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the antiquities of the jews-1-第311章

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thy brethren off; because thou didst convict theft of their
wicked designs; but thou didst not yield up to justice those who
were their partners; and thereby didst make it evident to all men
that thou madest a covenant with them against thy father; when
thou chosest to be the accuser of thy brethren; as desirous to
gain to thyself alone this advantage of laying plots to kill thy
father; and so to enjoy double pleasure; which is truly worthy of
thy evil disposition; which thou has openly showed against thy
brethren; on which account thou didst rejoice; as having done a
most famous exploit; nor was that behavior unworthy of thee。 But
if thy intention were otherwise; thou art worse than they: while
thou didst contrive to hide thy treachery against thy father;
thou didst hate them; not as plotters against thy father; for in
that case thou hadst not thyself fallen upon the like crime; but
as successors of his dominions; and more worthy of that
succession than thyself。 Thou wouldst kill thy father after thy
brethren; lest thy lies raised against them might be detected;
and lest thou shouldst suffer what punishment thou hadst
deserved; thou hadst a mind to exact that punishment of thy
unhappy father; and didst devise such a sort of uncommon
parricide as the world never yet saw。 For thou who art his son
didst not only lay a treacherous design against thy father; and
didst it while he loved thee; and had been thy benefactor; had
made thee in reality his partner in the kingdom; and had openly
declared thee his successor; while thou wast not forbidden to
taste the sweetness of authority already; and hadst the firm hope
of what was future by thy father's determination; and the
security of a written testament; but; for certain; thou didst not
measure these things according to thy father's various
disposition; but according to thy own thoughts and inclinations;
and was desirous to take the part that remained away from thy too
indulgent father; and soughtest to destroy him with thy deeds;
whom thou in words pretendedst to preserve。 Nor wast thou content
to be wicked thyself; but thou filledst thy mother's head with
thy devices; and raised disturbances among thy brethren; and
hadst the boldness to call thy father a wild beast; while thou
hadst thyself a mind more cruel than any serpent; whence thou
sentest out that poison among thy nearest kindred and greatest
benefactors; and invitedst them to assist thee and guard thee;
and didst hedge thyself in on all sides; by the artifices of both
men and women; against an old man; as though that mind of thine
was not sufficient of itself to support so great a hatred as thou
baredst to him。 And here thou appearest; after the tortures of
free…men; of domestics; of men and women; which have been
examined on thy account; and after the informations of thy fellow
conspirators; as making haste to contradict the truth; and hast
thought on ways not only how to take thy father out of the world;
but to disannul that written law which is against thee; and the
virtue of Varus; and the nature of justice; nay; such is that
impudence of thine on which thou confidest; that thou desirest to
be put to the torture thyself; while thou allegest that the
tortures of those already examined thereby have made them tell
lies; that those that have been the deliverers of thy father may
not be allowed to have spoken the truth; but that thy tortures
may be esteemed the discoverers of truth。 Wilt not thou; O Varus!
deliver the king from the injuries of his kindred? Wilt not thou
destroy this wicked wild beast; which hath pretended kindness to
his father; in order to destroy his brethren; while yet he is
himself alone ready to carry off the kingdom immediately; and
appears to be the most bloody butcher to him of them all? for
thou art sensible that parricide is a general injury both to
nature and to common life; and that the intention of parricide is
not inferior to its perpetration; and he who does not punish it
is injurious to nature itself。〃

6。 Nicolaus added further what belonged to Antipater's mother;
and whatsoever she had prattled like a woman; as also about the
predictions and the sacrifices relating to the king; and
whatsoever Antipater had done lasciviously in his cups and his
amours among Pheroras's women; the examination upon torture; and
whatsoever concerned the testimonies of the witnesses; which were
many; and of various kinds; some prepared beforehand; and others
were sudden answers; which further declared and confirmed the
foregoing evidence。 For those men who were not acquainted with
Antipater's practices; but had concealed them out of fear; when
they saw that he was exposed to the accusations of the former
witnesses; and that his great good fortune; which had supported
him hitherto; had now evidently betrayed him into the hands of
his enemies; who were now insatiable in their hatred to him; told
all they knew of him。 And his ruin was now hastened; not so much
by the enmity of those that were his accusers; as by his gross;
and impudent; and wicked contrivances; and by his ill…will to his
father and his brethren; while he had filled their house with
disturbance; and caused them to murder one another; and was
neither fair in his hatred; nor kind in his friendship; but just
so far as served his own turn。 Now there were a great number who
for a long time beforehand had seen all this; and especially such
as were naturally disposed to judge of matters by the rules of
virtue; because they were used to determine about affairs without
passion; but had been restrained from making any open complaints
before; these; upon the leave now given them; produced all that
they knew before the public。 The demonstrations also of these
wicked facts could no way be disproved; because the many
witnesses there were did neither speak out of favor to Herod; nor
were they obliged to keep what they had to say silent; out of
suspicion of any danger they were in; but they spake what they
knew; because they thought such actions very wicked; and that
Antipater deserved the greatest punishment; and indeed not so
much for Herod's safety; as on account of the man's own
wickedness。 Many things were also said; and those by a great
number of persons; who were no way obliged to say them; insomuch
that Antipater; who used generally to be very shrewd in his lies
and impudence; was not able to say one word to the contrary。 When
Nicolaus had left off speaking; and had produced the evidence;
Varus bid Antipater to betake himself to the making his defense;
if he had prepared any thing whereby it might appear that he was
not guilty of the crimes he was accused of; for that; as he was
himself desirous; so did he know that his father was in like
manner desirous also; to have him found entirely innocent。 But
Antipater fell down on his face; and appealed to God and to all
men for testimonials of his innocency; desiring that God would
declare; by some evident signals; that he had not laid any plot
against his father。 This being the usual method of all men
destitute of virtue; that when they set about any wicked
undertakings; they fall to work according to thei
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