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the antiquities of the jews-1-第297章

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How Herod Took Up Alexander And Bound Him; Whom Yet Archelaus
King Of Cappadocia Reconciled To His Father Herod Again。

1。 But still the affairs of Herod's family were no better; but
perpetually more troublesome。 Now this accident happened; which
arose from no decent occasion; but proceeded so far as to bring
great difficulties upon him。 There were certain eunuchs which the
king had; and on account of their beauty was very fond of them;
and the care of bringing him drink was intrusted to one of them;
of bringing him his supper; to another; and of putting him to
bed; to the third; who also managed the principal affairs of the
government; and there was one told the king that these eunuchs
were corrupted by Alexander the king's son with great sums of
money。 And when they were asked whether Alexander had had
criminal conversation with them; they confessed it; but said they
knew of no further mischief of his against his father; but when
they were more severely tortured; and were in the utmost
extremity; and the tormentors; out of compliance with Antipater;
stretched the rack to the very utmost; they said that Alexander
bare great ill…will and innate hatred to his father; and that he
told them that Herod despaired to live much longer; and that; in
order to cover his great age; he colored his hair black; and
endeavored to conceal what would discover how old he was; but
that if he would apply himself to him; when he should attain the
kingdom; which; in spite of his father; could come to no one
else; he should quickly have the first place in that kingdom
under him; for that he was now ready to take the kingdom; not
only as his birth…right; but by the preparations he had made for
obtaining it; because a great many of the rulers; and a great
many of his friends; were of his side; and those no ill men
neither; ready both to do and to suffer whatsoever should come on
that account。

2。 When Herod heard this confession; he was all over anger and
fear; some parts seeming to him reproachful; and some made him
suspicious of dangers that attended him; insomuch that on both
accounts he was provoked; and bitterly afraid lest some more
heavy plot was laid against him than he should be then able to
escape from; whereupon he did not now make an open search; but
sent about spies to watch such as he suspected; for he was now
overrun with suspicion and hatred against all about him; and
indulging abundance of those suspicions; in order to his
preservation; he continued to suspect those that were guiltless;
nor did he set any bounds to himself; but supposing that those
who staid with him had the most power to hurt him; they were to
him very frightful; and for those that did not use to come to
him; it seemed enough to name them 'to make them suspected'; and
he thought himself safer when they were destroyed。 And at last
his domestics were come to that pass; that being no way secure of
escaping themselves; they fell to accusing one another; and
imagining that he who first accused another was most likely to
save himself; yet when any had overthrown others; they were
hated; and they were thought to suffer justly who unjustly
accused others; and they only thereby prevented their own
accusation; nay; they now executed their own private enmities by
this means; and when they were caught; they were punished in the
same way。 Thus these men contrived to make use of this
opportunity as an instrument and a snare against their enemies;
yet when they tried it; were themselves caught also in the same
snare which they laid for others: and the king soon repented of
what he had done; because he had no clear evidence of the guilt
of those whom he had slain; and yet what was still more severe in
him; he did not make use of his repentance; in order to leave off
doing the like again; but in order to inflict the same punishment
upon their accusers。

3。 And in this state of disorder were the affairs of the palace;
and he had already told many of his friends directly that they
ought not to appear before him; her come into the palace; and the
reason of this injunction was; that 'when they were there'; he
had less freedom of acting; or a greater restraint on himself on
their account; for at this time it was that he expelled
Andromachus and Gamellus; men who had of old been his friends;
and been very useful to him in the affairs of his kingdom; and
been of advantage to his family; by their embassages and
counsels; and had been tutors to his sons; and had in a manner
the first degree of freedom with him。 He expelled Andromachus;
because his son Demetrius was a companion to Alexander; and
Gamellus; because he knew that he wished him well; which arose
from his having been with him in his youth; when he was at
school; and absent at Rome。 These he expelled out of his palace;
and was willing enough to have done worse by them; but that he
might not seem to take such liberty against men of so great
reputation; he contented himself with depriving them of their
dignity; and of their power to hinder his wicked proceedings。

4。 Now it was Antipater who was the cause of all this; who when
he knew what a mad and licentious way of acting his father was
in; and had been a great while one of his counselors; he hurried
him on; and then thought he should bring him to do somewhat to
purpose; when every one that could oppose him was taken away。
When therefore Andromachus and his friends were driven away; and
had no discourse nor freedom with the king any longer; the king;
in the first place; examined by torture all whom he thought to be
faithful to Alexander; Whether they knew of any of his attempts
against him; but these died without having any thing to say to
that matter; which made the king more zealous 'after
discoveries'; when he could not find out what evil proceedings he
suspected them of。 As for Antipater; he was very sagacious to
raise a calumny against those that were really innocent; as if
their denial was only their constancy and fidelity 'to
Alexander'; and thereupon provoked Herod to discover by the
torture of great numbers what attempts were still concealed。 Now
there was a certain person among the many that were tortured; who
said that he knew that the young man had often said; that when he
was commended as a tall man in his body; and a skillful marksman;
and that in his other commendable exercises he exceeded all men;
these qualifications given him by nature; though good in
themselves; were not advantageous to him; because his father was
grieved at them; and envied him for them; and that when he walked
along with his father; he endeavored to depress and shorten
himself; that he might not appear too tall; and that when he shot
at any thing as he was hunting; when his father was by; he missed
his mark on purpose; for he knew how ambitious his father was of
being superior in such exercises。 So when the man was tormented
about this saying; and had ease given his body after it; he
added; that he had his brother Aristobulus for his assistance;
and contrived to lie in wait for their father; as they were
hunting; and kill him; and when they had done so to fly to Rome;
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