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  If you spend your life filling your senses
  And rushing around 〃doing〃 things
  You will be beyond hope。
  To concern yourself with the beautiful and small
  is true wisdom。
  To foster gentleness is true strength。 Choose to do what is wise and
  return to wisdom
  Then you will avoid life's troubles。
  This is called practicing consistency。


  If I possess even a little wisdom
  Then while I walk in the light of the Tao
  My only fear is that I'l fal into 〃doing。〃
  The path of the Tao is obvious and simple;
  But most people prefer to take short…cuts。
  The courts of law are far from the people's hearts。
  The fields are ful of weeds; And the storehouses are empty。
  But look; here are officials in elegant apparel
  carrying sharp swords
  Eating and drinking until they are bloated;
  Possessed of such wealth that they could never use it all。
  I call this positively criminal。
  It is not the way of the Tao。


  One who is well grounded will not be uprooted。
  One who has a firm embrace will not let go。
  His descendants will faithfully carry on his tradition。
  Cultivate these things in yourself
  And you will have true goodness。
  Cultivate these in your family
  And goodness will increase。
  Cultivate these in your community
  And goodness will catch on。
  Cultivate these in your nation
  And goodness will overflow!
  Cultivate these in the World
  And goodness will fil the Universe。
  And so; let the self examine the self。
  Let the family consider the family。
  Let the community examine the community。
  Let the nation evaluate the nation。
  Let the World contemplate the World。
  How do I know the World is like this?
  Through these:
  Grounding and embracing。


  One who is filled with goodness is like a freshly…born infant。
  Wasps; scorpions and snakes will not bite her。
  Wild beasts will not attack her; nor will birds of prey pounce on her。
  Her bones may be fragile and her skin soft;
  But her grasp is firm。
  She does not recognize the union of male and female
  For she knows it only as an undivided whole。
  This is the essence of perfection。
  She can how All day and not get hoarse。
  This is perfect harmony。
  Knowing harmony is faithfulness。
  Knowing faithfulness is salvation。
  Trying to extend one's life…span is dangerous and unnatural。
  To manipulate one's energy with the mind is a powerfu thing
  But whoever possesses such strength invariably grows old and withers。
  This is not the way of the Tao。
  All those who do not follow the Tao will come to an early end。


  Those who know; do not speak。
  Those who speak; do not know。
  So shut your mouth
  Guard your senses
  Blunt your sharpness
  Untangle your affairs
  Soften your glare
  Be one with All dust。
  This is the mystery of union。
  You cannot approach it Yet you cannot escape it。
  You cannot benefit it
  Yet you cannot harm it。
  You cannot bestow any honor on it
  Yet you cannot rob it of its dignity。
  That is why the whole Universe reveres it。


  As a leader; lead properly。
  Don't resort to force in the usua ways。
  Win the World by 〃not…doing。〃
  How do I know to do this?
  Listen; the more laws and prohibitions there are
  The poorer the people become。
  The more dreadfu weapons you have
  The more chaotic the state of the nation。
  The more clever and advanced your knowledge
  The stranger things become。
  The more commandments and regulations you have
  The more thieves there are。
  Therefore the Sage who leads says:
  〃I practice 〃not…doing〃 and the people transform themselves。
  I enjoy peace and the people correct themselves。
  I stay out of their business affairs and the people prosper。
  I have no desires and the people; All by themselves;
  become simple and honest。〃


  When a government is unobtrusive
  The people are simple and honest。
  When a government is suspicious and strict
  The people are discontented and sneaky。
  Blessings are rooted in misery。
  Misery lurks behind blessing。
  Where does it ever end?
  There is no such thing as 〃normal。〃
  What seems norma is only an illusion;
  And what seems good is finally revealed to be monstrous。
  The people's confusion has lasted a very long time。
  Therefore the Sage is honest; but not judgmental
  Strong; but not injurious to others
  Straightforward; but not reckless
  Bright; but not blinding。


  In leading people and serving Heaven
  There is nothing better than moderation。
  In moderation; one is already following the Tao。
  When one follows the Tao; great goodness is abundant。
  When great goodness is in abundance;
  There is nothing that cannot be overcome。
  When there is nothing that cannot be overcome
  Then there are no limits。
  Having no limits; one can certainly govern a country。
  If you know the country's Mother; you will long endure。
  I call this having deep roots and a firm stalk。
  This is the Way of long life and great insight。


  Govern a big country as you would fry a smal fish。
  Approach the world with the Tao and evi will have no power。
  Not that evi has no power; but it will not harm people。
  Not that evi is not harmful;
  But the Sage is dedicated to not harming people…even evi people。
  When no one hurts another;
  All will eventually return to the good。


  A great country is like a low…lying lake where many rivers converge;
  A foca point for the Earth; the feminine Spirit of the World。
  The female always overcomes the male by stillness。
  Stillness is the lowest position。
  Therefore a big country; By placing itself below a smaller country
  Wil win the smaller country。
  And a smal country; By placing itself below a larger country
  Wil gain the large country。
  Therefore; by being humble; one gains
  And the other; being humble already; also gains。
  A great country needs to embrace the lowly。
  The smal country needs to serve others。
  Thus; both needs are satisfied
  And each gets what it wants。
  Remember; the great country should always humble itself。


  The Tao is the bosom of the Universe
  It is the good person's treasure
  And the bad person's refuge。
  Flattery may buy one's position
  And good deeds can win people over
  But if one's heart is not pure
  That is All the more reason to cling to the Tao!
  Therefore when a king is coronated;
  Crowned in ceremony;
  Presented with gifts of rare value; And escorted in luxury;
  All these things pale when compared to the humble gift of the Tao;
  offered in silence。
  Why did the Sages of old value the Tao so much?
  Because; when you seek; you find
  And when you sin; you are forgiven。
  That is why the Tao is the greatest treasure of the Universe。


  Do without 〃doing〃。
  Work without forcing。
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