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the antiquities of the jews-1-第337章

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could; and took with him two legions of the Roman army; and came
to Ptolemais; and there wintered; as intending to set about the
war in the spring。 He also wrote word to Caius what he had
resolved to do; who commended him for his alacrity; and ordered
him to go on; and to make war with them; in case they would not
obey his commands。 But there came many ten thousands of the Jews
to Petronius; to Ptolemais; to offer their petitions to him; that
he would not compel them to transgress and violate the law of
their forefathers; 〃but if;〃 said they; 〃thou art entirely
resolved to bring this statue; and erect it; do thou first kill
us; and then do what thou hast resolved on; for while we are
alive we cannot permit such things as are forbidden us to be done
by the authority of our legislator; and by our forefathers'
determination that such prohibitions are instances of virtue。〃
But Petronius was angry at them; and said; 〃If indeed I were
myself emperor; and were at liberty to follow my own inclination;
and then had designed to act thus; these your words would be
justly spoken to me; but now Caesar hath sent to me; I am under
the necessity of being subservient to his decrees; because a
disobedience to them will bring upon me inevitable destruction。〃
Then the Jews replied; 〃Since; therefore; thou art so disposed; O
Petronius! that thou wilt not disobey Caius's epistles; neither
will we transgress the commands of our law; and as we depend upon
the excellency of our laws; and; by the labors of our ancestors;
have continued hitherto without suffering them to be
transgressed; we dare not by any means suffer ourselves to be so
timorous as to transgress those laws out of the fear of death;
which God hath determined are for our advantage; and if we fall
into misfortunes; we will bear them; in order to preserve our
laws; as knowing that those who expose themselves to dangers have
good hope of escaping them; because God will stand on our side;
when; out of regard to him; we undergo afflictions; and sustain
the uncertain turns of fortune。 But if we should submit to thee;
we should be greatly reproached for our cowardice; as thereby
showing ourselves ready to transgress our law; and we should
incur the great anger of God also; who; even thyself being judge;
is superior to Caius。〃

3。 When Petronius saw by their words that their determination was
hard to be removed; and that; without a war; he should not be
able to be subservient to Caius in the dedication of his statue;
and that there must be a great deal of bloodshed; he took his
friends; and the servants that were about him; and hasted to
Tiberias; as wanting to know in what posture the affairs of the
Jews were; and many ten thousands of the Jews met Petronius
again; when he was come to Tiberias。 These thought they must run
a mighty hazard if they should have a war with the Romans; but
judged that the transgression of the law was of much greater
consequence; and made supplication to him; that he would by no
means reduce them to such distresses; nor defile their city with
the dedication of the statue。 Then Petronius said to them; 〃Will
you then make war with Caesar; without considering his great
preparations for war; and your own weakness?〃 They replied; 〃We
will not by any means make war with him; but still we will die
before we see our laws transgressed。〃 So they threw themselves
down upon their faces; and stretched out their throats; and said
they were ready to be slain; and this they did for forty days
together; and in the mean time left off the tilling of their
ground; and that while the season of the year required them to
sow it。 (31) Thus they continued firm in their resolution; and
proposed to themselves to die willingly; rather than to see the
dedication of the statue。

4。 When matters were in this state; Aristobulus; king Agrippa's
brother; and Heleias the Great; and the other principal men of
that family with them; went in unto Petronius; and besought him;
that since he saw the resolution of the multitude; he would not
make any alteration; and thereby drive them to despair; but would
write to Caius; that the Jews had an insuperable aversion to the
reception of the statue; and how they continued with him; and
left of the tillage off their ground: that they were not willing
to go to war with him; because they were not able to do it; but
were ready to die with pleasure; rather than suffer their laws to
be transgressed: and how; upon the land's continuing unsown;
robberies would grow up; on the inability they would be under of
paying their tributes; and that Caius might be thereby moved to
pity; and not order any barbarous action to be done to them; nor
think of destroying the nation: that if he continues inflexible
in his former opinion to bring a war upon them; he may then set
about it himself。 And thus did Aristobulus; and the rest with
him; supplicate Petronius。 So Petronius; (32) partly on account
of the pressing instances which Aristobulus and the rest with him
made; and because of the great consequence of what they desired;
and the earnestness wherewith they made their supplication; …
partly on account of the firmness of the opposition made by the
Jews; which he saw; while he thought it a terrible thing for him
to be such a slave to the madness of Caius; as to slay so many
ten thousand men; only because of their religious disposition
towards God; and after that to pass his life in expectation of
punishment; Petronius; I say; thought it much better to send to
Caius; and to let him know how intolerable it was to him to bear
the anger he might have against him for not serving him sooner;
in obedience to his epistle; for that perhaps he might persuade
him; and that if this mad resolution continued; he might then
begin the war against them; nay; that in case he should turn his
hatred against himself; it was fit for virtuous persons even to
die for the sake of such vast multitudes of men。 Accordingly; he
determined to hearken to the petitioners in this matter。

5。 He then called the Jews together to Tiberias; who came many
ten thousands in number; he also placed that army he now had with
him opposite to them; but did not discover his own meaning; but
the commands of the emperor; and told them that his wrath would;
without delay; be executed on such as had the courage to disobey
what he had commanded; and this immediately; and that it was fit
for him; who had obtained so great a dignity by his grant; not to
contradict him in any thing: … 〃yet;〃 said he; 〃I do not think it
just to have such a regard to my own safety and honor; as to
refuse to sacrifice them for your preservation; who are so many
in number; and endeavor to preserve the regard that is due to
your law; which as it hath come down to you from your
forefathers; so do you esteem it worthy of your utmost contention
to preserve it: nor; with the supreme assistance and power of
God; will I be so hardy as to suffer your temple to fall into
contempt by the means of the imperial authority。 I will;
therefore; send to Caius; and let him know what your resolutions
are; and will assist your suit as far as I am able; that you may
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