with them; the one of them;
whose name was Alexander; called to his father; and attempted to
answer his accusation; and said; 〃O father; the benevolence thou
hast showed to us is evident; even in this very judicial
procedure; for hadst thou had any pernicious intentions about us;
thou hadst not produced us here before the common savior of all;
for it was in thy power; both as a king and as a father; to
punish the guilty; but by thus bringing us to Rome; and making
Caesar himself a witness to what is done; thou intimatest that
thou intendest to save us; for no one that hath a design to slay
a man will bring him to the temples; and to the altars; yet are
our circumstances still worse; for we cannot endure to live
ourselves any longer; if it be believed that we have injured such
a father; nay; perhaps it would be worse for us to live with this
suspicion upon us; that we have injured him; than to die without
such guilt。 And if our open defense may be taken to be true; we
shall be happy; both in pacifying thee; and in escaping the
danger we are in; but if this calumny so prevails; it is more
than enough for us that we have seen the sun this day; which why
should we see; if this suspicion be fixed upon us? Now it is easy
to say of young men; that they desire to reign; and to say
further; that this evil proceeds from the case of our unhappy
mother。 This is abundantly sufficient to produce our present
misfortune out of the former; but consider well; whether such an
accusation does not suit all such young men; and may not be said
of them all promiscuously; for nothing can hinder him that
reigns; if he have children; and their mother be dead; but the
father may have a suspicion upon all his sons; as intending some
treachery to him; but a suspicion is not sufficient to prove such
an impious practice。 Now let any man say; whether we have
actually and insolently attempted any such thing; whereby actions
otherwise incredible use to be made credible? Can any body prove
that poison hath been prepared? or prove a conspiracy of our
equals; or the corruption of servants; or letters written against
thee? though indeed there are none of those things but have
sometimes been pretended by way of calumny; when they were never
done; for a royal family that is at variance with itself is a
terrible thing; and that which thou callest a reward of piety
often becomes; among very wicked men; such a foundation of hope;
as makes them leave no sort of mischief untried。 Nor does any one
lay any wicked practices to our charge; but as to calumnies by
hearsay; how can he put an end to them; who will not hear what we
have to say? Have we talked with too great freedom? Yes; but not
against thee; for that would be unjust; but against those that
never conceal any thing that is spoken to them。 Hath either of us
lamented our mother? Yes; but not because she is dead; but
because she was evil spoken of by those that had no reason so to
do。 Are we desirous of that dominion which we know our father is
possessed of? For what reason can we do so? If we already have
royal honors; as we have; should not we labor in vain? And if we
have them not; yet are not we in hopes of them? Or supposing that
we had killed thee; could we expect to obtain thy kingdom? while
neither the earth would let us tread upon it; nor the sea let us
sail upon it; after such an action as that; nay; the religion of
all your subjects; and the piety of the whole nation; would have
prohibited parricides from assuming the government; and from
entering into that most holy temple which was built by thee (4)
But suppose we had made light of other dangers; can any murderer
go off unpunished while Caesar is alive? We are thy sons; and not
so impious or so thoughtless as that comes to; though perhaps
more unfortunate than is convenient for thee。 But in case thou
neither findest any causes of complaint; nor any treacherous
designs; what sufficient evidence hast thou to make such a
wickedness of ours credible? Our mother is dead indeed; but then
what befell her might be an instruction to us to caution; and not
an incitement to wickedness。 We are willing to make a larger
apology for ourselves; but actions never done do not admit of
discourse。 Nay; we will make this agreement with thee; and that
before Caesar; the lord of all; who is now a mediator between us;
If thou; O father; canst bring thyself; by the evidence of truth;
to have a mind free from suspicion concerning us let us live;
though even then we shall live in an unhappy way; for to be
accused of great acts of wickedness; though falsely; is a
terrible thing; but if thou hast any fear remaining; continue
thou on in
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