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the antiquities of the jews-1-第363章

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good fortune of the Romans; that he took Bardanes to attempt what
was impossible to be done; and having besides sent his sons; five
in number; and they but young also; to learn accurately the
language of our nation; together with our learning; as well as he
had sent his mother to worship at our temple; as I have said
already; was the more backward to a compliance; and restrained
Bardanes; telling him perpetually of the great armies and famous
actions of the Romans; and thought thereby to terrify him; and
desired thereby to hinder him from that expedition。 But the
Parthian king was provoked at this his behavior; and denounced
war immediately against Izates。 Yet did he gain no advantage by
this war; because God cut off all his hopes therein; for the
Parthians perceiving Bardanes's intentions; and how he had
determined to make war with the Romans; slew him; and gave his
kingdom to his brother Gotarzes。 He also; in no long time;
perished by a plot made against him; and Vologases; his brother;
succeeded him; who committed two of his provinces to two of his
brothers by the same father; that of the Medes to the elder;
Pacorus; and Armenia to the younger; Tiridates。


How Izates Was Betrayed By His Own Subjects; And Fought Against
By The Arabians And How Izates; By The Providence Of God; Was
Delivered Out Of Their Hands。

1。 Now when the king's brother; Monobazus; and his other kindred;
saw how Izates; by his piety to God; was become greatly esteemed
by all men; they also had a desire to leave the religion of their
country; and to embrace the customs of the Jews; but that act of
theirs was discovered by Izates's subjects。 Whereupon the
grandees were much displeased; and could not contain their anger
at them; but had an intention; when they should find a proper
opportunity; to inflict a punishment upon them。 Accordingly; they
wrote to Abia; king of the Arabians; and promised him great sums
of money; if he would make an expedition against their king; and
they further promised him; that; on the first onset; they would
desert their king; because they were desirous to punish him; by
reason of the hatred he had to their religious worship; then they
obliged themselves; by oaths; to be faithful to each other; and
desired that he would make haste in this design。 The king of
Arabia complied with their desires; and brought a great army into
the field; and marched against Izates; and; in the beginning of
the first onset; and before they came to a close fight; those
Handees; as if they had a panic terror upon them; all deserted
Izates; as they had agreed to do; and; turning their backs upon
their enemies; ran away。 Yet was not Izates dismayed at this; but
when he understood that the grandees had betrayed him; he also
retired into his camp; and made inquiry into the matter; and as
soon as he knew who they were that made this conspiracy with the
king of Arabia; he cut off those that were found guilty; and
renewing the fight on the next day; he slew the greatest part of
his enemies; and forced all the rest to betake themselves to
flight。 He also pursued their king; and drove him into a fortress
called Arsamus; and following on the siege vigorously; he took
that fortress。 And when he had plundered it of all the prey that
was in it; which was not small; he returned to Adiabene; yet did
not he take Abia alive; because; when he found himself
encompassed on every side; he slew himself。

2。 But although the grandees of Adiabene had failed in their
first attempt; as being delivered up by God into their king's
hands; yet would they not even then be quiet; but wrote again to
Vologases; who was then king of Parthia; and desired that he
would kill Izates; and set over them some other potentate; who
should be of a Parthian family; for they said that they hated
their own king for abrogating the laws of their forefathers; and
embracing foreign customs。 When the king of Parthia heard this;
he boldly made war upon Izates; and as he had no just pretense
for this war; he sent to him; and demanded back those honorable
privileges which had been bestowed on him by his father; and
threatened; on his refusal; to make war upon him。 Upon hearing of
this; Izates was under no small trouble of mind; as thinking it
would be a reproach upon him to appear to resign those privileges
that had been bestowed upon him out of cowardice; yet because he
knew; that though the king of Parthia should receive back those
honors; yet would he not be quiet; he resolved to commit himself
to God; his Protector; in the present danger he was in of his
life; and as he esteemed him to be his principal assistant; he
intrusted his children and his wives to a very strong fortress;
and laid up his corn in his citadels; and set the hay and the
grass on fire。 And when he had thus put things in order; as well
as he could; he awaited the coming of the enemy。 And when the
king of Parthia was come; with a great army of footmen and
horsemen; which he did sooner than was expected; (for he marched
in great haste;) and had cast up a bank at the river that parted
Adiabene from Media; … Izates also pitched his camp not far off;
having with him six thousand horsemen。 But there came a messenger
to Izates; sent by the king of Parthia; who told him how large
his dominions were; as reaching from the river Euphrates to
Bactria; and enumerated that king's subjects; he also threatened
him that he should be punished; as a person ungrateful to his
lords; and said that the God whom he worshipped could not deliver
him out of the king's hands。 When the messenger had delivered
this his message; Izates replied that he knew the king of
Parthia's power was much greater than his own; but that he knew
also that God was much more powerful than all men。 And when he
had returned him this answer; he betook himself to make
supplication to God; and threw himself upon the ground; and put
ashes upon his head; in testimony of his confusion; and fasted;
together with his wives and children。 (7) Then he called upon
God; and said; 〃O Lord and Governor; if I have not in vain
committed myself to thy goodness; but have justly determined that
thou only art the Lord and principal of all beings; come now to
my assistance; and defend me from my enemies; not only on my own
account; but on account of their insolent behavior with regard to
thy power; while they have not feared to lift up their proud and
arrogant tongue against thee。〃 Thus did he lament and bemoan
himself; with tears in his eyes; whereupon God heard his prayer。
And immediately that very night Vologases received letters; the
contents of which were these; that a great band of Dahe and
Sacse; despising him; now he was gone so long a journey from
home; had made an expedition; and laid Parthis waste; so that he
'was forced to' retire back; without doing any thing。 And thus it
was that Izates escaped the threatenings of the Parthians; by the
providence of God。

3。 It was not long ere Izates died; when he had completed
fifty…five years of his life; and had ruled his kingdom
twenty…four years。 He left behind him twenty…four sons and
twenty…four daughters。 However; he gave or
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