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to the care of the succeeding consuls; died; thus closing a life
which; so far as human life may be; had been full of all that is
good and honourable。 The people; as though they had not duly
rewarded his deserts when alive; but still were in his debt; decreed
him a public interment; every one contributing his quadrans towards
the charge; the women; besides; by private consent; mourned a whole
year; a signal mark of honour to his memory。 He was buried; by the
people's desire; within the city; in the part called Velia; where
his posterity had likewise privilege of burial; now; however; none
of the family are interred there; but the body is carried thither
and set down; and some one places a burning torch under it and
immediately takes it away; as an attestation of the deceased's
privilege; and his receding from his honour; after which the body is

                               THE END
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