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  A true fighter is unshakeable 
  A true victor does not argue
  A true leader is the least
  That抯 what people call 搉on…violent defensibility?br》 And that抯 how one gets the people on his side
  That is called 搇iving according to your nature?br》 That is the perfection of which the wise of old spoke


  One who understands that quarrels will never solve anything;
  Won抰 start them anymore and prefers to wait
  He rather takes a step back or retracts
  That抯 what people call winning by losing
  Showing strength without impressing
  Standing firm without starting a fight
  Nothing is more disastrous than underestimating your enemy
  One who underestimates his enemy exposes oneself to danger
  Therefore he who抯 driven by compassion
  Is always the winner in a conflict


  My words are easy to comprehend
  And easy to bring to practice
  Yet no one in the world wants to surrender to them
  And no one feels capable of living according to them
  My words have an origin; my way of living a principle 
  But because the people do not dare to see this

  They are not able to understand me
  There are only a few who understand me and to them I am most precious
  One who is wise therefore acts unnoticed; but remains oneself


  Realizing you can抰 know anything; is wise
  One who does not understand he can抰 know anything; is insane
  One who realizes his insanity;
  Is able to get rid of it
  One who is wise is not insane anymore;
  Because he has disposed of his insanity
  Therefore he has a clear view


  When people have forgotten what to be afraid of;
  They will live in vague fear
  Why do they come to terms with this miserable way of living?
  Why don抰 they see the beauty of life?
  Why are they so scared of escaping their rut?
  One who is wise understands this; and won抰 flaunt it
  He enjoys it but doesn抰 consider it as his own merit
  He abandons his old way of living and embraces true life


  Having guts and being reckless will lead to death
  Having guts and being cautious saves life
  The first is useless; the other useful
  Only one who is wise understands the course of things
  Therefore he won抰 intervene
  It is easy to infringe upon the eternal laws of nature 

  But they always triumph
  They don抰 speak; yet they do answer
  They don抰 yell; yet everybody hears them
  Like a net; the original order protects the Universe
  Though its meshes seem wide; nothing can come through


  When people no longer fear death
  How can one threaten them with it?
  But if people are afraid of death and other people threaten to kill them

  When they infringe upon the law 
  Well; who is still going to break the law?
  But there is only One who commands life and death
  Since people started to decide about life and death themselves

  They have actually taken a place on that One抯 chair
  Then they behave like sorcerer抯 apprentices 

  Who assault the works of their master;
  With disastrous consequences for themselves


  People starve
  Because the wealthy enrich themselves off other people抯 backs
  That抯 why people starve
  People cannot be kept under control 

  Because their leaders don抰 know what they抮e doing
  That抯 why people cannot be kept under control 

  People want to die
  Because they don抰 want to live this way
  Therefore people want to die
  Only the one who is not afraid to live;
  Is not afraid of dying


  When a human being is born; it抯 supple and weak
  When it dies it抯 stiff and strong
  Everything that抯 alive (take a look at grass and trees for example)
  Is supple and flexible
  And when they die they are shriveled and parched
  Therefore hardness and inflexibility are companions of death
  And suppleness and softness; companions of life
  That抯 why a rigid troublemaker will never win
  And an inflexible tree is doomed to death
  Inflexibility and power won抰 get you very far
  Suppleness and softness get you everywhere


  The natural order is like stretching a bow
  The low bow gets pushed up high
  And the high tendon pulled downwards
  Where there is too much; it takes away
  Where there is not enough; it fills
  Nature strives for harmony all the time
  Decreases where there is too much
  And increases where there is too little
  But how opposite are the people in their behaviour
  The poor get poorer while the rich tend to get richer
  But one who is wise realizes that possession is burglary to community
  Therefore he disposes himself of that which belongs to the community
  So only one who is wise is detached
  He does what others ask him to; but nothing for himself
  Without taking credit for it


  Nothing in life is so soft and compliant as water
  Nothing is stronger in breaking what is hard and strong
  Nothing can exceed it in doing this
  Weak overcomes strong
  Soft overcomes hard
  Nobody knows this
  And no one practices it
  Therefore the sage says:
  One who is the least in the world; will be the greatest in life
  One who carries the sorrow of the world; is the greatest among mankind
  It sounds odd; but it抯 true


  When people make peace after violent hostility
  Then it抯 an armed peace
  How can it be right?
  One who is wise only takes a look at his own share in the conflict
  And never blames his opponent
  So one who is fair only faces his own part
  While one who is not daring enough to look at oneself; blames the other
  The road to self…knowledge knows no partiality
  But it does benefit the sincere


  May mankind live in freedom; equality and brotherhood again;
  So that there will be no need for leaders and superiors
  Then people won抰 fear death any longer
  And won't try to escape death
  May it be that people don抰 feel the need anymore; 
  To move themselves about in vehicles
  And that they will have nothing to defend anymore
  May humankind abandon their instruments and machines;
  And enjoy the seeds of the fruit…bearing plants
  Those were meant as our food
  May they feel shamelessly proud of their natural beauty again
  May they stop locking themselves away in cities and houses;
  And start enjoying creation
  And if some fools still lock themselves away in nations;
  Civilizations; cities and houses
  May the wise men keep themselves far from this;
  And live happily ever after


  True words are not pretty
  Pretty words are not true
  Wise men do not talk about the Unspeakable
  One who talks about the Unspeakable is not wise
  Wise men are not learned
  And learned ones aren抰 wise
  A wise man doesn抰 gather possessions
  He gives what he has
  And therefore he is worthy of living
  He shares his wisdom with others
  His wisdom is never…ending
  Living according to nature never
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