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the antiquities of the jews-1-第299章

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presents; as tokens of his respects to him; and being on other
occasions magnanimous; he esteemed him one of his dearest
friends。 He also made an agreement with him that he would go to
Rome; because he had written to Caesar about these affairs; so
they went together as far as Antioch; and there Herod made a
reconciliation between Archclaus and Titus; the president of
Syria; who had been greatly at variance; and so returned back to


Concerning The Revolt Of The Trachonites; How Sylleus Accused
Herod Before Caesar; And How Herod; When Caesar Was Angry At Him;
Resolved To Send Nicolaus To Rome。

1。 When Herod had been at Rome; and was come back again; a war
arose between him and the Arabians; on the occasion following:
The inhabitants of Trachonitis; after Caesar had taken the
country away from Zenodorus; and added it to Herod; had not now
power to rob; but were forced to plough the land; and to live
quietly; which was a thing they did not like; and when they did
take that pains; the ground did not produce much fruit for them。
However; at the first the king would not permit them to rob; and
so they abstained from that unjust way of living upon their
neighbors; which procured Herod a great reputation for his care。
But when he was sailing to Rome; it was at that time when he went
to accuse his son Alexander; and to commit Antipater to Caesar's
protection; the Trachonites spread a report as if he were dead;
and revolted from his dominion; and betook themselves again to
their accustomed way of robbing their neighbors; at which time
the king's commanders subdued them during his absence; but about
forty of the principal robbers; being terrified by those that had
been taken; left the country; and retired into Arabia; Sylleus
entertaining them; after he had missed of marrying Salome; and
gave them a place of strength; in which they dwelt。 So they
overran not only Judea; but all Celesyria also; and carried off
the prey; while Sylleus afforded them places of protection and
quietness during their wicked practices。 But when Herod came back
from Rome; he perceived that his dominions had greatly suffered
by them; and since he could not reach the robbers themselves;
because of the secure retreat they had in that country; and which
the Arabian government afforded them; and yet being very uneasy
at the injuries they had done him; he went all over Trachonitis;
and slew their relations; whereupon these robbers were more angry
than before; it being a law among them to be avenged on the
murderers of their relations by all possible means; so they
continued to tear and rend every thing under Herod's dominion
with impunity。 Then did he discourse about these robberies to
Saturninus and Volumnius; and required that they should be
punished; upon which occasion they still the more confirmed
themselves in their robberies; and became more numerous; and made
very great disturbances; laying waste the countries and villages
that belonged to Herod's kingdom; and killing those men whom they
caught; till these unjust proceedings came to be like a real war;
for the robbers were now become about a thousand; … at which
Herod was sore displeased; and required the robbers; as well as
the money which he had lent Obodas; by Sylleus; which was sixty
talents; and since the time of payment was now past; he desired
to have it paid him; but Sylleus; who had laid Obodas aside; and
managed all by himself; denied that the robbers were in Arabia;
and put off the payment of the money; about which there was a
hearing before Saturninus and Volumnius; who were then the
presidents of Syria。 (11) At last he; by their means; agreed;
that within thirty days' time Herod should be paid his money; and
that each of them should deliver up the other's subjects
reciprocally。 Now; as to Herod; there was not one of the other's
subjects found in his kingdom; either as doing any injustice; or
on any other account; but it was proved that the Arabians had the
robbers amongst them。

2。 When this day appointed for payment of the money was past;
without Sylleus's performing any part of his agreement; and he
was gone to Rome; Herod demanded the payment of the money; and
that the robbers that were in Arabia should be delivered up; and;
by the permission of Saturninus and Volumnius; executed the
judgment himself upon those that were refractory。 He took an army
that he had; and let it into Arabia; and in three days' time
marched seven mansions; and when he came to the garrison wherein
the robbers were; he made an assault upon them; and took them
all; and demolished the place; which was called Raepta; but did
no harm to any others。 But as the Arabians came to their
assistance; under Naceb their captain; there ensued a battle;
wherein a few of Herod's soldiers; and Naceb; the captain of the
Arabians; and about twenty of his soldiers; fell; while the rest
betook themselves to flight。 So when he had brought these to
punishment; he placed three thousand Idumeans in Trachonitis; and
thereby restrained the robbers that were there。 He also sent an
account to the captains that were about Phoenicia; and
demonstrated that he had done nothing but what he ought to do; in
punishing the refractory Arabians; which; upon an exact inquiry;
they found to be no more than what was true。

3。 However; messengers were hasted away to Sylleus to Rome; and
informed him what had been done; and; as is usual; aggravated
every thing。 Now Sylleus had already insinuated himself into the
knowledge of Caesar; and was then about the palace; and as soon
as he heard of these things; he changed his habit into black; and
went in; and told Caesar that Arabia was afflicted with war; and
that all his kingdom was in great confusion; upon Herod's laying
it waste with his army; and he said; with tears in his eyes; that
two thousand five hundred of the principal men among the Arabians
had been destroyed; and that their captain Nacebus; his familiar
friend and kinsman; was slain; and that the riches that were at
Raepta were carried off; and that Obodas was despised; whose
infirm state of body rendered him unfit for war; on which account
neither he; nor the Arabian army; were present。 When Sylleus said
so; and added invidiously; that he would not himself have come
out of the country; unless he had believed that Caesar would have
provided that they should all have peace one with another; and
that; had he been there; he would have taken care that the war
should not have been to Herod's advantage; Caesar was provoked
when this was said; and asked no more than this one question;
both of Herod's friends that were there; and of his own friends;
who were come from Syria; Whether Herod had led an army thither?
And when they were forced to confess so much; Caesar; without
staying to hear for what reason he did it; and how it was done;
grew very angry; and wrote to Herod sharply。 The sum of his
epistle was this; that whereas of old he had used him as his
friend; he should now use him as his subject。 Sylleus also wrote
an account of this to the Arabians; who were so elevated with it;
that they neither delivered up the robbers that ha
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