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ource of creation。
  This is traditional wisdom。


  All power and effectiveness come from following the law of creation。 There is no substitute for knowing how things happen and for acting accordingly。
  Everything; like it or not; is bounded by this principle。 The principle is like the blueprint for everything。
  All power derives from conscious or unconscious cooperation with the principle。
  The single principle is manifest everywhere; all the time。
  All birth and growth and death that ever happened; or is happening today; or will happen in the future behaves according to this one rule of existence。
  To be sure; new forms do emerge with the passage of time; but they still conform to the same old principle。
  How do I know that Tao is universal?
  I cannot answer that rationally。 I know it from being silent。 I know it by virtue of God。


  When I let go of what I am; I become what I might be。 When I let go of what I have; I receive what I need。
  These are feminine or Yin paradoxes:
  … By yielding I endure。
  … The empty space is filled。
  … When I give of myself; I become more。
  … When I feel most destroyed; I am about to grow。
  … When I desire nothing; a great deal comes to me。
  Have you ever struggles to get work or love and finally given up and found both love and work were suddenly there?
  Do you want to be free and independent? Conform to God's law; that is how everything happens anyway。
  When I give up trying to impress the group; I become very impressive。 But when I am just trying to make myself look good; the group knows that and does not like it。
  My best work is done when I forget my own point of view; the less I make of myself; the more I am。
  When I yield to the wishes of the person working; I encounter no resistance。
  This is the wisdom of the feminine: let go in order to achieve。 The wise leader demonstrates this。


  The wise leader speaks rarely and briefly。 After all; no other natural outpouring goes on and on。 It rains and then it stops。 It thunders and then it stops。
  The leader teaches more through being than through doing。 The quality of one's silence conveys more than long speeches。
  Be still。 Follow your inner wisdom。 In order to know your inner wisdom; you have to be still。
  The leader who knows how to be still and feel deeply will probably be effective。 Bu the leader who chatters and boasts and tries to impress the group has no center and carries little weight。
  Tao works for those who follow Tao。 God serves those who serve God。 When you are in touch with the single principle; your actions will be effective。 But if you are simply being egocentric; or if you are just trying to be dramatic; you will neither do good nor look good。
  Remember that the method is awareness…of…process。 Reflect。 Be still。
  What do you deeply feel?


  Trying too hard produces unexpected results:
  … The flashy leader lacks stability。
  … Trying to rush matters gets you nowhere。
  … Trying to appear brilliant is not enlightened。
  … Insecure leaders try to promote themselves。
  … Impotent leaders capitalize on their position。
  … It is not very holy to point out how holy you are。
  All these behaviours come from insecurity。 They feed insecurity。 None of them helps the work。 None contributes to the leader's health。
  The leader who knows how things happen does not do these things。
  When do you think that you are so good; what are you comparing yourself with? God? Or your own insecurities?
  Do you want fame? Fame will complicate your life and compromise simplicity in your comings and goings。
  Is it money? The effort of trying to get rich will steal your time。
  Any form of egocentricity; of selfishness; obscures your deeper self and blinds you to how things happen。


  This is what Tao is not:
  … It is not a thing。
  … It is not a sound or any other vibration。
  … It is not divisible into parts。
  … It does not change。
  … It cannot be diluted or augmented。
  … It has no partner or complement。
  This is what Tao is:
  … It is one; it is unity。
  … It determines everything。
  … It comes before everything。
  … It is the law of everything。
  The clearest; most helpful word I know how to use for Tao is How; because Tao is the principle of how everything works。
  Remember that while it has no form or qualities; it is everywhere; all the time; forever。
  Imagine four levels of infinity; people are infinite in a sense; the earth is infinite; the cosmos is infinite; Tao is infinite。 Although each of these four may be infinite in a way; the first three are subject to the next greater one。
  People are dependent on the earth。 The earth is dependent on the cosmos。 The cosmos is dependent on Tao。
  But Tao is not dependent on anything。


  The leader who is centered and grounded can work with erratic people and critical group situations without harm。
  Being centered means having the ability to recover one's balance; even in the midst of action。 A centered person is not subject to passing whims or sudden excitements。
  Being grounded means being down…to…earth; having gravity or weight。 I know where I stand; and I know what I stand for: that is ground。
  The centered and grounded leader has stability and a sense of self。
  One who is not stable can easily get carried away by the intensity of leadership and make mistakes of judgement or even become ill。


  An experienced leader does not need a packaged tour to go places safely。
  A good political speech does not need to make promises or antagonize the crowd。
  A good mathematician does not need a computer to solve every problem。
  A secure home does not have bolts and bars and locks and alarms everywhere; yet a burglar cannot get inside。
  The wise leader's ability does not rest on techniques or gimmicks or set exercises。 The method of awareness…of…process applies to all people and all situations。
  The leader's personal state of consciousness creates a climate of openness。 Center and ground give the leader stability; flexibility; and endurance。
  Because the leader sees clearly; the leader can shed light on others。
  The group members need the leader for guidance and facilitation。 The leader needs people to work with; people to serve。 If both do not recognize the mutual need to love and respect one another; each misses the point。
  They miss the creativity of the student…teacher polarity。 They do not see how things happen。


  The leader can act as a warrior or as a healer。 As a warrior; the leader acts with power and decision。 That is the Yang or masculine aspect to leadership。
  Most of the times; however; the leader acts as a healer and is in an open; receptive; and nourishing state。 That is the feminine or Yin aspect of leadership。
  This mixture of doing and being; of warrior and healer; is both productive and potent。
  There is a third aspect of leadership: Tao。 Periodically; the leader withdraws from the group and returns to silence; returns to 
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