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the antiquities of the jews-1-第80章

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dangerous undertaking; (and few they were; who; either out of
shame at their present circumstances; or out of a desire of
changing them; could be prevailed on to assist him;) he first of
all destroyed that garrison which Chushan had set over them; but
when it was perceived that he had not failed in his first
attempt; more of the people came to his assistance; so they
joined battle with the Assyrians; and drove them entirely before
them; and compelled them to pass over Euphrates。 Hereupon
Othniel; who had given such proofs of his valor; received from
the multitude authority tojudge the people; and when he had ruled
over them forty years; he died。


How Our People Served The Moabites Eighteen Years; And Were Then
Delivered From Slavery By One Ehud Who Retained The Dominion
Eighty Years。

1。 When Othniel was dead; the affairs of the Israelites fell
again into disorder: and while they neither paid to God the honor
due to him; nor were obedient to the laws; their afflictions
increased; till Eglon; king of the Moabites; did so greatly
despise them on account of the disorders of their political
government; that he made war upon them; and overcame them in
several battles; and made the most courageous to submit; and
entirely subdued their army; and ordered them to pay him tribute。
And when he had built him a royal palace at Jericho; (14) he
omitted no method whereby he might distress them; and indeed he
reduced them to poverty for eighteen years。 But when God had once
taken pity of the Israelites; on account of their afflictions;
and was moved to compassion by their supplications put up to him;
he freed them from the hard usage they had met with under the
Moabites。 This liberty he procured for them in the following
manner; … 

2。 There was a young man of the tribe of Benjamin; whose name was
Ehud; the son of Gera; a man of very great courage in bold
undertakings; and of a very strong body; fit for hard labor; but
best skilled in using his left hand; in which was his whole
strength; and he also dwelt at Jericho。 Now this man became
familiar with Eglon; and that by means of presents; with which he
obtained his favor; and insinuated himself into his good opinion;
whereby he was also beloved of those that were about the king。
Now; when on a time he was bringing presents to the king; and had
two servants with him; he put a dagger on his right thigh
secretly; and went in to him: it was then summer thee; and the
middle of the day; when the guards were not strictly on their
watch; both because of the heat; and because they were gone to
dinner。 So the young man; when he had offered his presents to the
king; who then resided in a small parlor that stood conveniently
to avoid the heat; fell into discourse with him; for they were
now alone; the king having bid his servants that attended him to
go their ways; because he had a mind to talk with Ehud。 He was
now sitting on his throne; and fear seized upon Ehud lest he
should miss his stroke; and not give him a deadly wound; so he
raised himself up; and said he had a dream to impart to him by
the command of God; upon which the king leaped out of his throne
for joy of the dream; so Ehud smote him to the heart; and leaving
his dagger in his body; he went out and shut the door after him。
Now the king's servants were very still; as supposing that the
king had composed himself to sleep。

3。 Hereupon Ehud informed the people of Jericho privately of what
he had done; and exhorted them to recover their liberty; who
heard him gladly; and went to their arms; and sent messengers
over the country; that should sound trumpets of rams' horns; for
it was our custom to call the people together by them。 Now the
attendants of Eglon were ignorant of what misfortune had befallen
him for a great while; but; towards the evening; fearing some
uncommon accident had happened; they entered into his parlor; and
when they found him dead; they were in great disorder; and knew
not what to do; and before the guards could be got together; the
multitude of the Israelites came upon them; so that some of them
were slain immediately; and some were put to flight; and ran away
toward the country of Moab; in order to save themselves。 Their
number was above ten thousand。 The Israelites seized upon the
ford of Jordan; and pursued them; and slew them; and many of them
they killed at the ford; nor did one of them escape out of their
hands; and by this means it was that the Hebrews freed themselves
from slavery under the Moabites。 Ehud also was on this account
dignified with the government over all the multitude; and died
after he had held the government eighty years (15) He was a man
worthy of commendation; even besides what he deserved for the
forementioned act of his。 After him Shamgat; the son of Anath;
was elected for their governor; but died in the first year of his


How The Canaanites Brought The Israelites Under Slavery For
Twenty Years; After Which They Were Delivered By Barak And
Deborah; Who Ruled Over Them For Forty Years。

1。 And now it was that the Israelites; taking no warning by their
former misfortunes to amend their manners; and neither
worshipping God nor submitting to the laws; were brought under
slavery by Jabin; the king of the Canaanites; and that before
they had a short breathing time after the slavery under the
Moabites; for this Jabin out of Hazor; a city that was situate
over the Semechonitis; and had in pay three hundred footmen; and
ten thousand horsemen; with fewer than three thousand chariots。
Sisera was commander of all his army; and was the principal
person in the king's favor。 He so sorely beat the Israelites when
they fought with him; that he ordered them to pay tribute。

2。 So they continued to that hardship for twenty years; as not
good enough of themselves to grow wise by their misfortunes。 God
was willing also hereby the more to subdue their obstinacy and
ingratitude towards himself: so when at length they were become
penitent; and were so wise as to learn that their calamities
arose from their contempt of the laws; they besought Deborah; a
certain prophetess among them; (which name in the Hebrew tongue
signifies a Bee;) to pray to God to take pity on them; and not to
overlook them; now they were ruined by the Canaanites。 So God
granted them deliverance; and chose them a general; Barak; one
that was of the tribe of Naphtali。 Now Barak; in the Hebrew
tongue; signifies Lightning。

3。 So Deborah sent for Barak; and bade him choose out ten
thousand young men to go against the enemy; because God had said
that that number was sufficient; and promised them victory。 But
when Barak said that he would not be the general unless she would
also go as a general with him; she had indignation at what he
said 'Thou; O Barak; deliverest up meanly that authority which
God hath given thee into the hand of a woman; and I do not reject
it!〃 So they collected ten thousand men; and pitched their camp
at Mount Tabor; where; at the king's command; Sisera met them;
and pitched his camp not far from the enemy; whereupon the
Israelites; and Barak himself; were so aftrighted at th
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