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the antiquities of the jews-1-第295章

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Nicolaus (10) his historiographer makes mention of this monument
built by Herod; though he does not mention his going down into
the sepulcher; as knowing that action to be of ill repute; and
many other things he treats of in the same manner in his book;
for he wrote in Herod's lifetime; and under his reign; and so as
to please him; and as a servant to him; touching upon nothing but
what tended to his glory; and openly excusing many of his
notorious crimes; and very diligently concealing them。 And as he
was desirous to put handsome colors on the death of Mariamne and
her sons; which were barbarous actions in the king; he tells
falsehoods about the incontinence of Mariamne; and the
treacherous designs of his sons upon him; and thus he proceeded
in his whole work; making a pompous encomium upon what just
actions he had done; but earnestly apologizing for his unjust
ones。 Indeed; a man; as I said; may have a great deal to say by
way of excuse for Nicolaus; for he did not so properly write this
as a history for others; as somewhat that might be subservient to
the king himself。 As for ourselves; who come of a family nearly
allied to the Asamonean kings; and on that account have an
honorable place; which is the priesthood; we think it indecent to
say any thing that is false about them; and accordingly we have
described their actions after an unblemished and upright manner。
And although we reverence many of Herod's posterity; who still
reign; yet do we pay a greater regard to truth than to them; and
this though it sometimes happens that we incur their displeasure
by so doing。

2。 And indeed Herod's troubles in his family seemed to be
augmented by reason of this attempt he made upon David's
sepulcher; whether Divine vengeance increased the calamities he
lay under; in order to render them incurable; or whether fortune
made an assault upon him; in those cases wherein the
seasonableness of the cause made it strongly believed that the
calamities came upon him for his impiety; for the tumult was like
a civil war in his palace; and their hatred towards one another
was like that where each one strove to exceed another in
calumnies。 However; Antipater used stratagems perpetually against
his brethren; and that very cunningly; while abroad he loaded
them with accusations; but still took upon him frequently to
apologize for them; that this apparent benevolence to them might
make him be believed; and forward his attempts against them; by
which means he; after various manners; circumvented his father;
who believed all that he did was for his preservation。 Herod also
recommended Ptolemy; who was a great director of the affairs of
his kingdom; to Antipater; and consulted with his mother about
the public affairs also。 And indeed these were all in all; and
did what they pleased; and made the king angry against any other
persons; as they thought it might be to their own advantage; but
still the sons of Marianme were in a worse and worse condition
perpetually; and while they were thrust out; and set in a more
dishonorable rank; who yet by birth were the most noble; they
could not bear the dishonor。 And for the women; Glaphyra;
Alexander's wife; the daughter of Archclaus; hated Salome; both
because of her love to her husband; and because Glaphyra seemed
to behave herself somewhat insolently towards Salome's daughter;
who was the wife of Aristobulus; which equality of hers to
herself Glaphyra took very impatiently。

3。 Now; besides this second contention that had fallen among
them; neither did the king's brother Pheroras keep himself out of
trouble; but had a particular foundation for suspicion and
hatred; for he was overcome with the charms of his wife; to such
a degree of madness; that he despised the king's daughter; to
whom he had been betrothed; and wholly bent his mind to the
other; who had been but a servant。 Herod also was grieved by the
dishonor that was done him; because he had bestowed many favors
upon him; and had advanced him to that height of power that he
was almost a partner with him in the kingdom; and saw that he had
not made him a due return for his labors; and esteemed himself
unhappy on that account。 So upon Pheroras's unworthy refusal; he
gave the damsel to Phasaelus's son; but after some time; when he
thought the heat of his brother's affections was over; he blamed
him for his former conduct; and desired him to take his second
daughter; whose name was Cypros。 Ptolemy also advised him to
leave off affronting his brother; and to forsake her whom he had
loved; for that it was a base thing to be so enamored of a
servant; as to deprive himself of the king's good…will to him;
and become an occasion of his trouble; and make himself hated by
him。 Pheroras knew that this advice would be for his own
advantage; particularly because he had been accused before; and
forgiven; so he put his wife away; although he already had a son
by her; and engaged to the king that he would take his second
daughter; and agreed that the thirtieth day after should be the
day of marriage; and sware he would have no further conversation
with her whom he had put away; but when the thirty days were
over; he was such a slave to his affections; that he no longer
performed any thing he had promised; but continued still with his
former wife。 This occasioned Herod to grieve openly; and made him
angry; while the king dropped one word or other against Pheroras
perpetually; and many made the king's anger an opportunity for
raising calumnies against him。 Nor had the king any longer a
single quiet day or hour; but occasions of one fresh quarrel or
another arose among his relations; and those that were dearest to
him; for Salome was of a harsh temper; and ill…natured to
Mariamne's sons; nor would she suffer her own daughter; who was
the wife of Aristobulus; one of those young men; to bear a
good…will to her husband; but persuaded her to tell her if he
said any thing to her in private; and when any misunderstandings
happened; as is common; she raised a great many suspicions out of
it; by which means she learned all their concerns; and made the
damsel ill…natured to the young man。 And in order to gratify her
mother; she often said that the young men used to mention
Mariamne when they were by themselves; and that they hated their
father; and were continually threatening; that if they had once
got the kingdom; they would make Herod's sons by his other wives
country schoolmasters; for that the present education which was
given them; and their diligence in learning; fitted them for such
an employment。 And as for the women; whenever they saw them
adorned with their mother's clothes; they threatened; that
instead of their present gaudy apparel; they should be clothed in
sackcloth; and confined so closely that they should not see the
light of the sun。 These stories were presently carried by Salome
to the king; who was troubled to hear them; and endeavored to
make up matters; but these suspicions afflicted him; and becoming
more and more uneasy; he believed every body against every body。
However; upon his rebuking his sons; and hearing the defense they
made for themselves; he was
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