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the antiquities of the jews-1-第355章

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those soldiers who kept watch by night in the city; and rowers of
ships; who all ran into the camp; insomuch that; of those who put
in for the government; some left off their pretensions in order
to spare the city; and others out of fear for their own persons。

4。 But as soon as ever it was day; Cherea; and those that were
with him; came into the senate; and attempted to make speeches to
the soldiers。 However; the multitude of those soldiers; when they
saw that they were making signals for silence with their hands;
and were ready to begin to speak to them; grew tumultuous; and
would not let them speak at all; because they were all zealous to
be under a monarchy; and they demanded of the senate one for
their ruler; as not enduring any longer delays: but the senate
hesitated about either their own governing; or how they should
themselves be governed; while the soldiers would not admit them
to govern; and the murderers of Caius would not permit the
soldiers to dictate to them。 When they were in these
circumstances; Cherea was not able to contain the anger he had;
and promised; that if they desired an emperor; he would give them
one; if any one would bring him the watchword from Eutychus。 Now
this Eutychus was charioteer of the green…band faction; styled
Prasine; and a great friend of Caius; who used to harass the
soldiery with building stables for the horses; and spent his time
in ignominious labors; which occasioned Cherea to reproach them
with him; and to abuse them with much other scurrilous language;
and told them he would bring them the head of Claudius; and that
it was an amazing thing; that; after their former madness; they
should commit their government to a fool。 Yet were not they moved
with his words; but drew their swords; and took up their ensigns;
and went to Claudius; to join in taking the oath of fidelity to
him。 So the senate were left without any body to defend them; and
the very consuls differed nothing from private persons。 They were
also under consternation and sorrow; men not knowing what would
become of them; because Claudius was very angry at them; so they
fell a reproaching one another; and repented of what they had
done。 At which juncture Sabinus; one of Caius's murderers;
threatened that he would sooner come into the midst of them and
kill himself; than consent to make Claudius emperor; and see
slavery returning upon them; he also abused Cherea for loving his
life too well; while he who was the first in his contempt of
Caius; could think it a good thin to live; when; even by all that
they had done for the recovery of their liberty; they found it
impossible to do it。 But Cherea said he had no manner of doubt
upon him about killing himself; that yet he would first sound the
intentions of Claudius before he did it。

5。 These were the debates 'about the senate'; but in the camp
every body was crowding on all sides to pay their court to
Claudius; and the other consul; Quintus Pomponhis; was reproached
by the soldiery; as having rather exhorted the senate to recover
their liberty; whereupon they drew their swords; and were going
to assault him; and they had done it; if Claudius had not
hindered them; who snatched the consul out of the danger he was
in; and set him by him。 :But he did not receive that part of the
senate which was with Quintus in the like honorable manner; nay;
some of them received blows; and were thrust away as they came to
salute Claudius; nay; Aponius went away wounded; and they were
all in danger。 However; king Agrippa went up to Claudius; and
desired he would treat the senators more gently; for if any
mischief should come to the senate; he would have no others over
whom to rule。 Claudius complied with him; and called the senate
together into the palace; and was carried thither himself through
the city; while the soldiery conducted him; though this was to
the great vexation of the multitude; for Cherea and Sabinus; two
of Caius's murderers; went in the fore…front of them; in an open
manner; while Pollio; whom Claudius; a little before; had made
captain of his guards; had sent them an epistolary edict; to
forbid them to appear in public。 Then did Claudius; upon his
coming to the palace; get his friends together; and desired their
suffrages about Cherea。 They said that the work he had done was a
glorious one; but they accused him the he did it of
perfidiousness; and thought it just to inflict the punishment 'of
death' upon him; to discountenance such actions for the time to
come。 So Cherea was led to his execution; and Lupus and many
other Romans with him。 Now it is reported that Cherea bore this
calamity courageously; and this not only by the firmness of his
own behavior under it; but by the reproaches he laid upon Lupus;
who fell into tears; for when Lupus laid his garment aside; and
complained of the cold (14) he said; that cold was never hurtful
to Lupus 'i。e。 a wolf' And as a great many men went along with
them to see the sight; when Cherea came to the place; he asked
the soldier who was to be their executioner; whether this office
was what he was used to; or whether this was the first time of
his using his sword in that manner; and desired him to bring him
that very sword with which he himself slew Caius。 (15) So he was
happily killed at one stroke。 But Lupus did not meet with such
good fortune in going out of the world; since he was timorous;
and had many blows leveled at his neck; because he did not
stretch it out boldly 'as he ought to have done'。

6。 Now; a few days after this; as the Parental solemnities were
just at hand; the Roman multitude made their usual oblations to
their several ghosts; and put portions into the fire in honor of
Cherea; and besought him to be merciful to them; and not continue
his anger against them for their ingratitude。 And this was the
end of the life that Cherea came to。 But for Sabinus; although
Claudius not only set him at liberty; but gave him leave to
retain his former command in the army; yet did he think it would
be unjust in him to fail of performing his obligations to his
fellow confederates; so he fell upon his sword; and killed
himself; the wound reaching up to the very hilt of the sword。


How Claudius Restored To Agrippa His Grandfathers Kingdoms And
Augmented His Dominions; And How He Published An Edict In Behalf。

1。 Now when Claudius had taken out of the way all those soldiers
whom he suspected; which he did immediately; he published an
edict; and therein confirmed that kingdom to Agrippa which Caius
had given him; and therein commended the king highly。 He also
made all addition to it of all that country over which Herod; who
was his grandfather; had reigned; that is; Judea and Samaria; and
this he restored to him as due to his family。 But for Abila (16)
of Lysanias; and all that lay at Mount Libanus; he bestowed them
upon him; as out of his own territories。 He also made a league
with this Agrippa; confirmed by oaths; in the middle of the
forum; in the city of Rome: he also took away from Antiochus that
kingdom which he was possessed of; but gave him a certain part of
Cilicia and Commagena: he also set Alexander Lys
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