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  The other uses the lower position to be taken
  The large country only wishes to gather and protect people
  The small country only wishes to join and serve people
  So that both obtain what they wish
  The larger one should assume the lower position 
  In this chapter Lao Tzu points out that the virtue of humility applies not only to individuals and personal interactions; but also to diplomacy and international relations。 In fact; the microcosm of the personal reflects the macrocosm of the national; so principles that work in one level operate equally well in the other。
  Thus; we can see this chapter not only as sage advice to sovereign states; but also to all of us。 In the context of everyday living; the large country would be someone who has more power; while the small country would be someone with less。 Because everything is relative; we can oftentimes be called upon to play either role。 For instance; a mid…level manager can be a small country to senior executives; and at the same time be a large country to the rank and file。
  The large country may be quite powerful and has a lot more resources than small countries; but if it does not understand or practice the virtue of humility; it will quickly devolve from a well…respected world leader to a despised empire。 History shows clearly that empires come and go; and when an empire falls; the smaller countries that used to cower at its feet will suddenly rise up against it。
  When we apply this idea to the individual level; we see the wisdom of treating people well on one's way up … because it is indeed true that one will see all of them again on one's way down。

  The Tao is the wonder of all things
  The treasure of the kind person
  The protection of the unkind person
  Admirable words can win the public's respect
  Admirable actions can improve people
  Those who are unkind
  How can they be abandoned?
  Therefore; when crowning the Emperor
  And install the three ministers
  Although there is the offering of jade before four horses
  None of it can compare to being seated in this Tao
  Why did the ancients value this Tao so much?
  Is it not said that those who seek will find;
  And those with guilt will not be faulted?
  Therefore; it is the greatest value in the world 
  Of all the myriad things in existence; the Tao is the most wondrous and valuable。 Good; kind people understand this and treat it as a cherished treasure。 Those who do not understand the Tao may not regard it as anything to value; but the Tao still provides for all the necessities they need to stay alive。 Water; air; the sun。。。 everything comes from the protective embrace of the Tao。
  In following the Tao; the good person attains spiritual refinement; which can then be expressed through spoken or written words。 These words are uplifting and admirable; so that when they are revealed to the public; they inspire people。
  Good people not only express spiritual truths through words; but also demonstrate these truths in everyday actions。 Their honor; integrity and compassion serve as great examples for others。
  Those who have not achieved this level of refinement are not capable of inspiring words or actions。 And yet; everyone has the potential to become enlightened。 Because this is so; the Tao cannot possibly abandon them。
  The highest and most important ceremony in ancient China was the crowning of the Emperor and the installation of the Emperor's three ministers。 In order to emphasize its significance; the ceremony including offerings of jade and horses。 The jade used in the ceremony was extremely rare; large and valuable; the horses were a team of four; each steed the fastest and finest in all of China。
  As valuable as these offerings were; the Tao surpassed them all。 No material thing could compare to sitting down with an open mind to discuss; explain and get into the Tao。 When people have attained an understanding that suddenly resolves their perplexity and liberates them from ignorance; they too will understand that the Tao is truly priceless。
  Why did the ancients cherish the Tao so much? It was not because the Tao brought them riches or material comfort。 Rather; it was because the Tao helped those who searched for meaning in finding the answer to the ultimate question of life。 For those who did not know enough to search; the Tao would not find fault with them。 Instead; it allowed them all the time they needed to work through their issues。 With infinite patience; the Tao knew that one day; they too would embark on a search of their own。 This is why we say the Tao is the greatest treasure of all。 The coronation of any ruler from any time in history would pale by comparison。

  Act without action
  Manage without meddling
  Taste without tasting
  Great; small; many; few
  Respond to hatred with virtue
  Plan difficult tasks through the simplest tasks
  Achieve large tasks through the smallest tasks
  The difficult tasks of the world
  Must be handled through the simple tasks
  The large tasks of the world
  Must be handled through the small tasks
  Therefore; sages never attempt great deeds all through life
  Thus they can achieve greatness
  One who makes promises lightly must deserve little trust
  One who sees many easy tasks must encounter much difficulty
  Therefore; sages regard things as difficult
  So they never encounter difficulties all through life 
  The sages take proactive actions without any attachments or expectations of specific outcomes。 They manage processes and affairs around them without trying to manipulate them。 They get a sense (a taste) of the situation without becoming so involved and engrossed that they lose their objectivity; and thus impair their judgment and ability to act。
  Whether tasks are great; small; many or few; the sages approach them the same way。 They also treat everyone with the same degree of gentle kindness; so that even if someone attacks them out of anger or hatred; they would not fight fire with fire。 Instead; they would respond with compassion; against which there is no defense。
  The sages are masters at achieving large and difficult tasks。 They make it look so easy。 How do they do it? What is their secret?
  The sages break tasks down to their constituent parts。 If a task is difficult; they start with its easiest part。 If a task is large; they start with its smallest component。 These small and simple tasks require little time and effort; and when they are complete; the success inherent in their completion generates positive energy。 Sages would then use this energy and leverage the success to catapult them toward the next smallest or easiest task。 Each greater success generates greater energy; greater feeling of satisfaction; and greater ability to handle the next challenge。
  This is how sages achieve great and difficult tasks with seeming ease。 Their secret is simply that they never tackle such tasks head…on。 To do so would be foolhardy and counterproductive。
  Someone who makes promises quickly is; in all likelihood; someone who breaks the same promises regularly。 Therefor
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