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  If you do not oppress them; they will not weary of you。

  Therefore; True Persons know themselves
  but make no show of themselves。
  They know their value
  but do not exalt themselves。
  They prefer this within to that without。


  A person whose courage lies in daring will meet death。
  A person whose courage lies in not daring
  will encounter life。
  Of the two courses; either may be beneficial or harmful。

  Heaven dislikes what it dislikes。
  Who knows the reason why?
  Even the True Person has difficulty with such a question。

  The Tao of Heaven
  does not strive and yet it overcomes;
  does not speak and yet it gets responses;
  does not beckon and yet it attracts;
  is at ease and yet it follows a plan。

  The net of heaven is cast wide。
  Though the mesh is coarse; nothing ever slips through。


  When the people do not fear death;
  of what use is it to threaten them with death?
  If the people were always afraid of death
  and if those who did wrong
  would always be arrested and put to death;
  who would do wrong?

  There is always a Lord of Execution
  whose duty it is to kill。
  If you try to fill that function
  it is like trying to hew wood
  in place of a master carpenter。 You will probably injure your ownhands。


  Why are the people starving?
  Because their leaders eat up too much of the tax…grain;
  that is why the people are starving。
  Why are thc people difficult to govern?
  Because their leaders interfere;
  that is why the people are difficult to govern。
  Why do the people treat death lightly。
  Because their leaders are so grossly absorbed
  in the pursuit of living;
  that is why the people treat death lightly。

  Indeed; it is wiser to ignore life altogether
  than to place too high a value on it。


  At birth you are supple and soft。
  At death you are stiff and hard。
  Grass and trees are pliant and tender when living;
  but they are dry and brittle when dead。
  Therefore; the stiff and hard are attendants of death;
  the supple and soft are attendants of life。

  Thus; the hard weapon will be broken。
  The mighty tree will invite the axe。

  Therefore; the hard and mighty belong below;
  the yielding and gentle belong above。


  The way of heaven is like the bending of a bow。
  The high end is pulled down and the low end is raised up。
  The excessive is dirninished
  and the deficient is supplemented。

  It is the way of heaven to take where there is too much
  in order to give where there is not enough。
  The way of people is otherwise。
  They take where there is not enough
  in order to increase where there is already too much。
  Who will take from their own excesses
  and give to all under heaven?
  Only those who hold to the Tao。

  Therefore; the True Person benefits yet expects no reward;
  does the work and moves on。
  There is no desire to be considered better than others。


  Nothing under heaven is
  softer or more yielding than water。
  Yet it has no equal for attacking things
  that are hard and stiff。
  Nothing can withstand it。

  Everyone knows that the yielding overcomes the stiff;
  and the soft overcomes the hard。
  Yet no one applies this knowledge。

  Therefore; an Old One said:
  Only a person who has accept;ed the country's dirt
  is a leader worthy to offer sacrifice
  at its shrines of earth and grain。
  Only a person who takes llp the country's burdens
  deserves to be a leader
  among those who dwell under heaven。

  Straightforward words seem crooked。


  Even though a truce is made between great enemies;
  some enmity is bound to remain。
  How can this be beneficial?

  Therefore; the True Person
  undertakes the obligations of the agreerment
  but makes no claim upon others。
  The person who has Virtue shares with others。
  The person who lacks Virtue takes fron others。

  The way of heaven has no favorites;
  it always remains with what is good。


  In a small country with few people:
  Though there are machines that would increase
  production ten to a hundred miles
  they are not used。
  The people take death seriously and do not
  travel about。

  Though they have boats and carriages no one uses them。
  Though they have armor and weapons;
  there is no occasion to display them。

  The people give up writing
  and return to the knotting of cords。
  They are satisfied with their food。
  They are pleased with their clothes。
  They are content with their homes。
  They are happy in their simple ways。

  Even though they live within sight of another country
  and can hear dogs barking and cocks crowing in it;
  still the people grow old and die
  without ever coming into conflict。


  Sincere words are not elegant;
  elegant words are not sincere。
  The good person does not argue;
  the person who argues is not good。
  The wise do not have great learning;
  those with great learning are not wise。

  True Persons do not hoard。
  Using all they have for others; they still have more。
  Giving all they have to others; they are richer than before。

  The way of heaven is to benefit and not to harm。
  The way of the True Reason is to assist without striving
  in the unfolding of the story of the earth。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  Chinese … English by
  John H。 McDonald


  The tao that can be described
  is not the eternal Tao。
  The name that can be spoken
  is not the eternal Name。

  The nameless is the boundary of Heaven and Earth。
  The named is the mother of creation。

  Freed from desire; you can see the hidden mystery。
  By having desire; you can only see what is visibly real。

  Yet mystery and reality
  emerge from the same source。
  This source is called darkness。

  Darkness born from darkness。
  The beginning of all understanding。


  When people see things as beautiful;
  ugliness is created。
  When people see things as good;
  evil is created。

  Being and non…being produce each other。
  Difficult and easy complement each other。
  Long and short define each other。
  High and low oppose each other。
  Fore and aft follow each other。

  Therefore the Master
  can act without doing anything
  and teach without saying a word。
  Things come her way and she does not stop them;
  things leave and she lets them go。
  She has without possessing;
  and acts without any expectations。
  When her work is done; she takes no credit。
  That is why it will last forever。


  If you over esteem talented individuals;
  people will become overly competitive。
  If you overvalue possessions;
  people will begin to steal。

  Do not display your treasures
  or people will become envious。

  The Master
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