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the antiquities of the jews-1-第366章

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upon his consent to be circumcised; for Epiphanes; the son of
king Antiochus; had refused to marry her; because; after he had
promised her father formerly to come over to the Jewish religion;
he would not now perform that promise。 He also gave Mariamne in
marriage to Archelaus; the son of Helcias; to whom she had
formerly been betrothed by Agrippa her father; from which
marriage was derived a daughter; whose name was Bernice。

2。 But for the marriage of Drusilla with Azizus; it was in no
long time afterward dissolved upon the following occasion: While
Felix was procurator of Judea; he saw this Drusilla; and fell in
love with her; for she did indeed exceed all other women in
beauty; and he sent to her a person whose name was Simon (13) one
of his friends; a Jew he was; and by birth a Cypriot; and one who
pretended to be a magician; and endeavored to persuade her to
forsake her present husband; and marry him; and promised; that if
she would not refuse him; he would make her a happy woman。
Accordingly she acted ill; and because she was desirous to avoid
her sister Bernice's envy; for she was very ill treated by her on
account of her beauty; was prevailed upon to transgress the laws
of her forefathers; and to marry Felix; and when he had had a son
by her; he named him Agrippa。 But after what manner that young
man; with his wife; perished at the conflagration of the mountain
Vesuvius; (14) in the days of Titus Caesar; shall be related
hereafter。 (15)

3。 But as for Bernice; she lived a widow a long while after the
death of Herod 'king of Chalcis'; who was both her husband and
her uncle; but when the report went that she had criminal
conversation with her brother; 'Agrippa; junior;' she persuaded
Poleme; who was king of Cilicia; to be circumcised; and to marry
her; as supposing that by this means she should prove those
calumnies upon her to be false; and Poleme was prevailed upon;
and that chiefly on account of her riches。 Yet did not this
matrimony endure long; but Bernice left Poleme; and; as was said;
with impure intentions。 So he forsook at once this matrimony; and
the Jewish religion; and; at the same time; Mariamne put away
Archclaus; and was married to Demetrius; the principal man among
the Alexandrian Jews; both for his family and his wealth; and
indeed he was then their alabarch。 So she named her son whom she
had by him Agrippinus。 But of all these particulars we shall
hereafter treat more exactly。 (16)


After What Manner Upon The Death Of Claudius; Nero Succeeded In
The Government; As Also What Barbarous Things He Did。 Concerning
The Robbers; Murderers And Impostors; That Arose While Felix And
Festus Were Procurators Of Judea。

1。 Now Claudius Caesar died when he had reigned thirteen years;
eight months; and twenty days; (17) and a report went about that
he was poisoned by his wife Agrippina。 Her father was Germanicus;
the brother of Caesar。 Her husband was Domitius Aenobarbus; one
of the most illustrious persons that was in the city of Rome;
after whose death; and her long continuance in widowhood;
Claudius took her to wife。 She brought along with her a son;
Domtitus; of the same name with his father。 He had before this
slain his wife Messalina; out of jealousy; by whom he had his
children Britannicus and Octavia; their eldest sister was
Antonia; whom he had by Pelina his first wife。 He also married
Octavia to Nero; for that was the name that Caesar gave him
afterward; upon his adopting him for his son。

2。 But now Agrippina was afraid; lest; when Britannicus should
come to man's estate; he should succeed his father in the
government; and desired to seize upon the principality beforehand
for her own son 'Nero'; upon which the report went that she
thence compassed the death of Claudius。 Accordingly; she sent
Burrhus; the general of the army; immediately; and with him the
tribunes; and such also of the freed…men as were of the greatest
authority; to bring Nero away into the camp; and to salute him
emperor。 And when Nero had thus obtained the government; he got
Britannicus to be so poisoned; that the multitude should not
perceive it; although he publicly put his own mother to death not
long afterward; making her this requital; not only for being born
of her; but for bringing it so about by her contrivances that he
obtained the Roman empire。 He also slew Octavia his own wife; and
many other illustrious persons; under this pretense; that they
plotted against him。

3。 But I omit any further discourse about these affairs; for
there have been a great many who have composed the history of
Nero; some of which have departed from the truth of facts out of
favor; as having received benefits from him; while others; out of
hatred to him; and the great ill…will which they bare him; have
so impudently raved against him with their lies; that they justly
deserve to be condemned。 Nor do I wonder at such as have told
lies of Nero; since they have not in their writings preserved the
truth of history as to those facts that were earlier than his
time; even when the actors could have no way incurred their
hatred; since those writers lived a long time after them。 But as
to those that have no regard to truth; they may write as they
please; for in that they take delight: but as to ourselves; who
have made truth our direct aim; we shall briefly touch upon what
only belongs remotely to this undertaking; but shall relate what
hath happened to us Jews with great accuracy; and shall not
grudge our pains in giving an account both of the calamities we
have suffered; and of the crimes we have been guilty of。 I will
now therefore return to the relation of our own affairs。

4。 For in the first year of the reign of Nero; upon the death of
Azizus; king of Emesa; Soemus; his brother; succeeded in his
kingdom; and Aristobulus; the son of Herod; king of Chalcis; was
intrusted by Nero with the government of the Lesser Armenia。
Caesar also bestowed on Agrippa a certain part of Galilee;
Tiberias; and Tarichae; (18) and ordered them to submit to his
jurisdiction。 He gave him also Julias; a city of Perea; with
fourteen villages that lay about it。

5。 Now as for the affairs of the Jews; they grew worse and worse
continually; for the country was again filled with robbers and
impostors; who deluded the multitude。 Yet did Felix catch and put
to death many of those impostors every day; together with the
robbers。 He also caught Eleazar; the son of Dineas; who had
gotten together a company of robbers; and this he did by
treachery; for he gave him assurance that he should suffer no
harm; and thereby persuaded him to come to him; but when he came;
he bound him; and sent him to Rome。 Felix also bore an ill…will
to Jonathan; the high priest; because he frequently gave him
admonitions about governing the Jewish affairs better than he
did; lest he should himself have complaints made of him by the
multitude; since he it was who had desired Caesar to send him as
procurator of Judea。 So Felix contrived a method whereby he might
get rid of him; now he was become so continually troublesome to
him; for such continual admonitions are grievous to those who ar
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