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  She brings forth but possesses nothing
  She does everything disinterestedly and asks for nothing
  She leads but demands nothing
  That is what people call the incomprehensibility of Nature


  Thirty spokes unite within the nave
  But the wheel is only useful because of the cavity inside the nave
  Clay is kneaded into vases
  But the utility is determined by the cavity
  When building a house they leave blank spots in the walls for doors and windows
  But the utility of the house depends on the cavity inside
  Therefore; that which exists is useful
  But the cavity makes it possible


  All those artificial colours blind people抯 eyes
  All that man…made music deafens people's ears
  All those various flavours dull our taste
  Horse races and hunting drive people crazy
  The desire for scarce goods
  Hinders people from going on the straight and simple path
  Therefore the wise finds his satisfaction
  In feeding himself and then he won抰 exhaust his eyes
  Therefore he does this and leaves that


  Watch out for gratitude and criticism
  Honour and misfortune are as disastrous as having character
  What does that say?
  Watch out for gratitude and criticism?
  Watch out for gratitude; because it originates from submission
  Watch out for criticism; because it comes from superior power
  Therefore; watch out for gratitude and criticism
  What does it mean that honour and misfortune are as bad as having character?
  Disasters come over us because we抳e got something to lose
  If we had nothing to lose; which disasters could still strike us?
  Therefore: to him who considers himself just as worthy as the world;
  Mankind can entrust the world
  And to him who loves himself and the world just as unconditionally;
  Mankind can entrust the care for the world


  We look at it but we do not see it and we call it the invisible
  We listen to it but don抰 hear it and we call it the inaudible
  We grope at it but never touch it and we call it the untouchable
  The invisible; the inaudible and the untouchable come together in one
  There is no light when it rises
  There is no darkness when it descends
  Continuously; constantly; but it cannot be put into words
  And it returns to nothing
  This is what they call the form of the formless; the image of the invisible
  People call it indefinite and impalpable
  You won抰 see it from the front
  You won抰 see it from behind
  One who lives after their original conscience; lives in the present
  And understands everything that has ever been
  That is living according to nature


  The wise of old were profound and acute
  People thought of them as unfathomable 
  Because they where unfathomable; I抣l try to sketch their way of living:
  They seemed cautious; like people who cross a wintry river
  They seemed irresolute; as if danger was threatening everywhere
  They seemed dignified; as if they where guests
  They seemed natural; like raw wood
  They seemed empty; like a valley
  They seemed opaque; like muddy water 
  How can one make muddy water clear?
  Stagnation will settle the mud down and the water will become clear
  Let everything happen as it happens and you will come to rest
  The head of the wise is empty; he does not search for anything and expects nothing
  He is empty; everlasting; youthful and not caught in time
  He is perfect


  One who has an empty head is satisfied; One who is satisfied has an empty head
  All creatures exert and come to rest
  All plants grow to maturity and come to rest
  That final rest is what抯 called being done; completion
  Returning to nature is what抯 called eternal life
  Living in the present is called being enlightened 
  One who is not enlightened lives in confusion and misery
  One who lives according to his nature understands everything and is forbearing
  One who is forbearing is righteous
  One who is righteous is royal
  One who is royal is divine
  One who is divine knows oneself
  One who knows oneself has eternal life
  One who has eternal life is not afraid to die


  Of the wise of old; people only knew that they existed
  Later on they loved them and admired them
  Thereafter they got scared of them
  And finally the wise were seen as despicable
  One who can抰 trust oneself; can抰 trust another
  How cautious were the first with their words
  They proceeded so cautiously that when they where done
  The people thought they did it themselves


  When people deviate from their nature
  Friendliness and righteousness became merits to be earned
  Knowledge and cleverness came into being and lying started to rule
  Relatives came into conflict with each other and loving each other became a duty
  Cause when mankind and families get confused
  Allegiance becomes an order


  Dispose yourself of worldly knowledge and cleverness
  And it will only be good for mankind
  Stop pretending to be nice and fair; but be it
  Then people will love each other unconditionally
  Dispose yourself of the work of your hands and stop serving your self…interest
  And there will be no thieves or robbers anymore
  But these three things won抰 be enough
  What it抯 really about is turning back to simplicity
  Giving up your selfishness and not wishing for anything


  When you unlearn what you have learned; you will be free from worries
  We抳e learned that there is but little difference between yes and yes ; but
  That there is a big difference between good and evil
  That we have to be scared of what others are scared of
  What an endless pack of bullshit
  Everybody is restless and excited like they are watching a soccer game
  Only I am at rest and unwound and I don抰 have to do those things and like a child; I want nothing
  I'm not attached to anything and don抰 have to go anywhere in particular
  The others already have so much and still they want more
  Only I seem to have lost everything
  They think I抦 crazy and confused
  People seem to be bright and clever
  And think that I am naive and foolish
  It looks like I blow with the wind and don抰 seem to find rest anywhere
  The others seem to know so much
  And in their eyes I am nothing but a boor
  I am only different because I live according to my nature


  A righteous and blissful life is approachable only when you follow your conscience
  The conscience is invisible and impalpable。 How can you follow it?
  It speaks through images; like shadows in the dark
  But how faintly and obscurely
  The conscience is hidden but it carries the essentials of everything inside
  The true life…force shelters itself inside conscience
  Everything people know deeply inside is stowed within the conscience
  It has always been there since the beginning; with many different names
  The conscience separates truth from lie
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