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 below; open and receptive。 The busy; rushing river enters the sea; is absorbed; and is transformed。
  Or imagine that the leader is the feminine; lying below and open; empty; and receptive。 The feminine receives the masculine and absorbs the masculine vibration。 Soon the feminine has encompassed the masculine; the masculine has spent itself; become soft and resolved。
  The wise leader is of service: receptive; yielding; following。 The group member's vibrations dominates and leads; while the leader follows。 But soon it is the member's consciousness which is transformed; the member's vibration which is resolved
  The relationship is reciprocal。 It is the job of the leader to be aware of the group member's process; it is the need of the group member to be received and paid attention to。
  Both get what they need; if the leader has the wisdom to serve and follow; to be open and below。


  A person does not have to join a group or be a wise leader to work things out。 Life's process unfolds naturally。 Conflicts resolve themselves sooner or later; whether or not a person knows how things happen。
  It is true that being aware of how things happen makes one's words more potent and one's behaviour more effective。
  But even without the light of consciousness; people grow and improve。 Being unconscious is not a crime; it is merely a lack of a very helpful ability。
  Knowing how things work gives the leader more real power and ability than all the degrees or titles the world can offer。
  That is why people in every era and in every culture have honoured those who know how things happen。


  The wise leader knows how to act effectively。
  To act effectively; be aware and unbiased。 If you are aware; you will know what is happening; you will not act rashly。 If you are unbiased; you can react in a balanced and centered manner。
  Have respect for every person and every issue directed at you。 Do not dismiss any encounter as insignificant。 But neither should you become anxious or afraid of being overwhelmed or embarrassed。
  If you are attacked or criticized; react in a way that will shed light on the event。 This is a matter of being centered and of knowing that an encounter is a dance and not a threat to your ego or existence。 Tell the truth。
  If you are conscious of what is happening in a group; you will recognize emerging situations long before they have gotten out of hand。 Every situation; no matter how vast or complex it may become; begins both small and simple。
  Neither avoid nor seek encounters; but be open and when an encounter arises; respond to it while it is still manageable。 There is no virtue in delaying until heroic action is needed to set things right。 In this way; potentially difficult situations become simple。
  If you have not bragged about your abilities or tried to make people be the way you think they ought to be; very few group members will want to encounter you anyway。


  Learn to recognize beginnings。 At birth; event are relatively easy to manage。 Slight interventions shape and guide easily。 Potential difficulties can be avoided。 The greatest danger lies in disrupting the emerging process by using too much force。
  The wise leader sees things almost before they happen。 A tree that is stiff and rigid begins as a pliant sapling。 A great construction project begins with one shovelful of earth。 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step。
  Once an event is fully energized and formed; stand back as much as possible。 Needless interventions will only confuse or block what is happening。 Especially; do not try to make an event conform to any predetermined plan or model。
  Many leaders spoil the work just as it nears completion。 They get eager。 They get interested in certain outcomes。 They become anxious and make mistakes。 This is a time for care and consciousness。 Don't do too much。 Don't be too helpful。 Don't worry about getting credit for having done something。
  Because the wise leader has no expectations; no outcome can be called a failure。 Paying attention; allowing a natural unfolding; and standing back most of the time; the leader sees the event arrive at a satisfactory conclusion。


  The teacher's leaders did not emphasize complex theories。 The practiced and taught a way of life based on consciousness and wisdom。
  People who see the world in terms of theories often have a very intricate view of what is happening。 Clarity is difficult for them。 They are very hard to work with。
  If you teach a group by making complex explanations; you will confuse people。 They will take notes and fill their minds with opinions。
  But if you return again and again to an awareness of what is actually happening; you will both clarify and enlighten。
  The ability to distinguish between theory and practice will save you much trouble。
  Practice a way of life; and demonstrate conscious cooperation with the single principle。 If you cooperate with Tao; you will experience the power of universal harmony。


  Why is the ocean the greatest body of water? Because it lies below all the rivers and streams and is open to them all。
  What we call leadership consists mainly of knowing how to follow。 The wise leader stays in the background and facilitates other people's process。 The greatest things the does go largely unnoticed。 Because the leader does not push or shape or manipulate; there is no resentment or resistance。
  Group members genuinely appreciate a leader who facilitates their lives rather than promoting some personal agenda。 Because the leader is open; any issue can be raised。 Because the leader has no position to defend and shows no favouritism; no one feels slighted; no one wishes to quarrel。


  Here is a paradox: even though the single principle of how everything happens is great; those who follow the principle know that they are ordinary。
  Great egocentricity does not make a person great。 The common ground of all creation is a greater source of life than any exalted isolation。
  These three qualities are invaluable to the leader:
  … Compassion for all creatures
  … Material simplicity or frugality
  … A sense of equality or modesty
  A compassionate person acts in behalf off everyone's right to life。 Material simplicity gives on an abundance to share。 A sense of equality is; paradoxically; one's true greatness。
  It is a mistake to consider a person whose only interest is self…interest as being either caring or courageous。 It is a mistake to rationalize that excessive consumption contributes to the well…being of others by giving them employment。 It is a mistake to imagine that a person who acts immodestly or in a superior way is in fact; a genuinely superior person。
  These are all egocentric behaviours。 They isolate a person from the common ground of existence。 They produce rigidity and death。
  Compassion; sharing; and equality; on the one hand; sustain life。 This is because we are all one。 When I care for you; I enhance the harmonious energy of the whole。 And that is life。


  The greatest martial arts are the gentlest。 They allow 
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