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  If even nature cannot make them last;
  How much less can man?
  Following Tao; you are identified with Tao。
  Following power; you are identified with power。
  Abandoning Tao; you are identified with loss。
  Identify with Tao; and Tao welcomes you。
  Identify with power; and power welcomes you。
  Identify with loss; and loss welcomes you。
  If you don't trust enough; you won't be trusted。


  Standing on tiptoe is not standing firm。
  The longest strides will not carry you fastest。
  To show off is not to shine。
  These are all like too much food or excess baggage。


  Before the beginning there was something formless; yet complete;
  Silent and empty。
  Independent; unchanging; pervasive; unfailing。
  Mother of all things。
  If forced to name it; I would call it Great。
  Being great; it flows far away。
  Flowing far away; it returns。
  Man follows earth。
  Earth follows heaven。
  Heaven follows Tao。


  The weighty is the source of the light。
  Stillness is the master of activity。
  Truly; men of property travel all day; yet never leave their burdens。
  Even with magnificent scenery; they sit quietly and aloof。
  How can a ruler become less of a burden?
  Through lightness; the source is lost。
  Through activity; mastery is lost。


  A good traveler leaves no trail。
  A good speaker leaves no argument。
  A good planner needs no sketch。
  A good door needs no latch。
  A good binding needs no rope。
  Thus the sage is good at helping; so no one is rejected;
  Good at saving; so nothing is wasted。
  This is called Stealing the Light。
  Good is the model for bad; but bad is the origin of good。


  Know the male but keep to the female; and become the valley of theworld。
  As a valley; you have all your original powers; becoming like a baby。
  Know the light but stay in the dark; and become a model for the world。
  As a model; you have eternal power; returning to the beginning。
  Know honor but stay humble; and become valley of the universe。
  As valley of the universe; you are like uncarved wood。
  When the wood is cut up; it becomes tools。
  The sage uses the uncarved wood; and becomes a perfect tool。
  Truly; the greatest carver does the least cutting。


  How would you improve the universe?
  I see no way to finish the task。
  The universe is a holy vessel; and should not be tampered with。
  If you alter it; you will hurt it; if you hold it; you will lose it。
  Sometimes ahead; and sometimes behind;
  sometimes hot; and sometimes cold;
  sometimes strong; sometimes weak;
  sometimes building up; sometimes breaking down;
  thus the sage avoids extremes; excess and indulgence。


  A ruler in accord with Tao would oppose all conquest by force of arms。
  Force brings counterforce。
  Where armies are; thorns and brambles grow。
  Lean years follow great wars。
  A victory is just one outcome; so never take advantage of your victories。
  Anything that grows strong; ends up growing feeble。
  Needless force is in opposition to Tao。
  Those who oppose Tao; perish young。


  Fine weapons are instruments of misfortune; all creatures fear them。
  In peace we favor creation; at war we favor destruction。
  Weapons are tools of misfortune; not the tools of the wise。
  The sage uses them only as the very last; with calm restraint。
  Victory is no cause for rejoicing; victory comes from killing。
  If you enjoy killing; you can never be fulfilled。
  When victorious; celebrate as if at a funeral。


  Tao is forever undefined。
  Like uncarved wood; it seems insignificant; yet no one can commandit。
  If rulers could abide with it; they would rule everything。
  The universe would unify and rain the dew of peace;
  beyond anyone's command; evenly on all。
  When the uncarved wood is cut up; the parts need names。
  One must know when to stop cutting。
  All things flow to Tao; like rivers flowing to the sea。


  To understand others; is knowledge;
  to understand yourself; is enlightenment。
  To overcome others requires force;
  to overcome yourself requires strength。
  To be contented is to be rich。
  To be restless is to be always aspiring。
  But only what stays; endures。
  To die yet remain; is to be eternal。


  The great Tao flows everywhere。
  All things survive with it; and nothing is denied。
  Tao produces everything yet possesses nothing;
  covers all; but controls none。
  Being aimless; you may consider Tao small。
  Being the home of all things; you may consider it great。


  By using the best model; you can work without mistakes。
  By offering the best meals; you can attract the wayfarer。
  Tao is mild to the taste。
  It cannot be seen。
  It cannot be heard。
  It cannot be used up。


  That which shrinks must first expand。
  That which fails must first be strong。
  That which is cast down must first be raised up。
  In order to receive; you first must give。
  This is called Subtle Light。
  Gentleness overcomes strength:
  Like fish stay underwater;
  weapons should stay invisible。


  Tao never does; yet through it everything is done。
  If rulers would do likewise; all changes would occur by themself。
  When change causes craving; return to the state of uncarved wood。
  If there are no longer any pieces; then nothing is lacking。
  All is correct。


  A good person is not aware of goodness。
  A good person does nothing; yet leaves nothing undone。
  A kind person does things; and leaves nothing undone。
  A just person does things; and leaves much to be done。
  A dogmatic person does things; and nothing happens;
  so he pushes people around。
  Thus; after Tao is lost there arises goodness。
  After goodness is lost there arises kindness。
  After kindness is lost there arises justice。
  After justice is lost there arises ritual。
  Ritual is a thin shell; it is the beginning of chaos。
  The sage stands on the solid; not on the thin;
  Dwells in the fruit; not in the flower。


  Since the very beginning; things became whole。
  The sky became whole and clear。
  The earth became whole and firm。
  Spirits became whole and powerful。
  Valleys became whole and were filled。
  Creatures became whole and flourished。
  That which made them all; is also whole。
  Without wholeness; the sky shatters; the earth quakes;
  spirits wither; valleys crack; and all things perish。
  Gather all the parts of a wagon; and you still do not have a wagon。
  Rather than being like jangling jade; be like solid rock。


  Tao only moves by returning;
  only acts by yielding。
  All things come from being;
  being comes from not…being。


  When the wise hear Tao; they strain to follow it。
  When most hear Tao; they halfway believe it。
  When the foolish hear Tao; they laugh ou
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