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ted; The Way of Virtue Classic; or The Way and Virtue Classic。 This is very inadequate。 The Vitality of the Tao is very much better。

  Most commentators think that Laotzu's teachings fit in especially well with Buddhist philosophy This conclusion is arrived at by the common interpretation of wu wei as submission that will logically end in absorption of the spirit in Tao as Nirvana。 This understanding of wu wei; which Henri Borel shares in a measure; is; we believe; incorrect; inasmuch as Laotzu consistently teaches a finding of life rather than a losing of it。 Laotzu's conception of Tao as the underived Source of all things; finding expression through spiritual Teh in universal creative activity; is very close to Plato's doctrine of the good as the One ineffable Source of all things; whose Ideas and Forms of Goodness; Truth and Beauty radiated outward as spiritual logos in creative activity through Spirit; Soul and Nature to the farthest confines of matter。

  While it is true that Laotzu's teachings would find little in common with the Old Testament anthropomorphic autocracy; and would find almost nothing in common with the modern Ritschlean system of ethical idealism which has for its basis a naturalistic evolution of human society by means of philanthropy; laws; cultural civilizations; and human governments backed by force of arms; nevertheless his teachings are entirely in harmony with that Christian philosophy of the Logos; which is a heritage from the Greeks; through Plato; Philo; St。 Paul; Plotinus; and Augustine; and which is the basis of the mystical faith of the Christian saints of all ages。 While Laotzu would find little in common with the busy; impertinent activities of so…called Christian statesman building by statecraft and war; he would find much in common with Apostolic Christianity which held itself aloof from current politics and refused to enter the army; content to live simply; quietly; full of faith and humble benevolence。

  And most of all would he find himself in sympathy with the teacher of Nazareth。 At almost every Sonnet; one thinks of some corresponding expression of Jesus; who had a very similar conception of God; but who recognized in Him that personal element of Love which made God not only Creative Principle but Heavenly Father。

  Laotzu's vision of the virile harmony; goodness; and Spirituality of the Tao was what Jesus saw as the Fatherhood of God; self…expressing his love…nature endlessly in all creative effort; and; through universal intuition; endlessly drawing his creation back to himself in grateful and humble affection。 Laotzu saw in a glass darkly what Jesus saw face to face in all his glory; the Divine Tao; God as creative and redemptive Love。

  As you read these verses; forget the words and phrases; poor material and poor workmanship at best; look through them for the soul of Laotzu。 It is there revealed; but so imperfectly that it is only an apparition of a soul。 But if by it; vague as it is; you come to love Laotzu; you will catch beyond him fleeting glimpses of the splendid visions that so possessed his soul; visions of Infinite Goodness; Humility and Beauty radiating from the Heart of creation。



  SZE MA…CH扞EN (136…85 B。C。) wrote that Laotzu was born of the Li family of Ch抲…jen Village; Li County; Wu Province; Ch抲 State。 His proper name was Err; his official name was Poh…yang; his posthumous title was Yueh…tan。 He held the position of custodian of the secret archives of the State of Cheu。

  Confucius went to Cheu to consult Laotzu about certain ceremonials; Laotzu told him: 〃The bones of these sages; concerning whom you inquire; have long since decayed; only their teachings remain。 If a superior man is understood by his age; he rises to honor; but not being understood; his name is like a vagrant seed blown about by the wind。 I have heard it said that a good merchant conceals his treasures; as though his warehouses were empty。 The sage of highest worth assumes a countenance and outward mien as though he were stupid。 Put aside your haughty airs; your many needs; affected robes and exaggerated importance。 These add no real value to your person。 That is my advice to you; and it is all I have to offer。〃

  Confucius departed and when he later described to his students his visit to Laotzu; he said: 〃I understand about the habits of birds; how they can fly; how fish can swim; and animals run。 For the running we can make snares; for the swimming we can make nets; for the flying we can make arrows。 But for the dragon; I cannot know how he ascends on the winds and clouds to heaven。 I have just seen Laotzu。 Can it be said; he is as difficult to understand as the dragon? He teaches the vitality of Tao。 His doctrine appears to lead one to aspire after self…effacement and obscurity。〃

  Laotzu lived in Cheu for a long time; he prophesied the decay of that state and in consequence was obliged to depart; and went to the frontier。 The officer at the border post was Yin…hi; who said to Laotzu; 〃If you are going to leave us; will you not write a book by which we may remember you?〃 Thereupon Laotzu wrote a book of sonnets in two parts; comprising in all about five thousand characters。 In this book he discussed his conception of the Vitality of the Tao。 He left this book with the soldier; and departed; no one knows whither。 


  The Tao that can be understood cannot be the primal; or cosmic; Tao; just as an idea that can be expressed in words cannot be the infinite idea。

  And yet this ineffable Tao was the source of all spirit and matter; and being expressed was the mother of all created things。

  Therefore not to desire the things of sense is to know the freedom of spirituality; and to desire is to learn the limitation of matter。 These two things spirit and matter; so different in nature; have the same origin。 This unity of origin is the mystery of mysteries; but it is the gateway to spirituality。


  When every one recognizes beauty to be only a masquerade; then it is simply ugliness。 In the same way goodness; if it is not sincere; is not goodness。 So existence and non…existence are incompatible。 The difficult and easy are mutually opposites。 Just as the long and the short; the high and the low; the loud and soft; the before and the behind; are all opposites and each reveals the other。

  Therefore the wise man is not conspicuous in his affairs or given to much talking。 Though troubles arise he is not irritated。 He produces but does not own; he acts but claims no merit; he builds but does not dwell therein; and because he does not dwell therein he never departs。


  Neglecting to praise the worthy deters people from emulating them; just as not prizing rare treasures deters a man from becoming a thief; or ignoring the things which awaken desire keeps the heart at rest。

  Therefore the wise ruler does not suggest unnecessary things; but seeks to satisfy the minds of his people。 He seeks to allay appetites but strengthen bones。 He ever tries by keeping people in ignorance to keep them satisfied and those who have knowledge he restrains from evil。 If he; h
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