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  The wise leader pays respectful attention to all behaviour。 Thus the group becomes open to more and more possibilities of behaviour。 People learn a great deal when they are open to everything and not just figuring out what pleases the teacher。
  The leader shows that style is no substitute for substance; that knowing certain facts is not more powerful than simple wisdom; that creating an impression is not more potent than acting from one's center。
  The students learn that effective action arises out of silence and a clear sense of being。 In this they find a source of peace。 They discover that the person who is down…to…earth can do what needs doing more effectively than the person who is merely busy。


  Dig as deep as you will; you will never come to a thing called Tao or God。 Tao is not a thing。 Tao is a principle or law。 Tao means how。
  All things behave according to Tao; but Tao does not behave。 Tao is never an object or a process。
  Tao is the law of all things; of all events。 Tao is the common ground of all creation。
  Creation consists of things and events。 All things and events are vibratory。 Vibration consists of opposites or polarities。 Polarities may cooperate with one another; or they may conflict to varying degrees。
  All things and events; whether they are cooperative or conflicting; harmonious or turbulent; take their form and become resolved in accordance with Tao。
  But Tao is not a vibratory event。 Tao is not; for example; a sound。 Tao has no opposites or polarities。 Tao is one; Tao is unity。
  As far as I know; nothing comes before Tao。 Nothing made Tao。 Nothing created God。


  Natural law is blind; its justice evenhanded。 The consequences of one's behaviour are inescapable。 Being human is no excuse。
  The wise leader does not try to protect people from themselves。 The light of awareness shines equally on what is pleasant and what is not pleasant。
  People are not better than the rest of creation。 The same principle which underlies human beings underlies everything equally。
  Neither is one person or one people better than the rest of humanity。 The same principle is everywhere。 One person is as worthy of the next。 Why play favourites?
  Everything demonstrates the law。 Just because God is not a thing does not mean God is nothing。 A little humility is in order。
  Knowing this; the leader does not pretend to be special。 The leader does not gossip about others or waste breath arguing the merits of competing theories。
  Silence is a great source of strength。


  Can you learn to become open and receptive; quiet and without desires or the need to do something? Being open and receptive is called Yin; the feminine; or the valley。
  Imagine that there is a pond in this valley。 When no fears or desires stir the surface of the pond; the water forms a perfect mirror。
  In this mirror; you can see the reflection of Tao。 You can see God and you can see creation。
  Go into the valley; be still; and watch the pond。 Go as often as you wish。 Your silence will grow。 The pond will never run dry。
  The valley; the pond; and Tao are all within you。


  True self…interest teaches selflessness。
  Heaven and earth endure because they are not simply selfish but exist in behalf of all creation。
  The wise leader; knowing this; keeps egocentricity in check and by doing so becomes even more effective。
  Enlightened leadership is service; not selfishness。 The leader grows more and lasts longer by placing the well…being of all above the well…being of self alone。
  Paradox: By being selfless; the leader enhances self。


  The wise leader is like water。
  Consider water: water cleanses and refreshes all creatures without distinction and without judgement; water freely and fearlessly goes deep beneath the surface of things; water is fluid and responsive; water follows the law freely。
  Consider the leader: the leader works in any setting without complaint; with any person or issue that comes on the floor; the leader acts so that all will benefit and serves well regardless of the rate of pay; the leader speaks simply and honestly and intervenes in order to shed light and create harmony。
  From watching the movements of water; the leader has learned that in action; timing is everything。
  Like water; the leader is yielding。 Because the leader does not push; the group does not resent or resist。


  A good group is better than a spectacular group。 When leaders become superstars; the teacher outshines the teaching。
  Very few superstars are down…to…earth。 Fame breeds fame; and before long the get carried away with themselves。 Then they fly off center and crash。
  The wise leader settles for good work and then lets others have the floor。 The leader does not take credit for what happens and has no need for fame。
  A moderate ego demonstrates wisdom。


  Can you mediate emotional issues without taking sides or picking favourites?
  Can you breathe freely and remained relaxed even in the presence of passionate fears and desires?
  Are your own conflicts clarified? Is your own house clean?
  Can you be gentle with all factions and lead the group without dominating?
  Can you remain open and receptive; no matter what issues arise?
  Can you know what is emerging; yet keep your peace while others discover for themselves?
  Learn to lead in a nourishing manner。
  Learn to lead without being positive。
  Learn to be helpful without taking the credit。
  Learn to lead without coercion。
  You can do this if you remain unbiased; clear; and down…to…earth。


  Pay attention to silence。 What is happening when nothing is happening in a group? That is the group field。
  Thirteen people sit in a circle; but it is climate or the spirit in the center of the circle; where nothing is happening; that determines the nature of the group field。
  Learn to see emptiness。 When you enter an empty house; can you feel the mood of the place? It is the same with a vase or a pot; learn to see the emptiness inside; which is the usefulness of it。
  People's speech and actions are figural events。 They give the group form and content。
  The silences and empty spaces; on the other hand; reveal the group's essential mood; the context for everything that happens。 That is the group field。


  Endless drama in a group clouds consciousness。 Too much noise overwhelms the senses。 Continual input obscures genuine insight。
  Do not substitute sensationalism for learning。
  Allow time for silent reflection。 Turn inward and digest what has happened。 Let the senses rest and grow still。
  Teach people to let go of their superficial mental chatter and obsessions。 Teach people to pay attention to the whole body's reaction to a situation。
  When group members have time to reflect; they can see more clearly what is essential in themselves and others。


  If you measure success in terms of praise and criticism; your anxiety will be endless。
  Having a good reputation or becoming well…known for your work can be a hindrance to your further 
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