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the antiquities of the jews-1-第7章

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proceeded along Asia; as far as the river Tansis; and along
Europe to Cadiz; and settling themselves on the lands which they
light upon; which none had inhabited before; they called the
nations by their own names。 For Gomer founded those whom the
Greeks now call Galatians; 'Galls;' but were then called
Gomerites。 Magog founded those that from him were named
Magogites; but who are by the Greeks called Scythians。 Now as to
Javan and Madai; the sons of Japhet; from Madai came the Madeans;
who are called Medes; by the Greeks; but from Javan; Ionia; and
all the Grecians; are derived。 Thobel founded the Thobelites; who
are now called Iberes; and the Mosocheni were founded by Mosoch;
now they are Cappadocians。 There is also a mark of their ancient
denomination still to be shown; for there is even now among them
a city called Mazaca; which may inform those that are able to
understand; that so was the entire nation once called。 Thiras
also called those whom he ruled over Thirasians; but the Greeks
changed the name into Thracians。 And so many were the countries
that had the children of Japhet for their inhabitants。 Of the
three sons of Gomer; Aschanax founded the Aschanaxians; who are
now called by the Greeks Rheginians。 So did Riphath found the
Ripheans; now called Paphlagonians; and Thrugramma the
Thrugrammeans; who; as the Greeks resolved; were named Phrygians。
Of the three sons of Javan also; the son of Japhet; Elisa gave
name to the Eliseans; who were his subjects; they are now the
Aeolians。 Tharsus to the Tharsians; for so was Cilicia of old
called; the sign of which is this; that the noblest city they
have; and a metropolis also; is Tarsus; the tau being by change
put for the theta。 Cethimus possessed the island Cethima: it is
now called Cyprus; and from that it is that all islands; and the
greatest part of the sea…coasts; are named Cethim by the Hebrews:
and one city there is in Cyprus that has been able to preserve
its denomination; it has been called Citius by those who use the
language of the Greeks; and has not; by the use of that dialect;
escaped the name of Cethim。 And so many nations have the children
and grandchildren of Japhet possessed。 Now when I have premised
somewhat; which perhaps the Greeks do not know; I will return and
explain what I have omitted; for such names are pronounced here
after the manner of the Greeks; to please my readers; for our own
country language does not so pronounce them: but the names in all
cases are of one and the same ending; for the name we here
pronounce Noeas; is there Noah; and in every case retains the
same termination。

2。 The children of Ham possessed the land from Syria and Amanus;
and the mountains of Libanus; seizing upon all that was on its
sea…coasts; and as far as the ocean; and keeping it as their own。
Some indeed of its names are utterly vanished away; others of
them being changed; and another sound given them; are hardly to
be discovered; yet a few there are which have kept their
denominations entire。 For of the four sons of Ham; time has not
at all hurt the name of Chus; for the Ethiopians; over whom he
reigned; are even at this day; both by themselves and by all men
in Asia; called Chusites。 The memory also of the Mesraites is
preserved in their name; for all we who inhabit this country 'of
Judea' called Egypt Mestre; and the Egyptians Mestreans。 Phut
also was the founder of Libya; and called the inhabitants
Phutites; from himself: there is also a river in the country of
Moors which bears that name; whence it is that we may see the
greatest part of the Grecian historiographers mention that river
and the adjoining country by the apellation of Phut: but the 
name it has now has been by change given it from one of the sons
of Mesraim; who was called Lybyos。 We will inform you presently
what has been the occasion why it has been called Africa also。
Canaan; the fourth son of Ham; inhabited the country now called
Judea; and called it from his own name Canaan。 The children of
these 'four' were these: Sabas; who founded the Sabeans; Evilas;
who founded the Evileans; who are called Getuli; Sabathes founded
the Sabathens; they are now called by the Greeks Astaborans;
Sabactas settled the Sabactens; and Ragmus the Ragmeans; and he
had two sons; the one of whom; Judadas; settled the Judadeans; a
nation of the western Ethiopians; and left them his name; as did
Sabas to the Sabeans: but Nimrod; the son of Chus; staid and
tyrannized at Babylon; as we have already informed you。 Now all
the children of Mesraim; being eight in number; possessed the
country from Gaza to Egypt; though it retained the name of one
only; the Philistim; for the Greeks call part of that country
Palestine。 As for the rest; Ludieim; and Enemim; and Labim; who
alone inhabited in Libya; and called the country from himself;
Nedim; and Phethrosim; and Chesloim; and Cephthorim; we know
nothing of them besides their names; for the Ethiopic war(17)
which we shall describe hereafter; was the cause that those
cities were overthrown。 The sons of Canaan were these: Sidonius;
who also built a city of the same name; it is called by the
Greeks Sidon
Amathus inhabited in Amathine; which is even now called Amathe by
the inhabitants; although the Macedonians named it Epiphania;
from one of his posterity: Arudeus possessed the island Aradus:
Arucas possessed Arce; which is in Libanus。 But for the seven
others; 'Eueus;' Chetteus; Jebuseus; Amorreus; Gergesus; Eudeus;
Sineus; Samareus; we have nothing in the sacred books but their
names; for the Hebrews overthrew their cities; and their
calamities came upon them on the occasion following。

3。 Noah; when; after the deluge; the earth was resettled in its
former condition; set about its cultivation; and when he had
planted it with vines; and when the fruit was ripe; and he had
gathered the grapes in their season; and the wine was ready for
use; he offered sacrifice; and feasted; and; being drunk; he fell
asleep; and lay naked in an unseemly manner。 When his youngest
son saw this; he came laughing; and showed him to his brethren;
but they covered their father's nakedness。 And when Noah was made
sensible of what had been done; he prayed for prosperity to his
other sons; but for Ham; he did not curse him; by reason of his
nearness in blood; but cursed his prosperity: and when the rest
of them escaped that curse; God inflicted it on the children of
Canaan。 But as to these matters; we shall speak more hereafter。

4。 Shem; the third son of Noah; had five sons; who inhabited the
land that began at Euphrates; and reached to the Indian Ocean。
For Elam left behind him the Elamites; the ancestors of the
Persians。 Ashur lived at the city Nineve; and named his subjects
Assyrians; who became the most fortunate nation; beyond others。
Arphaxad named the Arphaxadites; who are now called Chaldeans。
Aram had the Aramites; which the Greeks called Syrians; as Laud
founded the Laudites; which are now called Lydians。 Of the four
sons of Aram; Uz founded Trachonitis and Damascus: this country
lies between Palestine and Celesyria。 Ul founded Armenia; and
Gather the Bactrians; and Mesa the Mesaneans; i
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