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le we despise … only people who represent certain aspects of the greater oneness that is also us。

  Know the masculine; hold to the feminine
  Be the watercourse of the world
  Being the watercourse of the world
  The eternal virtue does not depart
  Return to the state of the infant
  Know the white; hold to the black
  Be the standard of the world
  Being the standard of the world
  The eternal virtue does not deviate
  Return to the state of the boundless
  Know the honor; hold to the dishonor
  Be the valley of the world
  Being the valley of the world
  The eternal virtue shall be sufficient
  Return to the state of plain wood
  Plain wood splits; then becomes tools
  The sages utilize them
  And then become leaders
  Thus the greater whole is undivided


  Those who wish to take the world and control it
  I see that they cannot succeed
  The world is a sacred instrument
  One cannot control it
  The one who controls it will fail
  The one who grasps it will lose
  Because all things:
  Either lead or follow
  Either blow hot or cold
  Either have strength or weakness
  Either have ownership or take by force
  Therefore the sage:
  Eliminates extremes
  Eliminates excess
  Eliminates arrogance 
  There are those who want to meddle with the world; or the environment。 They want to control it; manipulate it; and interfere with it。
  What I observe is that they cannot possibly achieve what they desire。 The world is a sacred thing; beyond the insignificant power of mere mortals。
  None of us can control the world。 Those who try will fail; and those who hang on to it and refuse to let go will still lose their grip。
  In nature; all things live in balance with one another。 Some of them lead while others follow。 Some blow air to impart warmth; while others do so to cool things down。 Some are strong; while others are weak。 Some occupy their own niche in the environment; while others survive by force and violence。
  Because the Tao is all about balance; the sage; seeking to emulate nature; will seek the same balance through moderation。 He or she will elminate from his or her life anything that is extreme or intemperate。 The sage will also avoid any excess or wasteful extravagance。 And lastly; the sage will let go of thoughts and behaviors that are arrogant or ego…driven。

  The one who uses the Tao to advise the ruler
  Does not dominate the world with soldiers
  Such methods tend to be returned
  The place where the troops camp
  Thistles and thorns grow
  Following the great army
  There must be an inauspicious year
  A good commander achieves result; then stops
  And does not dare reaching for domination
  Achieves result but does not brag
  Achieves result but does not flaunt
  Achieves result but is not arrogant
  Achieves result but only out of necessity
  Achieves result but does not dominate
  Things become strong and then get old
  This is called contrary to the Tao
  That which is contrary to the Tao soon ends 
  A minister who follows the Tao; and applies the Tao in advising the sovereign ruler; will never attempt to dominate the world with military power。 Those who are in tune with the Tao understand that violence begets more violence。 What goes around comes around。 Those who resort to methods of domination tend to have such methods turn back against them。 Acts of aggression will inevitably cause retaliation and counterattack。
  The use of military power is; by its very nature; an extremely negative thing to do。 The thistles and thorns that flourish where the troops strike camp is symbolic of this negativity。 When a great army passes the land; an ominous year of famine invariably follows in its wake。
  Military leaders who really understand the use of force will never do any more than is necessary to achieve a particular result。 Such leaders will not reach beyond the goal for more self…glorifying conquests。 They accomplish the mission without bragging or flaunting。 Success in completing the objective does not make them arrogant or over…confident。 This is because they use force only when they have no other choice。 They know that military power is the last resort; and not a tool with which to dominate others。
  In nature; we observe that when things grow excessively strong; they will quickly age and weaken。 We say that this is not in accordance with the unhurried nature of Tao。 Things that do not follow the natural progression of Tao will soon come to an end。 The same principle applies to the use of military power as well。

  A strong military; a tool of misfortune
  All things detest it
  Therefore; those who possess the Tao avoid it
  Honorable gentlemen; while at home; value the left
  When deploying the military; value the right
  The military is a tool of misfortune
  Not the tool of honorable gentlemen
  When using it out of necessity
  Calm detachment should be above all
  Victorious but without glory
  Those who glorify
  Are delighting in the killing
  Those who delight in killing
  Cannot achieve their ambitions upon the world
  Auspicious events favor the left
  Inauspicious events favor the right
  The lieutenant general is positioned to the left
  The major general is positioned to the right
  We say that they are treated as if in a funeral
  The multitude who have been killed
  Should be mourned with sadness
  Victory in war should be treated as a funeral 
  Strong military power isn't something to be glorified。 We should recognize it as an inauspicious instrument; the use of which inevitably brings misfortunes and calamities。
  Violence and aggression are inextricably associated with the military。 Thus; it is universally seen as extremely negative。 Recognizing this; those who are on the path of Tao distance themselves from it。
  During peacetime; honorable individuals value the left in day…to…day living。 The left in this case symbolizes harmony。
  During wartime; honorable individuals value the right in the utilization of the military。 The right in this case symbolizes force。
  Because the military is an ominous instrument of destruction; honorable individuals cannot see it as a tool that they identify with。 It is the last resort; to be used only when absolutely necessary; when there is no other choice。
  When forced to use the military; honorable individuals will do so with calmness above all; and detachment from emotional turmoil。 They do not fight out of anger or hatred; and when they achieve victory; they do not consider it glorious。 To them; there can be no possible glory in taking lives。
  Those who do glorify war tend to be the ones who take delight in killing。 Such people may think they have what it takes to conquer the world; but history shows they invariably fail to achieve their ambitions。 They may dominate by force but never win the people's hearts。
  Auspicious events favor the left (symbolizing harmony) while inauspicious events favor the right (symbolizing force)。 Thus; the lieutenant general; 
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