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  So; perceiving the minute is 〃sagaciousness;〃
  Remaining soft and weak is 〃powerfulness。〃
  Using one's contained light and reverting to one's sagaciousness of knowing the minute;
  And thus keeping oneself from disaster; is to become accustomed to the eternal Way。


  If I have a certain knowledge;
  I will go along the highway (Great Tao);
  And I will be afraid on nothing but the oblique way。
  The highway is very even;
  But the people are fond of the shortcut。
  (Those who make) the palace very clear and neat; the field uncultivated and weedy; the granary empty and vacant; wearing glorious and coloured clothes; carrying precious and sharp swords; satiated with exquisite food and drink; possessing an abundance of wealth and property; can be called chieftain to robbers。
  That is contrary to rationality (Tao)。


  He who is good at building cannot be shaken;
  And he who is good at holding can lose nothing。
  (According to the principle;) he can enjoy the sacrifice for posterity forever。
  His 〃De〃 can be pure and true by carrying out the principle in his person;
  His 〃De〃 can be abundant by carrying it out in his family;
  His 〃De〃 can lead by carrying it out in the neighbourhood;
  His 〃De〃 can be powerful by carrying it out in the state;
  His 〃De〃 can be universal by carrying it out in the kingdom;
  So (we should) His 〃De〃 can be abundant by carrying it out in his family;
  Know a person in the perspective of a person;
  Know a family in the perspective of a family;
  Know a neighbourhood in the perspective of a neighbourhood;
  Know a state in the perspective of a state;
  Know the kingdom in the perspective of a kingdom。
  How do I know the situation of all the things under Heaven?
  By the method mentioned above。


  The profundity of De contained should be compared to an ignorant infant without desires;
  Whom poisonous insects will not sting;
  Whom fierce brutes will not seize;
  Whom birds of prey will not attack;
  Whose bones are weak and whose sinews are soft; but whose grasp is firm;
  Who does not yet know about intercourse of male and female but whose virile member may be excited; because it is full of physical essence;
  Who cries all day long without its throat becoming hoarse; because it is peaceful and without desires。
  To know the peace is called the eternal;
  To know the eternal is called wisdom。
  The desire for life enjoyment is a disaster;
  And to subject physical essence to desire is to boast of powerfulness。
  Things begin to become old when they have grown strong; which may be said to be contrary to Tao。
  Contrariness to Tao brings death with it very soon。


  He who knows does not speak;
  And he who speaks does not know。
  Blocking the vent (of knowledge); closing the door (of knowledge); covering the cutting…edge; going beyond entanglement; containing the light; and mixing with the dust;
  … These can be called 〃the mysterious agreement。〃
  So; (the person with 〃the mysterious agreement〃)
  Cannot be treated intimately;
  Cannot be estranged;
  Cannot be given profits;
  Cannot be injured;
  Cannot be raised to nobility;
  And cannot be made humble;
  And can therefore be esteemed by all the people under Heaven。


  A state should be governed in a natural way;
  A war should be prosecuted in an unusual way;
  And the kingdom should be controlled by doing nothing。
  How do I know that it is so?
  On the grounds:
  In the kingdom the more prohibitive enactments there are; the poorer the people become;
  The more weapons the people have; the greater disorder the state and clan fall into;
  The more crafts and technics men possess; the more strange contrivances appear;
  The more display of statutes there is; the more robbers and thieves there are。
  So the sage said:
  〃I do nothing; then the people submit spontaneously;
  I am fond of keeping still; then the people are righteous spontaneously;
  I take no trouble; and the people naturally enrich themselves;
  I have no desires; then the people naturally remain in primitive simplicity。〃


  When the government is generous; the people will be honest and loyal;
  When the government is severe; the people will complain。
  O Misery! Happiness lies by its side;
  O Happiness! Misery lurks beneath it。
  Who knows the destination?
  There is no master indeed。
  The normal can at anytime become the abnormal;
  The good can at anytime become the evil。
  The delusion of the people (on this point) has persisted for a long time。
  Therefore the sages is right as a square; but not stiff; has edges; but cuts nobody。
  He is straightforward; but not aggressive; bright; but not dazzling。


  For the rule of the people and the service of Heaven; there is nothing better than the principle of 〃parsimony。〃
  Only by 〃parsimony〃 can one be unhurried and get ready early。
  Being unhurried and getting ready early is what I call the repeated accumulation of the 〃De〃 of 〃parsimony。〃
  With the repeated accumulation of De; one can victoriously overcome any obstacles。
  The power which can overcome any obstacles is immeasurable。
  With immeasurable power one can govern a state。
  Having the foundation of government; one can maintain sovereignty very long。
  This is called the Way in which one can plant the roots deep and make the stalks firm and maintain a long life。


  Governing a great state is like frying a small fish (so frequent disturbance should be avoided)。
  Applying Tao to the kingdom can render ghosts harmless。
  It is not that ghosts cannot function;
  But that the function cannot harm men;
  It is not that the function cannot harm men;
  But that the sage never harms men at all。
  So; men and ghosts will not harm each other;
  Therefore both (men and ghosts) praise the De of the sage。


  A great state lies lower (like rivers and seas into which all streams run);
  To it all things under Heaven tend;
  It considers itself as the female under Heaven。
  The female always overcomes the male by stillness; because it is still and lies lower。
  Therefore; a great state can; by lowering itself to small states; make the small states rely upon the big states。
  Small states can; by lowering themselves to a great state; win trust from it。
  Thus a great state sometimes makes small states rely upon it by lowering itself。
  And sometimes; small states win the trust from a great state only by lowering themselves。
  What the great state desires is to lead the small states;
  And what the small states desire is to serve the great state。
  Then each side gets what it desires;
  But the great state should especially learn to lower itself。


  Tao; as the abyss where all things are hidden; is effective and precious to good men; and must also be preserved by bad men。
  Eloquent words can purchase honour from others;
  And admirable deeds can put one above o
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