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  But his words are not understood。



  When conflict is reconciled; some hatred remains;
  How can this be put right?

  The sage accepts less than is due
  And does not blame or punish;
  For love seeks agreement
  Where justice seeks payment。

  The saints said: 〃Nature is impartial;
  Therefore it serves those who serve all。〃



  Imagine that there is a small country with few people;
  Who have a hundred times more than they need;
  Who love life and do not wander far;
  Who own ships but do no foreign trade;
  Who own weapons but do not threaten war;
  Who are literate but keep no histories;
  Who cook well; dress beautifully; dwell safely
  And delight in their own culture;
  But live within cock crow of their neighbours。

  People in such a place would never leave。


  The Sage

  Truth is not rhetorical;
  Therefore rhetoric is not true;
  Lovers do not contend;
  Therefore competitors do not love;
  The enlightened need no knowledge;
  Therefore the learned are not enlightened。

  The sage does not aim to increase himself;
  But the more he does for others the more he is satisfied;
  And the more he gives the more he gets。
  The best way is to benefit all and harm none;
  So the sage acheives his purpose without contention。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  English interpolation by
  Peter Merel


  The Way

  The Way that can be experienced is not true;
  The world that can be constructed is not true。
  The Way manifests all that happens and may happen;
  The world represents all that exists and may exist。
  To experience without intention is to sense the world;
  To experience with intention is to anticipate the world。
  These two experiences are indistinguishable;
  Their construction differs but their effect is the same。
  Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way;
  Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world。



  When beauty is abstracted
  Then ugliness has been implied;
  When good is abstracted
  Then evil has been implied。
  So alive and dead are abstracted from nature;
  Difficult and easy abstracted from progress;
  Long and short abstracted from contrast;
  High and low abstracted from depth;
  Song and speech abstracted from melody;
  After and before abstracted from sequence。
  The sage experiences without abstraction;
  And accomplishes without action;
  He accepts the ebb and flow of things;
  Nurtures them; but does not own them;
  And lives; but does not dwell。


  Without Action

  Not praising the worthy prevents contention;
  Not esteeming the valuable prevents theft;
  Not displaying the beautiful prevents desire。
  In this manner the sage governs people:
  Emptying their minds;
  Filling their bellies;
  Weakening their ambitions;
  And strengthening their bones。
  If people lack knowledge and desire
  Then they can not act;
  If no action is taken
  Harmony remains。



  The Way is a limitless vessel;
  Used by the self; it is not filled by the world;
  It cannot be cut; knotted; dimmed or stilled;
  Its depths are hidden; ubiquitous and eternal;
  I don't know where it comes from;
  It comes before nature。



  Nature is not kind;
  It treats all things impartially。
  The Sage is not kind;
  And treats all people impartially。
  Nature is like a bellows;
  Empty; yet never ceasing its supply。
  The more it moves; the more it yields;
  So the sage draws upon experience
  And cannot be exhausted。



  Experience is a riverbed;
  Its source hidden; forever flowing:
  Its entrance; the root of the world;
  The Way moves within it:
  Draw upon it; it will not run dry。



  Nature is complete because it does not serve itself。
  The sage places himself after and finds himself before;
  Ignores his desire and finds himself content。
  He is complete because he does not serve himself。



  The best of man is like water;
  Which benefits all things; and does not contend with them;
  Which flows in places that others disdain;
  Where it is in harmony with the Way。
  So the sage:
  Lives within nature;
  Thinks within the deep;
  Gives within impartiality;
  Speaks within trust;
  Governs within order;
  Crafts within ability;
  Acts within opportunity。
  He does not contend; and none contend against him。



  Fill a cup to its brim and it is easily spilled;
  Temper a sword to its hardest and it is easily broken;
  Amass the greatest treasure and it is easily stolen;
  Claim credit and honour and you easily fall;
  Retire once your purpose is achieved … this is natural。



  Embracing the Way; you become embraced;
  Breathing gently; you become newborn;
  Clearing your mind; you become clear;
  Nurturing your children; you become impartial;
  Opening your heart; you become accepted;
  Accepting the world; you embrace the Way。
  Bearing and nurturing;
  Creating but not owning;
  Giving without demanding;
  This is harmony。



  Thirty spokes meet at a nave;
  Because of the hole we may use the wheel。
  Clay is moulded into a vessel;
  Because of the hollow we may use the cup。
  Walls are built around a hearth;
  Because of the doors we may use the house。
  Thus tools come from what exists;
  But use from what does not。



  Too much colour blinds the eye;
  Too much music deafens the ear;
  Too much taste dulls the palate;
  Too much play maddens the mind;
  Too much desire tears the heart。
  In this manner the sage cares for people:
  He provides for the belly; not for the senses;
  He ignores abstraction and holds fast to substance。



  Both praise and blame cause concern;
  For they bring people hope and fear。
  The object of hope and fear is the self …
  For; without self; to whom may fortune and disaster occur?
  Who distinguishes himself from the world may be given the world;
  But who regards himself as the world may accept the world。



  Looked at but cannot be seen … it is beneath form;
  Listened to but cannot be heard … it is beneath sound;
  Held but cannot be touched … it is beneath feeling;
  These depthless things evade definition;
  And blend into a single mystery。
  In its rising there is no light;
  In its falling there is no darkness;
  A continuous thread beyond description;
  Lining what can not occur;
  Its form formless;
  Its image nothing;
  Its name silence;
  Follow it; it has no back;
  Meet it; it has no face。
  Attend the present to deal with the past;
  Thus y
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