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  Tending to relating to the family
  Its ideal will be bubbling over
  Tending to relating to the community
  Its ideal will be growing
  Tending to relating to the nation
  Its ideal will be abundant
  Tending to relating to the world
  Its ideal will be everywhere。

  So body happens seeing body
  Family happens seeing family
  Community happens seeing community
  Nation happens seeing nation
  World happens seeing world。

  Why does it happen that I know the nature of the world?
  This just happens。


  Holding the richness of the ideal in the mouth
  Compares to relating to a newborn child。
  Poisonous bugs are without stinging
  Fierce animals are without grasping
  Birds of prey are without pouncing。

  There are weak bones and yielding tendons; yet a firm grasp
  The male does not yet know union with the female
  Yet its virility is strong
  It has essence even at the extreme。
  Screaming all day yet without being hoarse
  Harmonizing even at the extreme。

  Knowing harmony say entireness
  Knowing entireness say luminous
  In accord with giving birth say happy
  The mind results in animus; say strong。

  Things reach the prime and then grow old?
  What is called this is without tao。
  What is without tao comes to an early end。


  Those who know are without words
  Those with words are without knowing。

  Corking its bottle
  Obstructing its door
  Blunting its sharpness
  Untying its tangles
  Harmonizing its brightness
  Being together with the dusty earth
  Appropriately called insightful togetherness。

  So one cannot obtain it yet be attached
  One cannot obtain it yet be detached
  One cannot obtain it yet benefit
  One cannot obtain it yet be harmed
  One cannot obtain it yet treasure
  One cannot obtain it yet consider as common。

  So it acts as the treasure of the world。


  When governing the nation happens correctly
  Surprising use of strategy happens。
  Absent of effort grabbing the world happens。

  Why do I know this is so?
  This just happens。

  The world has an abundance of prohibitions and taboos
  Yet people become increasingly inadequate
  People have an abundance of beneficial tools
  Confusion multiplies in the families of the nation
  Men have an abundance of skills and cleverness
  Surprising things arise and multiply
  Laws and decrees multiply conspicuously
  Robbers and thieves are present in abundance。

  So sages say
  I am absent of action yet people transform themselves
  I am fond of stillness yet people correct themselves
  I am absent of effort yet people are of themselveswealthy
  I am absent from desire yet people of themselvesexhibit true nature。


  They who administrate are covered; muffled
  Their people are pure; honest
  They who administrate are exacting; scrutinizing
  Their people are incomplete; deficient。

  Such misfortune!
  The place of happiness place is to lean upon it
  Such happiness!
  The place of misfortune is to be suppressed。

  Who knows its limit?
  It is absent from the correct。

  The correct returns; acting surprising
  The valued returns; acting as evil spirits。

  The dirt in the eye of men;
  It is solid; everyday; long…lasting。

  Appropriately it happens that sages are
  Square yet without cutting
  Pointed yet without piercing
  Straight yet not unbridled
  Bright yet not dazzling。


  In governing people
  Noone compares efforts of the heavens to restraint。

  In the end only restraint is appropriately called quickly resolving
  What is called quickly resolving has heavy accumulation of ideal。

  Following heavy accumulation of ideal
  Comes absence of lacking conquering
  Following absence of lacking conquering
  Noone knows limits
  When noone knows limits
  Presence of a nation can happen。

  In the presence of the mother of a nation
  Growth and longevity may happen。

  Appropriately called
  Deep roots; firm stalks; growth; life; longevity;looking at tao。


  Governing a great nation looks like cooking tiny fish。

  When it happens that tao is present in the world
  What is clever lacks spirit
  What is not clever lacks spirit
  What has spirit is not wounding man
  What has no spirit is not wounding man。

  Sages also are not wounding man。

  In the end both are without wounding each other
  So ideal is reached; merges; comes within。


  Those which are great nations flow and spread lower
  The intersection of the world
  The female of the world。

  The female entirely conquers the male through stillness
  It happens that stillness acts lower。

  So when a great nation is lower than a tiny nation
  It next grabs the tiny nation
  When a tiny nation is lower than a great nation
  It next grabs the great nation。

  So some are lower and it happens they grab
  Some are lower and yet they grab。

  Without fail a great nation desires to bring together and rear others
  Without fail a tiny nation desires to enter into the efforts of others。

  In the end for both of these to acquire their desired position
  Those which are great appropriately act low。


  That which is tao is treasurehouse for the 10000 things
  Treasure of the valuing man
  Place of refuge for the man who is not valuing。

  Embellished words can cause respect to be marketed
  Doing valued things can cause lavish praise to enter
  Men who are not valuing; why be rejecting their presence?

  So establish the emperor
  Install three ministers
  Even though it happens
  That the gift of the large jade disk is precededby a team of horses
  It can not compare to sitting; emulating this tao。

  Why did it happen that in ancient times
  There were those who treasured this tao?
  Did they go without saying
  Seek and finding happens
  Possess faults and escape from the anomalous happens?

  So it acts as the treasure of the world


  Acting absent of acting
  Effort absent of effort
  Tasting absent of tasting
  Great; small; abundant; few
  Repay hatred; ideal happens。

  Planning the difficult relates to what is easy
  Acting great relates to what is small
  The difficult efforts of the world seed doing related to what is easy
  The great efforts of the world seed doing relatedto what is small。

  Appropriately it happens
  That sages eventually lack great action
  So they are able to perfect what is great。

  In the end light promises seed scanty belief
  Abundant easiness seeds abundant difficulty。

  Appropriately it happens
  That sages see all things as being equally difficult
  So eventually an absence of difficulty is with them。


  What is peaceful is easily maintained
  What is not begun is easily planned
  What is fragile is easily shattered
  What is tiny is easily scat
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