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the antiquities of the jews-1-第370章

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priesthood at Jerusalem; one m succession to another; from the
days of king Solomon; until Nebuchadnezzar; king of Babylon; made
an expedition against that city; and burnt the temple; and
removed our nation into Babylon; and then took Josadek; the high
priest; captive; the times of these high priests were four
hundred and sixty…six years; six months; and ten days; while the
Jews were still under the regal government。 But after the term of
seventy years' captivity under the Babylonians; Cyrus; king of
Persia; sent the Jews from Babylon to their own land again; and
gave them leave to rebuild their temple; at which time Jesus; the
son of Josadek; took the high priesthood over the captives when
they were returned home。 Now he and his posterity; who were in
all fifteen; until king Antiochus Eupator; were under a
democratical government for four hundred and fourteen years; and
then the forementioned Antiochus; and Lysias the general of his
army; deprived Onias; who was also called Menelaus; of the high
priesthood; and slew him at Berea; and driving away the son 'of
Onias the third'; put Jaeimus into the place of the high priest;
one that was indeed of the stock of Aaron; but not of that family
of Onias。 On which account Onias; who was the nephew of Onias
that was dead; and bore the same name with his father; came into
Egypt; and got into the friendship of Ptolemy Philometor; and
Cleopatra his wife; and persuaded them to make him the high
priest of that temple which he built to God in the prefecture of
Heliopolis; and this in imitation of that at Jerusalem; but as
for that temple which was built in Egypt; we have spoken of it
frequently already。 Now when Jacimus had retained the priesthood
three years; he died; and there was no one that succeeded him;
but the city continued seven years without a high priest。 But
then the posterity of the sons of Asamoneus; who had the
government of the nation conferred upon them; when they had
beaten the Macedonians in war; appointed Jonathan to be their
high priest; who ruled over them seven years。 And when he had
been slain by the treacherous contrivance of Trypho; as we have
related some where; Simon his brother took the high priesthood;
and when he was destroyed at a feast by the treachery of his
son…in…law; his own son; whose name was Hyrcanus; succeeded him;
after he had held the high priesthood one year longer than his
brother。 This Hyrcanus enjoyed that dignity thirty years; and
died an old man; leaving the succession to Judas; who was also
called Aristobulus; whose brother Alexander was his heir; which
Judas died of a sore distemper; after he had kept the priesthood;
together with the royal authority; for this Judas was the first
that put on his head a diadem for one year。 And when Alexander
had been both king and high priest twenty…seven years; he
departed this life; and permitted his wife Alexandra to appoint
him that should he high priest; so she gave the high priesthood
to Hyrcanus; but retained the kingdom herself nine years; and
then departed this life。 The like duration 'and no longer' did
her son Hyrcanus enjoy the high priesthood; for after her death
his brother Aristobulus fought against him; and beat him; and
deprived him of his principality; and he did himself both reign;
and perform the office of high priest to God。 But when he had
reigned three years; and as many months; Pompey came upon him;
and not only took the city of Jerusalem by force; but put him and
his children in bonds; and sent them to Rome。 He also restored
the high priesthood to Hyrcanus; and made him governor of the
nation; but forbade him to wear a diadem。 This Hyrcanus ruled;
besides his first nine years; twenty…four years more; when
Barzapharnes and Pacorus; the generals of the Parthians; passed
over Euphrates; and fought with Hyrcanus; and took him alive; and
made Antigonus; the son of Aristobulus; king; and when he had
reigned three years and three months; Sosius and Herod besieged
him; and took him; when Antony had him brought to Antioch; and
slain there。 Herod was then made king by the Romans; but did no
longer appoint high priests out of the family of Asamoneus; but
made certain men to be so that were of no eminent families; but
barely of those that were priests; excepting that he gave that
dignity to Aristobulus; for when he had made this Aristobulus;
the grandson of that Hyrcanus who was then taken by the
Parthians; and had taken his sister Mariarmne to wife; he thereby
aimed to win the good…will of the people; who had a kind
remembrance of Hyrcanus 'his grandfather'。 Yet did he afterward;
out of his fear lest they should all bend their inclinations to
Aristobulus; put him to death; and that by contriving how to have
him suffocated as he was swimming at Jericho; as we have already
related that matter; but after this man he never intrusted the
priesthood to the posterity of the sons of Asamoneus。 Archelaus
also; Herod's son; did like his father in the appointment of the
high priests; as did the Romans also; who took the government
over the Jews into their hands afterward。 Accordingly; the number
of the high priests; from the days of Herod until the day when
Titus took the temple and the City; and burnt them; were in all
twenty…eight; the time also that belonged to them was a hundred
and seven years。 Some of these were the political governors of
the people under the reign of Herod; and under the reign of
Archelaus his son; although; after their death; the government
became an aristocracy; and the high priests were intrusted with a
dominion over the nation。 And thus much may suffice to be said
concerning our high priests。


Concerning Florus The Procurator; Who Necessitated The Jews To
Take Up Arms Against The Romans。 The Conclusion。

1。 Now Gessius Florus; who was sent as successor to Albinus by
Nero; filled Judea with abundance of miseries。 He was by birth of
the city of Clazomene; and brought along with him his wife
Cleopatra; (by whose friendship with Poppea; Nero's wife; he
obtained this government;) who was no way different from him in
wickedness。 This Florus was so wicked; and so violent in the use
of his authority; that the Jews took Albinus to have been
'comparatively' their benefactor; so excessive were the mischiefs
that he brought upon them。 For Albinus concealed his wickedness;
and was careful that it might not be discovered to all men; but
Gessius Florus; as though he bad been sent on purpose to show his
crimes to every body; made a pompous ostentation of them to our
nation; as never omitting any sort of violence; nor any unjust
sort of punishment; for he was not to be moved by pity; and never
was satisfied with any degree of gain that came in his way; nor
had he any more regard to great than to small acquisitions; but
became a partner with the robbers themselves。 For a great many
fell then into that practice without fear; as having him for
their security; and depending on him; that he would save them
harmless in their particular robberies; so that there were no
bounds set to the nation's miseries; but the unhappy Jews; when
they were not able to bear the devastations wh
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