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the antiquities of the jews-1-第351章

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of those that govern。 For since Julius Caesar took it into his
head to dissolve our democracy; and; by overbearing the regular
system of our laws; to bring disorders into our administration;
and to get above right and justice; and to be a slave to his own
inclinations; there is no kind of misery but what hath tended to
the subversion of this city; while all those that have succeeded
him have striven one with another to overthrow the ancient laws
of their country; and have left it destitute of such citizens as
were of generous principles; because they thought it tended to
their safety to have vicious men to converse withal; and not only
to break the spirits of those that were best esteemed for their
virtue; but to resolve upon。 their utter destruction。 Of all
which emperors; who have been many in number; and who laid upon
us insufferable hardships during the times of their government;
this Caius; who hath been slain today; hath brought more terrible
calamities upon us than did all the rest; not only by exercising
his ungoverned rage upon his fellow citizens; but also upon his
kindred and friends; and alike upon all others; and by inflicting
still greater miseries upon them; as punishments; which they
never deserved; he being equally furious against men and against
the gods。 For tyrants are not content to gain their sweet
pleasure; and this by acting injuriously; and in the vexation
they bring both upon men's estates and their wives; but they look
upon that to be their principal advantage; when they can utterly
overthrow the entire families of their enemies; while all lovers
of liberty are the enemies of tyranny。 Nor can those that
patiently endure what miseries they bring on them gain their
friendship; for as they are conscious of the abundant mischiefs
they have brought on these men; and how magnanimously they have
borne their hard fortunes; they cannot but be sensible what evils
they have done; and thence only depend on security from what they
are suspicious of; if it may be in their power to take them quite
out of the world。 Since; then; we are now gotten clear of such
great misfortunes; and are only accountable to one another;
(which form of government affords us the best assurance of our
present concord; and promises us the best security from evil
designs; and will be most for our own glory in settling the city
in good order;) you ought; every one of you in particular; to
make provision for his own; and in general for the public
utility: or; on the contrary; they may declare their dissent to
such things as have been proposed; and this without any hazard of
danger to come upon them; because they have now no lord set over
them; who; without fear of punishment; could do mischief to the
city; and had an uncontrollable power to take off those that
freely declared their opinions。 Nor has any thing so much
contributed to this increase of tyranny of late as sloth; and a
timorous forbearance of contradicting the emperor's will; while
men had an over…great inclination to the sweetness of peace; and
had learned to live like slaves; and as many of us as either
heard of intolerable calamities that happened at a distance from
us; or saw the miseries that were near us; out of the dread of
dying virtuously; endured a death joined with the utmost infamy。
We ought; then; in the first place; to decree the greatest honors
we are able to those that have taken off the tyrant; especially
to Cherea Cassius; for this one man; with the assistance of the
gods; hath; by his counsel and by his actions; been the procurer
of our liberty。 Nor ought we to forget him now we have recovered
our liberty; who; under the foregoing tyranny; took counsel
beforehand; and beforehand hazarded himself for our liberties;
but ought to decree him proper honors; and thereby freely declare
that he from the beginning acted with our approbation。 And
certainly it is a very excellent thing; and what becomes
free…men; to requite their benefactors; as this man hath been a
benefactor to us all; though not at all like Cassius and Brutus;
who slew Caius Julius 'Caesar'; for those men laid the
foundations of sedition and civil wars in our city; but this man;
together with his slaughter of the tyrant; hath set our city free
from all those sad miseries which arose from the tyranny。〃 (8)

3。 And this was the purport of Sentius's oration; (9) which was
received with pleasure by the senators; and by as many of the
equestrian order as were present。 And now one Trebellius Maximus
rose up hastily; and took off Sentius's finger a ring; which had
a stone; with the image of Caius engraven upon it; and which; in
his zeal in speaking; and his earnestness in doing what he was
about; as it was supposed; he had forgotten to take off himself。
This sculpture was broken immediately。 But as it was now far in
the night; Cherea demanded of the consuls the watchword; who gave
him this word; Liberty。 These facts were the subjects of
admiration to themselves; and almost incredible; for it was a
hundred years since the democracy had been laid aside; when this
giving the watchword returned to the consuls; for before the city
was subject to tyrants; they were the commanders of the soldiers。
But when Cherea had received that watchword; he delivered it to
those who were on the senate's side; which were four regiments;
who esteemed the government without emperors to be preferable to
tyranny。 So these went away with their tribunes。 The people also
now departed very joyful; full of hope and of courage; as having
recovered their former democracy; and were no longer under an
emperor; and Cherea was in very great esteem with them。

4。 And now Cherea was very uneasy that Caius's daughter and wife
were still alive; and that all his family did not perish with
him; since whosoever was left of them must be left for the ruin
of the city and of the laws。 Moreover; in order to finish this
matter with the utmost zeal; and in order to satisfy his hatred
of Caius; he sent Julius Lupus; one of the tribunes; to kill
Caius's wife and daughter。 They proposed this office to Lupus as
to a kinsman of Clement; that he might be so far a partaker of
this murder of the tyrant; and might rejoice in the virtue of
having assisted his fellow citizens; and that he might appear to
have been a partaker with those that were first in their designs
against him。 Yet did this action appear to some of the
conspirators to be too cruel; as to this using such severity to a
woman; because Caius did more indulge his own ill…nature than use
her advice in all that he did; from which ill…nature it was that
the city was in so desperate a condition with the miseries that
were brought on it; and the flower of the city was destroyed。 But
others accused her of giving her consent to these things; nay;
they ascribed all that Caius had done to her as the cause of it;
and said she had given a potion to Caius; which had made him
obnoxious to her; and had tied him down to love her by such evil
methods; insomuch that she; having rendered him distracted; was
become the author of all the mischiefs that had befallen the
Romans; and that habitable world which was sub
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