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  They must place themselves behind them
  Thus the sages are positioned above
  But the people do not feel burdened
  They are positioned in front
  But the people do not feel harmed
  Thus the world is glad to push them forward without resentment
  Because they do not contend
  So the world cannot contend with them 
  Rivers and oceans receive everything from the streams and rivulets of a hundred valleys。 It is as if they are the rulers of all these valleys; receiving their tributes and offerings into the royal treasury。
  The reason that rivers and oceans have dominion over the valleys is simple: It is their nature to occupy the lowest position。 All the streams and rivulets of the valleys naturally flow into them。
  Tao sages emulate nature。 So when they observe the above; they realize that the principle applies equally well to human beings。 If they wish to have influence over other people; they must occupy the lowest position like rivers and oceans。 In other words; they must possess true humility and speak humbly to everyone。
  Similarly; if the sages wish to lead people and be in front of them; they must place themselves behind them out of the same sense of humility。 Because the sages are self…effacing and wish only to serve the greater good; people thrust them forward into positions of leadership。
  As leaders; sages utilize the Tao rather than force or domination。 People serve and assist them voluntarily; without coercion or pressure。 Therefore; although the position of a sage ends up being above the followers; people do not feel burdened or oppressed。 Although the sage is ahead of the masses; people do not feel threatened or harmed。
  This Tao leadership builds relationships and promotes harmony; so people are happy to follow the sage to the ends of the earth。 They do not resent the power wielded by the sages。 In fact; they push the sages forward and urge that they accept the the mantle of power。
  This is a very different concept from the conventional 〃might makes right〃 paradigm; where one seizes power by force and bullies others with it。 The sages are the exact opposite。 They have no need to seize anything or fight against anyone。 Because of this; no one fights with them。 Instead; the people support Tao leadership from the heart; and of their own free will!

  Everyone in the world calls my Tao great
  As if it is beyond compare
  It is only because of its greatness
  That it seems beyond compare
  If it can be compared
  It would already be insignificant long ago
  I have three treasures
  I hold on to them and protect them
  The first is called compassion
  The second is called conservation
  The third is called not daring to be ahead in the world
  Compassionate; thus able to have courage
  Conserving; thus able to reach widely
  Not daring to be ahead in the world
  Thus able to assume leadership
  Now if one has courage but discards compassion
  Reaches widely but discards conservation
  Goes ahead but discards being behind
  Then death!
  If one fights with compassion; then victory
  With defense; then security
  Heaven shall save them
  And with compassion guard them 
  The reason people call the Tao great is because there is nothing quite like it。 The Tao is an infinite concept that has no form; shape; substance; limit or boundaries。 If it were finite; then no matter how big it is; there will always be something far bigger that dwarfs it into insignificance。
  Tao cultivators have three treasures that they cherish。 The first is compassion … a love and kindness toward all things。 The second is conservation … knowing when and how to avoid wasting one's time and energy; and direct them in a meaningful way; in accordance with one's purpose in life。 The third is humility … the awareness that seeing oneself as being above or ahead of other people can only lead to failure。
  By having compassion; one gains courage。 True courage doesn't come from macho posturing or false bravado。 Rather; it comes from love and commitment to something greater than oneself。
  By having the mindset of conservation; one understands how to allocate and direct one's efforts to best effect; and therefore reach the most people and have the widest impact。
  By having humility; one can connect with the Tao of leadership。 Leaders who lead best do not focus on themselves。 They have no wish to be the center of attention and prefer to let others shine。 They direct their attention to what needs to be done; and do not need to take credit or remind others of their accomplishments。
  All three treasures are important and must work together。 Courage without compassion would be nothing more than brutality。 To reach widely without conserving one's resources will quickly lead to exhaustion。 Forgetting the lesson of humility; becoming arrogant; and letting the ego run wild are the beginning stage of self…delusion。 These negative consequences can only lead to failure and doom。
  Those who hold on to the three treasures can achieve extraordinary feats。 Warriors who fight with compassion in their hearts achieve victory; because love gives them the strength they need。 If they fight to defend loved ones or a cherished cause; they achieve security and protection。
  Because they follow the Tao; Heaven itself will come to their aid; events will seem to conspire in rendering assistance at just the right time; as if they are safeguarded by divine powers。 All manners of resources and allies will appear and rally to their cause; in unexpected ways that no one could foresee。 Anyone who witnesses this process at work will know that; indeed; the Tao is great beyond compare。

  The great generals are not warlike
  The great warriors do not get angry
  Those who are good at defeating enemies do not engage them
  Those who are good at managing people lower themselves
  It is called the virtue of non…contention
  It is called the power of managing people
  It is called being harmonious with heaven
  The ultimate principle of the ancients 
  Those who excel in the art of command do not wage war lightly。 The truly great generals and strategists do not show aggression or put their military power on display。
  Those who excel in battles do not lose themselves to anger。 By being calm and collected; they increase their effectiveness in action。
  Those who are truly good at winning do not need to engage their enemies in physical combat。 They can achieve victory with a minimum of fighting; or no fighting at all。
  Those who are truly good at management are humble。 Because they are not arrogant in assuming that they are more capable than everyone else; they are able to delegate authority and empower others to fully utilize their talents。
  All of the above are examples of the virtue we call non…contention。 It is a virtue that applies not only to military leadership; but also to our social interactions。 It is a powerful way to manage our personal relationships with other people。
  We follow this virtue because it harmoniously matches the heavenly laws of nature。 Nature is non…contentious。 In a 
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