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d to compel respect。
  Therefore: Whan the Tao is lost; power appears;
  When power is lost; loving…kindness appears;
  When loving…kindness is lost; justice appears;
  When justice is lost; ritual appears。
  Ritual is but the sahdow of faith and loyalty; and the beginning of confusion。
  Prediction of what is to come is doubtless an offshoot of the Tao; but the beginning of ignorant folly。
  Therefore; he who is truly great holds to the substance and not to the shadow;
  He holds to the main stem and not to the offshoot。
  Thus he disregards That and nurtures This。


  These things have from the beginning attained Unity:
  Earth; through Unity; is firm;
  Spirits; through Unity; are active;
  The Valley; through Unity; is brimming;
  All creatures; through Unity; multiply;
  Kings and princes; through Unity; govern the world;
  Yes: in all these things works Unity。
  If Heaven through Unity were not clear; it would be rent;
  If Earth through Unity were not firm; it would topple over;
  If Spirits through Unity were not active; they would shrivel away;
  If the Valley through Unity were not brimming; it would dry up;
  If all creatures through Unity did not multiply; they would die out;
  If kings and princes through Unity did not govern the world; they would be overthrown。
  For nobility has its roots in humility;
  And the high is built on a foundation that is low。
  Thus kings and princes speak of themselves as 〃ophans;〃 〃the lonely ones;〃 〃the unworthy〃;
  In this way they acknowledge that their might is rooted in the lowly? Surely this is so?
  For without the component parts of a waggon there is no waggon。
  The sages of old sought to be neither the isolated single gem; nor yet the common stone among other stones。


  The movement of the Tao is a returning。
  The chief method of the Tao is non…striving。
  All manifestations have their source in Being:
  Being has its source in Non…Being。


  When a man of highest wisdom is told about the Tao;
  He is eager to follow it。
  When a man of middling wisdom is told about the Tao;
  At times he follows it; at times he loses touch with it。
  When a man of no wisdom is told about the Tao;
  He laughs aloud;
  If he did not laugh at it; it could not rightly be named the Tao。
  For as a maekr of proverbs has truly siad:
  〃Enlightenment in the Tao seems like darkness;
  Progress in the Tao seems like regress〃;
  Evenness in the Tao seems like roughness;
  The highest virtue seems like the emptiness of a valley。
  The purest white seems murky;
  The most exalted virtue seems inadequate;
  The strongest virtue seems unstable;
  The most steadfast nature seems variable。
  For 〃the greatest square of all has no angles;
  The largest vessels are late brought to perfection;
  The highest note is scarcely heard;
  The greatest image has no shape。〃
  The Tao; in its secrecy; is nameless;
  Yet it is the Tao which is behine everyhting and brings all things to completion。


  From the Tao was born the One;
  From the One was born the Two;
  From the Two was born the Three;
  And from the Three all things proceeded。
  All creatures have the shadow at their backs and embrace the light;
  And the everlasting breath of life unites them。
  What men hate is to be orphaned; lonely; unworthy;
  But do not kings and princes often so describe themselves?
  〃For things by being diminished may be increased;
  And by being increased; diminished。〃
  What others teach; I will teach too。
  〃Those who are foolhardy and violent do not come to a natural end。〃
  On this maxim I too will base my teaching。


  The most yielding thing in the world
  Masters the hardest thing in the world。
  Its nothingness can penetrate even the impenetrable。
  That is how I know the value of non…action。
  But teaching without the use of words;
  And action that is non…action …
  How few in the world achieve this!


  Your fame; or yourself … which is the nearer to you?
  Your self; or your possessions … which is the more precious to you?
  Acquiring; or losing … which is the worse to you?
  He who sets his heart on things will spend wastefully;
  He who hoards greatest treasure will risk greatest loss。
  Therefore; to be content with enough is to risk no humiliation。
  He who knows when to be still escapes harm。
  He will endure。


  The greatest perfection seems inadequate;
  But it is unfailing in its usefulness;
  What is brimful seems empty;
  But it is inexhaustible in its usefulness。
  The completely straight seems crooked; the greatest skill seems awkward;
  The greatest eloquence seems like stammering。
  Activity overcomes cold;
  But stillness overcomes heat。
  Only by purity and stillness will the world be governed。


  When the Tao is reigning on the earth;
  Racehorses are harnessed to dung…carts;
  When the Tao is not reigning on the earth;
  War…horses are bred even in the fields outside the city walls。
  There is no greater fault than yielding to uncurbed desire;
  There is no greater unhappiness than discontent with what one has;
  No greater calamity than greed and craving。
  For 〃the content that comes from bwing content is an enduring content。〃


  Without going out of his own door
  A man may know the world;
  Without looking out of his own window
  A man man know the Tao of Heaven。
  For the farther one goes
  The less one knows。
  Thus it is with the Sage:
  He does not go forth; and yet he attains his goal;
  Although he does no look around him; he is able to give things their names;
  Without fuss he brings all to completion by Non…action。


  He who goes in search of knowledge adds to himself day after day;
  He who seeks the Tao sheds something form himself day after day;
  Shedding more and more;
  Until he attains Non…action。
  By Non…acton there is nothing that cannot be done。
  The Kingdom can only be achieved by not interfering;
  Those who busy themselves interferingly are not capable pf achieveing the Kingdom。


  The Sage's self is not a self for itself;
  He makes the people's self his self。
  I am good to the good;
  To the bad I am also good。
  For how shall Virtue express itself if not in goodness?
  I am candid to the candid;
  To those who are not frank I am also candid。
  How shall Virtue express itseld if not in candour?
  The Sage; always absorbing; lives in stillness in the world;
  But his heart is open to receive the conflicting impressions of the world。
  And the people of the world gaze at him round…eyed and agape;
  And he treats them as children。


  To go out from life is to enter death。
  The Knights of Life are thirteen;
  The Knights of Death are thirteen。
  And most men in living create thirteen vulnerable spots within themselves。
  How is that?
  Because they are so
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