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rly; if you pound a blade repeatedly and sharpen it too much; you end up with a blade that is easily broken and won't last very long。
  A room that is full of treasures becomes the target of thieves and robbers。 It cannot be safeguarded forever。 If you become arrogant as the result of great wealth or high position; you are sure to cause yourself big problems; one way or another。
  Once you have achieved success and fame; it is best to step gracefully; quietly aside。 This is the best way to live … in full accordance with the Tao。
  The central idea: doing anything to excess is a bad idea。 Do just enough and nothing extra。
  In our translation; the line 〃cannot be kept for long〃 is not referring to the activity of pounding and sharpening a blade。 It's a reference to the over…sharpened blade that can easily break and therefore cannot last。
  Another interpretation of the above is that the sharp edge of the blade cannot be maintained for long。
  The 〃withdraw oneself〃 phrase does not mean to retreat from society and become a hermit。 It means there is no need to brag about your achievements; take on pompous airs; or put on showy displays。 Such egotistic acts invariably bring negative consequences。

  In holding the soul and embracing oneness
  Can one be without straying?
  In concentrating the energy and reaching relaxation
  Can one be like an infant?
  In cleaning away the worldly view
  Can one be without imperfections?
  In loving the people and ruling the nation
  Can one be without manipulation?
  In the heavenly gate's opening and closing
  Can one hold to the feminine principle?
  In understanding clearly all directions
  Can one be without intellectuality?
  Bearing it; rearing it
  Bearing without possession
  Achieving without arrogance
  Raising without domination
  This is called the mystic virtue 
  In holding to your inner essence and embracing the oneness of your being; can your mind avoid being distracted; and thus going astray?
  In focusing on your ch'i (the 〃breath〃; or the living energy that courses through the body) and reaching a relaxed; softened state; can you identify with the purity of a newborn child?
  In cleansing and getting rid of all the diversions of the materialistic panorama; can you be completely without any lingering attachments?
  In caring for the people and governing a nation; can you administer without resorting to manipulative tricks?
  When the gateway to the soul opens; the mind is in motion; when it closes; the mind at rest。 In the opening and closing of this gateway; can you grasp the yin principle of serenity and quietude?
  In approaching a true understanding that reaches out in all directions and encompasses all corners of the world; can you let go of the false knowledge gained through rationalization and intellectual sophistry?
  The Tao gives birth to everything and nurtures everything; but does so without becoming possessive。
  Creation is full of wondrous and marvelous works of nature。 The Tao is the force behind them; and yet does not become presumptuous in such achievements。 It gives life every chance to develop and thrive; and yet does not become domineering or controlling because of that。
  We call this attribute the mystic virtue。 Sages emulate it in their every action。 They nurture; encourage; teach and mentor those around them without the need to possess; gloat; or dominate。
  The line 〃Can one be without straying?〃 refers to straying from the path of centered oneness。 Some translations render 〃straying〃 as 〃separation〃 or 〃division;〃 thus obscuring the original meaning and making the line more difficult to understand。
  The line 〃In loving the people and ruling the nation〃 may seem to be directed at kings and emperors; but actually addresses the individual as well。 Think of a kingdom as a metaphor for your workplace; family; social circle; sports team; and even your immediate surroundings; and the practical utility of this section becomes clear。

  Thirty spokes join in one hub
  In its emptiness; there is the function of a vehicle
  Mix clay to create a container
  In its emptiness; there is the function of a container
  Cut open doors and windows to create a room
  In its emptiness; there is the function of a room
  Therefore; that which exists is used to create benefit
  That which is empty is used to create functionality 
  In a wheel; thirty spokes come together in one hub。 The hole in the center of the hub … the place where it is empty … is what makes the wheel useful as part of a vehicle。
  When we mix clay to create a container; we notice that it is the empty space in the center of the container that give it the usefulness of holding things。
  When we cut open a wall to make space for windows and doors; we notice that it is these openings that make the room truly useful to us。 If such openings did not exist; we would have no way of accessing the room!
  Therefore; we can see how we create solid objects to provide us with benefits and convenience; but it is actually the emptiness formed by; or embedded in such objects that really provide them with functionality and usefulness。

  The five colors make one blind in the eyes
  The five sounds make one deaf in the ears
  The five flavors make one tasteless in the mouth
  Racing and hunting make one wild in the heart
  Goods that are difficult to acquire make one cause damage
  Therefore the sage cares for the stomach and not the eyes
  That's why he discards the other and takes this 
  Overindulgence in colorful; dazzling sights of the material world can lead to eye fatigue。
  Overindulgence in loud music and noisy sounds can lead to loss of hearing。
  Overindulgence in flavorful foods and confections can lead to the loss of one's appetite。
  Overindulgence in exertions such as racing and hunting can lead to an unsettled; agitated; frantic state of mind。
  The pursuit of rare treasures and material acquisitions can lead to ruin and shame upon one's character and reputation。
  Because of all this; the sage focuses on his inner self。 He satisfies his basic needs and does not obsess over the material things his eyes can see。
  This is the reason he lets go of materialistic indulgence and embraces the simplicity of the Tao。

  Favor and disgrace make one fearful
  The greatest misfortune is the self
  What does 〃favor and disgrace make one fearful〃 mean?
  Favor is high; disgrace is low
  Having it makes one fearful
  Losing it makes one fearful
  This is 〃favor and disgrace make one fearful〃
  What does 〃the greatest misfortune is the self〃 mean?
  The reason I have great misfortune
  Is that I have the self
  If I have no self
  What misfortune do I have?
  So one who values the self as the world
  Can be given the world
  One who loves the self as the world
  Can be entrusted with the world 
  Both favor and disgrace make us fearful and apprehensive。
  The greatest source of adversity and trouble is the ego … the sense of self…importan
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