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the antiquities of the jews-1-第99章

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spear was also such as was not carried like a light thing in his
right hand; but he carried it as lying on his shoulders。 He had
also a lance of six hundred shekels; and many followed him to
carry his armor。 Wherefore this Goliath stood between the two
armies; as they were in battle array; and sent out aloud voice;
and said to Saul and the Hebrews; 〃I will free you from fighting
and from dangers; for what necessity is there that your army
should fall and be afflicted? Give me a man of you that will
fight with me; and he that conquers shall have the reward of the
conqueror and determine the war; for these shall serve those
others to whom the conqueror shall belong; and certainly it is
much better; and more prudent; to gain what you desire by the
hazard of one man than of all。〃 When he had said this; he retired
to his own camp; but the next day he came again; and used the
same words; and did not leave off for forty days together; to
challenge the enemy in the same words; till Saul and his army
were therewith terrified; while they put themselves in array as
if they would fight; but did not come to a close battle。

2。 Now while this war between the Hebrews and the Philistines was
going on; Saul sent away David to his father Jesse; and contented
himself with those three sons of his whom he had sent to his
assistance; and to be partners in the dangers of the war: and at
first David returned to feed his sheep and his flocks; but after
no long time he came to the camp of the Hebrews; as sent by his
father; to carry provisions to his brethren; and to know what
they were doing。 While Goliath came again; and challenged them;
and reproached them; that they had no man of valor among them
that durst come down to fight him; and as David was talking with
his brethren about the business for which his father had sent
him; he heard the Philistine reproaching and abusing the army;
and had indignation at it; and said to his brethren; 〃I am ready
to fight a single combat with this adversary。〃 Whereupon Eliab;
his eldest brother; reproved him; and said that he spoke too
rashly and improperly for one of his age; and bid him go to his
flocks; and to his father。 So he was abashed at his brother's
words; and went away; but still he spake to some of the soldiers
that he was willing to fight with him that challenged them。 And
when they had informed Saul what was the resolution of the young
man; the king sent for him to come to him: and when the king
asked what he had to say; he replied; 〃O king; be not cast down;
nor afraid; for I will depress the insolence of this adversary;
and will go down and fight with him; and will bring him under me;
as tall and as great as he is; till he shall be sufficiently
laughed at; and thy army shall get great glory; when he shall be
slain by one that is not yet of man's estate; neither fit for
fighting; nor capable of being intrusted with the marshalling an
army; or ordering a battle; but by one that looks like a child;
and is really no elder in age than a child。〃

3。 Now Saul wondered at the boldness and alacrity of David; but
durst not presume on his ability; by reason of his age; but said
he must on that account be too weak to fight with one that was
skilled in the art of war。 〃I undertake this enterprise;〃 said
David; 〃in dependence on God's being with me; for I have had
experience already of his assistance; for I once pursued after
and caught a lion that assaulted my flocks; and took away a lamb
from them; and I snatched the lamb out of the wild beast's mouth;
and when he leaped upon me with violence; I took him by the tail;
and dashed him against the ground。 In the same manner did I
avenge myself on a bear also; and let this adversary of ours be
esteemed like one of these wild beasts; since he has a long while
reproached our army; and blasphemed our God; who yet will reduce
him under my power。〃

4。 However; Saul prayed that the end might be; by God's
assistance; not disagreeable to the alacrity and boldness of the
child; and said; 〃Go thy way to the fight。〃 So he put about him
his breastplate; and girded on his sword; and fitted the helmet
to his head; and sent him away。 But David was burdened with his
armor; for he had not been exercised to it; nor had he learned to
walk with it; so he said; 〃Let this armor be thine; O king; who
art able to bear it; but give me leave to fight as thy servant;
and as I myself desire。〃 Accordingly he laid by the armor; and
taking his staff with him; and putting five stones out of the
brook into a shepherd's bag; and having a sling in his right
hand; he went towards Goliath。 But the adversary seeing him come
in such a manner; disdained him; and jested upon him; as if he
had not such weapons with him as are usual when one man fights
against another; but such as are used in driving away and
avoiding of dogs; and said; 〃Dost thou take me not for a man; but
a dog?〃 To which he replied; 〃No; not for a dog; but for a
creature worse than a dog。〃 This provoked Goliath to anger; who
thereupon cursed him by the name of God; and threatened to give
his flesh to the beasts of the earth; and to the fowls of the
air; to be torn in pieces by them。 To whom David answered; Thou
comest to me with a sword; and with a spear; and with a
breastplate; but I have God for my armor in coming against thee;
who will destroy thee and all thy army by my hands for I will
this day cut off thy head; and cast the other parts of thy body
to the dogs; and all men shall learn that God is the protector of
the Hebrews; and that our armor and our strength is in his
providence; and that without God's assistance; all other warlike
preparations and power are useless。〃 So the Philistine being
retarded by the weight of his armor; when he attempted to meet
David in haste; came on but slowly; as despising him; and
depending upon it that he should slay him; who was both unarmed
and a child also; without any trouble at all。

5。 But the youth met his antagonist; being accompanied with an
invisible assistant; who was no other than God himself。 And
taking one of the stones that he had out of the brook; and had
put into his shepherd's bag; and fitting it to his sling; he
slang it against the Philistine。 This stone fell upon his
forehead; and sank into his brain; insomuch that Goliath was
stunned; and fell upon his face。 So David ran; and stood upon his
adversary as he lay down; and cut off his head with his own
sword; for he had no sword himself。 And upon the fall of Goliath
the Philistines were beaten; and fled; for when they saw their
champion prostrate on the ground; they were afraid of the entire
issue of their affairs; and resolved not to stay any longer; but
committed themselves to an ignominious and indecent flight; and
thereby endeavored to save themselves from the dangers they were
in。 But Saul and the entire army of the Hebrews made a shout; and
rushed upon them; and slew a great number of them; and pursued
the rest to the borders of Garb; and to the gates of Ekron; so
that there were slain of the Philistines thirty thousand; and
twice as many wounded。 But Saul returned to their camp; and
pulled their fortification to 
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