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the antiquities of the jews-1-第343章

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the earth and sea; so far as was in subjection to the Romans; and
filled it with ten thousand mischiefs; so many indeed in number
as no former history relates。 But Rome itself felt the most
dismal effects of what he did; while he deemed that not to be any
way more honorable than the rest of the cities; but he pulled and
hauled its other citizens; but especially the senate; and
particularly the nobility; and such as had been dignified by
illustrious ancestors; he also had ten thousand devices against
such of the equestrian order; as it was styled; who were esteemed
by the citizens equal in dignity and wealth with the senators;
because out of them the senators were themselves chosen; these he
treated after all ignominious manner; and removed them out of his
way; while they were at once slain; and their wealth plundered;
because he slew men generally in order to seize on their riches。
He also asserted his own divinity; and insisted on greater honors
to be paid him by his subjects than are due to mankind。 He also
frequented that temple of Jupiter which they style the Capitol;
which is with them the most holy of all their temples; and had
boldness enough to call himself the brother of Jupiter。 And other
pranks he did like a madman; as when he laid a bridge from the
city Dicearchia; which belongs to Campania; to Misenum; another
city upon the sea…side; from one promontory to another; of the
length of thirty furlongs; as measured over the sea。 And this was
done because he esteemed it to be a most tedious thing to row
over it in a small ship; and thought withal that it became him to
make that bridge; since he was lord of the sea; and might oblige
it to give marks of obedience as well as the earth; so he
enclosed the whole bay within his bridge; and drove his chariot
over it; and thought that; as he was a god; it was fit for him to
travel over such roads as this was。 Nor did he abstain from the
plunder of any of the Grecian temples; and gave order that all
the engravings and sculptures; and the rest of the ornaments of
the statues and donations therein dedicated; should be brought to
him; saying that the best things ought to be set no where but in
the best place; and that the city of Rome was that best place。 He
also adorned his own house and his gardens with the curiosities
brought from those temples; together with the houses he lay at
when he traveled all over Italy; whence he did not scruple to
give a command that the statue of Jupiter Olympius; so called
because he was honored at the Olympian games by the Greeks; which
was the work of Phidias the Athenian; should be brought to Rome。
Yet did not he compass his end; because the architects told
Memmius Regulus; who was commanded to remove that statue of
Jupiter; that the workmanship was such as would be spoiled; and
would not bear the removal。 It was also reported that Memmius;
both on that account; and on account of some such mighty
prodigies as are of an incredible nature; put off the taking it
down; and wrote to Caius those accounts; as his apology for not
having done what his epistle required of him; and that when he
was thence in danger of perishing; he was saved by Caius being
dead himself; before he had put him to death。

2。 Nay; Caius's madness came to this height; that when he had a
daughter born; he carried her into the capitol; and put her upon
the knees of the statue; and said that the child was common to
him and to Jupiter; and determined that she had two fathers; but
which of these fathers were the greatest he left undetermined;
and yet mankind bore him in such his pranks。 He also gave leave
to slaves to accuse their masters of any crimes whatsoever they
pleased; for all such accusations were terrible; because they
were in great part made to please him; and at his suggestion;
insomuch that Pollux; Claudius's slave; had the boldness to lay
an accusation against Claudius himself; and Caius was not ashamed
to be present at his trial of life and death; to hear that trial
of his own uncle; in hopes of being able to take him off;
although he did not succeed to his mind。 But when he had filled
the whole habitable world which he governed with false
accusations and miseries; and had occasioned the greatest insults
of slaves against their masters; who indeed in a great measure
ruled them; there were many secret plots now laid against him;
some in anger; and in order for men to revenge themselves; on
account of the miseries they had already undergone from him; and
others made attempts upon him; in order to take him off before
they should fall into such great miseries; while his death came
very fortunately for the preservation of the laws of all men; and
had a great influence upon the public welfare; and this happened
most happily for our nation in particular; which had almost
utterly perished if he had not been suddenly slain。 And I confess
I have a mind to give a full account of this matter particularly;
because it will afford great assurance of the power of God; and
great comfort to those that are under afflictions; and wise
caution to those who think their happiness will never end; nor
bring them at length to the most lasting miseries; if they do not
conduct their lives by the principles of virtue。

3。 Now there were three several conspiracies made in order to
take off Caius; and each of these three were conducted by
excellent persons。 Emilius Regulus; born at Corduba in Spain; got
some men together; and was desirous to take Caius off; either by
them or by himself。 Another conspiracy there was laid by them;
under the conduct of Cherea Cassius; the tribune 'of the
Pretorian band'。 Minucianus Annins was also one of great
consequence among those that were prepared to oppose his tyranny。
Now the several occasions of these men's several hatred and
conspiracy against Caius were these: Regulus had indignation and
hatred against all injustice; for he had a mind naturally angry;
and bold; and free; which made him not conceal his counsels; so
he communicated them to many of his friends; and to others who
seemed to him persons of activity and vigor: Minucianus entered
into this conspiracy; because of the injustice done to Lepidus
his particular friend; and one of the best character of all the
citizens; whom Caius had slain; as also because he was afraid of
himself; since Caius's wrath tended to the slaughter of all
alike: and for Cherea; he came in; because he thought it a deed
worthy of a free ingenuous man to kill Caius; and was ashamed of
the reproaches he lay under from Caius; as though he were a
coward; as also because he was himself in danger every day from
his friendship with him; and the observance he paid him。 These
men proposed this attempt to all the rest that were concerned;
who saw the injuries that were offered them; and were desirous
that Caius's slaughter might succeed by their mutual assistance
of one another; and they might themselves escape being killed by
the taking off Caius; that perhaps they should gain their point;
and that it would be a happy thing; if they should gain it; to
approve themselves to so many excellent persons; as earnestly
wished to be partak
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