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the antiquities of the jews-1-第301章

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3。 But still a greater misfortune came upon the young men; while
the calumnies against them were continually increased; and; as a
man may say; one would think it was every one's endeavor to lay
some grievous thing to their charge; which might appear to be for
the king's preservation。 There were two guards of Herod's body;
who were in great esteem for their strength and tallness;
Jucundus and Tyrannus; these men had been cast off by Herod; who
was displeased at them; these now used to ride along with
Alexander; and for their skill in their exercises were in great
esteem with him; and had some gold and other gifts bestowed on
them。 Now the king having an immediate suspicion of those men;
had them tortured; who endured the torture courageously for a
long time; but at last confessed that Alexander would have
persuaded them to kill Herod; when he was in pursuit of the wild
beasts; that it might be said he fell from his horse; and was run
through with his own spear; for that he had once such a
misfortune formerly。 They also showed where there was money
hidden in the stable under ground; and these convicted the king's
chief hunter; that he had given the young men the royal hunting
spears and weapons to Alexander's dependents; at Alexander's

4。 After these; the commander of the garrison of Alexandrium was
caught and tortured; for he was accused to have promised to
receive the young men into his fortress; and to supply them with
that money of the king's which was laid up in that fortress; yet
did not he acknowledge any thing of it himself; but his son came
ill; and said it was so; and delivered up the writing; which; so
far as could be guessed; was in Alexander's hand。 Its contents
were these: 〃When we have finished; by God's help; all that we
have proposed to do; we will come to you; but do your endeavors;
as you have promised; to receive us into your fortress。〃 After
this writing was produced; Herod had no doubt about the
treacherous designs of his sons against him。 But Alexander said
that Diophantus the scribe had imitated his hand; and that the
paper was maliciously drawn up by Antipater; for Diophantus
appeared to be very cunning in such practices; and as he was
afterward convicted of forging other papers; he was put to death
for it。

5。 So the king produced those that had been tortured before the
multitude at Jericho; in order to have them accuse the young men;
which accusers many of the people stoned to death; and when they
were going to kill Alexander and Aristobulus likewise; the king
would not permit them to do so; but restrained the multitude; by
the means of Ptolemy and Pheroras。 However; the young men were
put under a guard; and kept in custody; that nobody might come at
them; and all that they did or said was watched; and the reproach
and fear they were in was little or nothing different from those
of condemned criminals: and one of them; who was Aristobulus; was
so deeply affected; that he brought Salome; who was his aunt; and
his mother…in…law; to lament with him for his calamities; and to
hate him who had suffered things to come to that pass; when he
said to her; 〃Art thou not in danger of destruction also; while
the report goes that thou hadst disclosed beforehand all our
affairs to Syllcus; when thou wast in hopes of being married to
him?〃 But she immediately carried these words to her brother。
Upon this he was out of patience; and gave command to bind him;
and enjoined them both; now they were kept separate one from the
other; to write down the ill things they had done against their
father; and bring the writings to him; So when this was enjoined
them; they wrote this; that they had laid no treacherous designs;
nor made any preparations against their father; but that they had
intended to fly away; and that by the distress they were in;
their lives being now uncertain and tedious to them。

6。 About this time there came an ambassador out of Cappadocia
from Archelaus; whose name was Melas; he was one of the principal
rulers under him。 So Herod; being desirous to show Archelaus's
ill…will to him; called for Alexander; as he was in his bonds;
and asked him again concerning his fight; whether and how they
had resolved to retire Alexander replied; To Archclaus; who had
promised to send them away to Rome; but that they had no wicked
nor mischievous designs against their father; and that nothing of
that nature which their adversaries had charged upon them was
true; and that their desire was; that he might have examined
Tyrannus and Jucundus more strictly; but that they had been
suddenly slain by the means of Antipater; who put his own friends
among the multitude 'for that purpose'。

7。 When this was said; Herod commanded that both Alexander and
Melas should be carried to Glaphyra; Archelaus's daughter; and
that she should be asked; whether she did not know somewhat of
Alexander's treacherous designs against Herod? Now as soon as
they were come to her; and she saw Alexander in bonds; she beat
her head; and in a great consternation gave a deep and moving
groan。 The young man also fell into tears。 This was so miserable
a spectacle to those present; that; for a great while; they were
not able to say or to do any thing; but at length Ptolemy; who
was ordered to bring Alexander; bid him say whether his wife was
conscious of his actions。 He replied; 〃How is it possible that
she; whom I love better than my own soul; and by whom I have had
children; should not know what I do?〃 Upon which she cried out
that she knew of no wicked designs of his; but that yet; if her
accusing herself falsely would tend to his preservation; she
would confess it all。 Alexander replied; 〃There is no such
wickedness as those (who ought the least of all so to do)
suspect; which either I have imagined; or thou knowest of; but
this only; that we had resolved to retire to Archelaus; and from
thence to Rome。〃 Which she also confessed。 Upon which Herod;
supposing that Archelaus's ill…will to him was fully proved; sent
a letter by Olympus and Volumnius; and bid them; as they sailed
by; to touch at Eleusa of Cilicia; and give Archelaus the letter。
And that when they had ex…postulated with him; that he had a hand
in his son's treacherous design against him; they should from
thence sail to Rome; and that; in case they found Nicolaus had
gained any ground; and that Caesar was no longer displeased at
him; he should give him his letters; and the proofs which he had
ready to show against the young men。 As to Archelaus; he made his
defense for himself; that he had promised to receive the young
men; because it was both for their own and their father's
advantage so to do; lest some too severe procedure should be gone
upon in that anger and disorder they were in on occasion of the
present suspicions; but that still he had not promised to send
them to Caesar; and that he had not promised any thing else to
the young men that could show any ill…will to him。

8。 When these ambassadors were come to Rome; they had a fit
opportunity of delivering their letters to Caesar; because they
found him reconciled to Herod; for the circumstances of
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