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  Those who understand are not talkers talkers don't understand。
  Close your eyes shut your doors。 Dampen the passion untie the tangles make the flashing things harmonious make the dust merge together。 This is called the mysterious Merging。
  Yes: You cannot get close you cannot stay away you cannot help It you cannot harm It you cannot treasure It you cannot look down on It。 Yes: It is the Treasure of the World。


  〃Rule the kingdom by the norm wage war by the unexpected。〃 Take over the world by Not Working。 How do I know it is so? By this。
  In the world: The more rules and restrictions there are the poorer the people will be。 The people: The more 'sharp weapons' they have; the more disordered the state and the clans will be。
  Men: The more clever and skillful they are; the more weird things will start to happen。 The more you publicize rules and laws; the more robbers and thieves you will have。
  Yes; the Wise Person says: I Do Nothing; and the people transform themselves。 I love Stillness; and the people bring themselves to correctness。
  I do No Work; and the people enrich themselves。 I have no desires; and the people by themselves become Simple。


  When the ruler is dull and incompetent; the people are pure and simple。 When the ruler is sharp and alert; the people are a bad lot。
  〃Bad luck: good luck depends on it good luck: bad luck hides in it。〃
  Who knows where this ends? There is no norm。 What accords with the norm turns around and becomes weird what is excellent turns around and becomes ominous。 〃People's blindness … it has been going on so long now。〃
  And so the Wise Person: Is square and honest but does not cut is pointed and exact but does not hurt is straight and direct but not tactless shines but does not dazzle。


  〃When it comes to governing the people and serving Heaven there's no one like a farmer。〃
  Just being a farmer … this means getting dressed early。 Getting dressed early means increasing one's store of Te increasing one's store of Te; then nothing is impossible nothing impossible; then no telling the limit no telling the limit; then one can possess the state。
  One who possesses the Mother of the state can last a long time。
  This means having deep roots and strong foundations; the Way of 'lasting life; good eyesight into old age'。


  Governing a large state is like cooking a small fish。
  Rule the world by Tao then ghosts will not take to haunting。
  It is not that the ghosts will not haunt their haunting will cause no hurt to humankind。 (It's not only that their haunting will not hurt humankind; the Wise Person also does not cause hurt to them。
  These two do not hurt each other。) Yes; Te unifies and restores。


  The great state is a low and easy woman for the world the one the Whole world unites with。 Femininity always overcomes Masculinity; by Stillness; in Stillness it takes the low place。
  Yes: A great state; by putting itself lower than the smaller state; will win out over the smaller state。 A small state; by putting itself lower than the great state; will win out over the great state。
  Yes: One puts itself lower so it will win out; if the other gets lower; then it will win。
  (A great state has no further desire than to embrace and protect other states。 A small state has no further desire than to enter and serve other states。
  So both get what they want) The greatest should be the lowest。


  Tao is the honoured center for the thousands of things。 The treasure of the good what protects the not good。
  Elegant words can buy and sell fine conduct gets people promoted。 People who are not good; why are they rejected?
  Yes: When they are enthroning the Son of Heaven or installing the Three Ministers … although they are presenting in tribute jade medallions out in front of four…horse teams; this cannot compare to sitting and setting forth this Tao。
  What was the reason that the ancients treasured this Tao? is it not said: 〃By it the seeker obtains by it the guilty escapes。〃 Yes: It is the Treasure of the World。


  Be a Non Doer work at Not Working acquire a taste for that which has no taste。
  Treat small things as though they were great treat few things as though they were many。 〃Reward what is injurious; with kind Te。〃
  Plan difficult things focussing on the easy parts do great things focussing on the small details。
  Difficult tasks in the world always begin from what is easy great tasks in the world always begin from what is small。
  And so the Wise Person: Does not 'do great things' and so is able to fulfill his greatness。
  Yes: Light agreement is never very trustworthy considering everything easy makes everything difficult。
  And so the Wise Person: Treats things as difficult; and in the end has no difficulty。


  When sitting still; they are easy to hold down no omens yet; it is easy to plan when fragile; they are easy to break when small; they are easy to scatter。
  Work on it when it isn't yet put it in order when it is not yet disordered。
  A tree you can barely get your arms around; grows from a tiny shoot a nine…story tower begins as a heap of earth a thousand…mile journey begins under your feet。
  Working ruins; grasping loses。 And so the Wise Person: Does not work; so does not ruin does not grasp; so does not lose。
  Men often ruin their affairs on the eve of success; because they are not as prudent at the end as in the beginning。 The wise man wills what others do not will; and values not things rare。 He learns what others learn not; and gathers up what they despise。
  And so the Wise Person: Desires to be desireless does not prize goods hard to come by learns to be un…leaned turns back to the place all others have gone on from。 So as to help along the naturalness of the thousands of things with out presuming to be a Worker。


  Those Excellent at doing Tao in ancient times … it was not to enlighten the people; but to keep them stupid。
  The difficulty in governing the people … because of their knowledge。 Yes: By 〃Knowledge!〃 govern the state … a crime against the state。 By 〃Ignorance!〃 govern the state … a boon to the state。
  Always: To understand these two lines; is also to understand the Ideal Pattern。 Always: To understand the Ideal Pattern; is to have mysterious Te。
  Mysterious Te is deep; far…reaching; in opposition to things … only afterward comes the Great Harmony。


  The Yang…tze and the ocean: How are they able to be Kings of the hundred streams? Because they excel at being low … this is how they are able to be Kings of the hundred streams。
  And so: Wishing to be high above the people; you must by your speech put yourself at the bottom Wishing to be out in front of the people; you must put your self in the last place。
  And so; the Wise Person: Stands above; but the people are not weighed down stands out in front; but the people are not harmed and so the world delights in praising him; and does not tire。
  Because of his not contending no one in the world can contend with him。


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