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  cannot be described;
  and is beyond our understanding。
  It cannot be called by any name。

  Standing before it; it has no beginning;
  even when followed; it has no end。
  In the now; it exists; to the present apply it;
  follow it well; and reach its beginning。



  The sage of old was profound and wise;
  like a man at a ford; he took great care;
  alert; perceptive and aware。

  Desiring nothing for himself;
  and having no desire
  for change for its own sake;
  his actions were difficult to understand。

  Being watchful; he had no fear of danger;
  being responsive; he had no need of fear。

  He was courteous like a visiting guest;
  and as yielding as the springtime ice。
  Having no desires; he was untouched by craving。

  Receptive and mysterious;
  his knowledge was unfathomable;
  causing others to think him hesitant。

  Pure in heart; like uncut jade;
  he cleared the muddy water
  by leaving it alone。

  By remaining calm and active;
  the need for renewing is reduced。



  It is only by means of being
  that non…being may be found。

  When society changes
  from its natural state of flux;
  to that which seems like chaos;
  the inner world of the superior man
  remains uncluttered and at peace。
  By remaining still; his self detatched;
  he aids society in its return
  to the way of nature and of peace。
  The value of his insight may be clearly seen
  when chaos ceases。

  Being one with the Tao is to be at peace;
  and to be in conflict with it;
  leads to chaos and dysfunction。

  When the consistency of the Tao is known;
  the mind is receptive to its states of change。

  It is by being at one with the Tao;
  that the sage holds no prejudice
  against his fellow man。
  If accepted as a leader of men;
  he is held in high esteem。

  Throughout his life;
  both being and non…being;
  the Tao protects him。



  Man cannot comprehend the infinite;
  only knowing that the best exists;
  the second best is seen and praised;
  and the next; despised and feared。

  The sage does not expect that others
  use his criteria as their own。

  The existence of the leader who is wise
  is barely known to those he leads。
  He acts without unnecessary speech;
  so that the people say;
  〃It happened of its own accord〃。



  When the way of the Tao is forgotten;
  kindness and ethics need to be taught;
  men learn to pretend to be wise and good。

  All too often in the lives of men;
  filial piety and devotion
  arise only after conflict and strife;
  just as loyal ministers all too often appear;
  when the people are suppressed。



  It is better merely to live one's life;
  realizing one's potential;
  rather than wishing
  for sanctification。

  He who lives in filial piety and love
  has no need of ethical teaching。

  When cunning and profit are renounced;
  stealing and fraud will disappear。
  But ethics and kindness; and even wisdom;
  are insufficient in themselves。

  Better by far to see the simplicity
  of raw silk's beauty
  and the uncarved block;
  to be one with onself;
  and with one's brother。
  It is better by far
  to be one with the Tao;
  developing selflessness;
  tempering desire;
  removing the wish;
  but being compassionate。



  The sage is often envied
  because others do not know
  that although he is nourished by the Tao;
  like them; he too is mortal。

  He who seeks wisdom is well advised
  to give up academic ways;
  and put an end to striving。
  Then he will learn that yes and no
  are distinguished only by distinction。

  It is to the advantage of the sage
  that he does not fear what others fear;
  but it is to the advantage of others
  that they can enjoy the feast;
  or go walking; free of hindrance;
  through the terraced park in spring。

  The sage drifts like a cloud;
  having no specific place。
  Like a newborn babe before it smiles;
  he does not seek to communicate。
  In the eyes of those
  who have more than they need;
  the sage has nothing; and is a fool;
  prizing only that which of the Tao is born。

  The sage may seem to be perplexed;
  being neither bright nor clear;
  and to himself; sometimes he seems
  both dull and weak; confused and shy。
  Like the ocean at night;
  he is serene and quiet;
  but as penetrating as the winter wind。



  The greatest virtue is to follow the Tao;
  how it achieves ! without contriving。

  The essence of Tao is dark and mysterious;
  having; itself; no image or form。
  Yet through its non…being;
  are found image and form。
  The essence of Tao is deep and unfathomable;
  yet it may be known by not trying to know。



  Yield; and maintain integrity。
  To bend is to be upright;
  to be empty is to be full。

  Those who have little have much to gain;
  but those who have much
  may be confused by possessions。

  The wise man embraces the all encompassing;
  he is unaware of himself; and so has brilliance;
  not defending himself; he gains distinction;
  not seeking fame; he receives recognition;
  not making false claims; he does not falter;
  and not being quarrelsome;
  is in conflict with no one。

  This is why it was said by the sages of old;
  〃Yield; and maintain integrity;
  be whole; and all things come to you〃。
  ?br》 ?br》 ?br》 ?br》 ?br》 ?br》 ?br》 ?br》 ?br》


  Nature's way is to say but little;
  high winds are made still
  with the turn of the tide;
  and rarely last all morning;
  nor heavy rain; all day。
  Therefore; when talking;
  remember also
  to be silent and still。

  He who follows the natural way
  is always one with the Tao。
  He who is virtuous may experience virtue;
  whilst he who loses the natural way
  is easily lost himself。

  He who is at one with the Tao
  is at one with nature;
  and virtue always exists for he who has virtue。

  To accept the irrevocable
  is to let go of desire。

  He who does not have trust in others
  should not himself be trusted。


  He who stretches
  beyond his natural reach;
  does not stand firmly
  upon the ground;
  just as he
  who travels at a speed
  beyond his means;
  cannot maintain his pace。

  He who boasts
  is not enlightened;
  and he who is self…righteous
  does not gain respect
  from those who are meritous;
  thus; he gains nothing;
  and will fall into disrepute。

  Since striving;
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