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the antiquities of the jews-1-第56章

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bright; and had a terrible flame; such as is kindled at the
command of God; by whose irruption on them; all the company; and
Corah himself; were destroyed; (2) and this so entirely; that
their very bodies left no remains behind them。 Aaron alone was
preserved; and not at all hurt by the fire; because it was God
that sent the fire to burn those only who ought to be burned。
Hereupon Moses; after these men were destroyed; was desirous that
the memory of this judgment might be delivered down to posterity;
and that future ages might be acquainted with it; and so he
commanded Eleazar; the son of Aaron; to put their censers near
the brazen altar; that they might be a memorial to posterity of
what these men suffered; for supposing that the power of God
might be eluded。 And thus Aaron was now no longer esteemed to
have the priesthood by the favor of Moses; but by the public
judgment of God; and thus he and his children peaceably enjoyed
that honor afterward。


What Happened To The Hebrews During Thirty…Eight Years In The

1。 However; this sedition was so far from ceasing upon this
destruction; that it grew much stronger; and became more
intolerable。 And the occasion of its growing worse was of that
nature; as made it likely the calamity would never cease; but
last for a long time; for the men; believing already that nothing
is done without the providence of God; would have it that these
things came thus to pass not without God's favor to Moses; they
therefore laid the blame upon him that God was so angry; and that
this happened not so much because of the wickedness of those that
were punished; as because Moses procured the punishment; and that
these men had been destroyed without any sin of theirs; only
because they were zealous about the Divine worship; as also; that
he who had been the cause of this diminution of the people; by
destroying so many men; and those the most excellent of them all;
besides his escaping any punishment himself; had now given the
priesthood to his brother so firmly; that nobody could any longer
dispute it with him; for no one else; to be sure; could now put
in for it; since he must have seen those that first did so to
have miserably perished。 Nay; besides this; the kindred of those
that were destroyed made great entreaties to the multitude to
abate the arrogance of Moses; because it would be safest for them
so to do。

2。 Now Moses; upon his hearing for a good while that the people
were tumultuous; was afraid that they would attempt some other
innovation; and that some great and sad calamity would be the
consequence。 He called the multitude to a congregation; and
patiently heard what apology they had to make for themselves;
without opposing them; and this lest he should imbitter the
multitude: he only desired the heads of the tribes to bring their
rods; (3) with the names of their tribes inscribed upon them; and
that he should receive the priesthood in whose rod God should
give a sign。 This was agreed to。 So the rest brought their rods;
as did Aaron also; who had written the tribe of Levi on his rod。
These rods Moses laid up in the tabernacle of God。 On the next
day he brought out the rods; which were known from one another by
those who brought them; they having distinctly noted them; as had
the multitude also; and as to the rest; in the same form Moses
had received them; in that they saw them still; but they also saw
buds and branches grown out of Aaron's rod; with ripe fruits upon
them; they were almonds; the rod having been cut out of that
tree。 The people were so amazed at this strange sight; that
though Moses and Aaron were before under some degree of hatred;
they now laid that hatred aside; and began to admire the judgment
of God concerning them; so that hereafter they applauded what God
had decreed; and permitted Aaron to enjoy the priesthood
peaceably。 And thus God ordained him priest three several times;
and he retained that honor without further disturbance。 And
hereby this sedition of the Hebrews; which had been a great one;
and had lasted a great while; was at last composed。

3。 And now Moses; because the tribe of Levi was made free from
war and warlike expeditions; and was set apart for the Divine
worship; lest they should want and seek after the necessaries of
life; and so neglect the temple; commanded the Hebrews; according
to the will of God; that when they should gain the possession of
the land of Canaan; they should assign forty…eight good and fair
cities to the Levites; and permit them to enjoy their suburbs; as
far as the limit of two thousand cubits would extend from the
walls of the city。 And besides this; he appointed that the people
should pay the tithe of their annual fruits of the earth; both to
the Levites and to the priests。 And this is what that tribe
receives of the multitude; but I think it necessary to set down
what is paid by all; peculiarly to the priests。

4。 Accordingly he commanded the Levites to yield up to the
priests thirteen of their forty…eight cities; and to set apart
for them the tenth part of the tithes which they every year
receive of the people; as also; that it was but just to offer to
God the first…fruits of the entire product of the ground; and
that they should offer the first…born of those four…footed beasts
that are appointed for sacrifices; if it be a male; to the
priests; to be slain; that they and their entire families may eat
them in the holy city; but that the owners of those first…born
which are not appointed for sacrifices in the laws of our
country; should bring a shekel and a half in their stead: but for
the first…born of a man; five shekels: that they should also have
the first…fruits out of the shearing of the sheep; and that when
any baked bread corn; and made loaves of it; they should give
somewhat of what they had baked to them。 Moreover; when any have
made a sacred vow; I mean those that are called Nazarites; that
suffer their hair to grow long; and use no wine; when they
consecrate their hair; (4) and offer it for a sacrifice; they are
to allot that hair for the priests 'to be thrown into the fire'。
Such also as dedicate themselves to God; as a corban; which
denotes what the Greeks call a gift; when they are desirous of
being freed from that ministration; are to lay down money for the
priests; thirty shekels if it be a woman; and fifty if it be a
man; but if any be too poor to pay the appointed sum; it shall be
lawful for the priests to determine that sum as they think fit。
And if any slay beasts at home for a private festival; but not
for a religious one; they are obliged to bring the maw and the
cheek; 'or breast;' and the right shoulder of the sacrifice; to
the priests。 With these Moses contrived that the priests should
be plentifully maintained; besides what they had out of those
offerings for sins which the people gave them; as I have set it
down in the foregoing book。 He also ordered; that out of every
thing allotted for the priests; their servants; 'their sons;'
their daughters; and their wives; should partake; as well as
themselves; excepting what came to them out of the sacrifices
that were offer
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